Your IP :
# $Id: 9283 2022-11-28 23:55:57Z milde $
# Author: David Goodger <>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
Miscellaneous utilities for the documentation utilities.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import sys
import os
import os.path
from pathlib import PurePath, Path
import re
import itertools
import warnings
import unicodedata
from docutils import ApplicationError, DataError, __version_info__
from docutils import io, nodes
# for backwards compatibility
from docutils.nodes import unescape # noqa: F401
class SystemMessage(ApplicationError):
def __init__(self, system_message, level):
Exception.__init__(self, system_message.astext())
self.level = level
class SystemMessagePropagation(ApplicationError):
class Reporter:
Info/warning/error reporter and ``system_message`` element generator.
Five levels of system messages are defined, along with corresponding
methods: `debug()`, `info()`, `warning()`, `error()`, and `severe()`.
There is typically one Reporter object per process. A Reporter object is
instantiated with thresholds for reporting (generating warnings) and
halting processing (raising exceptions), a switch to turn debug output on
or off, and an I/O stream for warnings. These are stored as instance
When a system message is generated, its level is compared to the stored
thresholds, and a warning or error is generated as appropriate. Debug
messages are produced if the stored debug switch is on, independently of
other thresholds. Message output is sent to the stored warning stream if
not set to ''.
The Reporter class also employs a modified form of the "Observer" pattern
[GoF95]_ to track system messages generated. The `attach_observer` method
should be called before parsing, with a bound method or function which
accepts system messages. The observer can be removed with
`detach_observer`, and another added in its place.
.. [GoF95] Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. *Design Patterns: Elements of
Reusable Object-Oriented Software*. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA,
"""List of names for system message levels, indexed by level."""
# system message level constants:
SEVERE_LEVEL) = range(5)
def __init__(self, source, report_level, halt_level, stream=None,
debug=False, encoding=None, error_handler='backslashreplace'):
- `source`: The path to or description of the source data.
- `report_level`: The level at or above which warning output will
be sent to `stream`.
- `halt_level`: The level at or above which `SystemMessage`
exceptions will be raised, halting execution.
- `debug`: Show debug (level=0) system messages?
- `stream`: Where warning output is sent. Can be file-like (has a
``.write`` method), a string (file name, opened for writing),
'' (empty string) or `False` (for discarding all stream messages)
or `None` (implies `sys.stderr`; default).
- `encoding`: The output encoding.
- `error_handler`: The error handler for stderr output encoding.
self.source = source
"""The path to or description of the source data."""
self.error_handler = error_handler
"""The character encoding error handler."""
self.debug_flag = debug
"""Show debug (level=0) system messages?"""
self.report_level = report_level
"""The level at or above which warning output will be sent
to ``."""
self.halt_level = halt_level
"""The level at or above which `SystemMessage` exceptions
will be raised, halting execution."""
if not isinstance(stream, io.ErrorOutput):
stream = io.ErrorOutput(stream, encoding, error_handler) = stream
"""Where warning output is sent."""
self.encoding = encoding or getattr(stream, 'encoding', 'ascii')
"""The output character encoding."""
self.observers = []
"""List of bound methods or functions to call with each system_message
self.max_level = -1
"""The highest level system message generated so far."""
def set_conditions(self, category, report_level, halt_level,
stream=None, debug=False):
warnings.warn('docutils.utils.Reporter.set_conditions() deprecated; '
'Will be removed in Docutils 0.21 or later. '
'Set attributes via configuration settings or directly.',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
self.report_level = report_level
self.halt_level = halt_level
if not isinstance(stream, io.ErrorOutput):
stream = io.ErrorOutput(stream, self.encoding, self.error_handler) = stream
self.debug_flag = debug
def attach_observer(self, observer):
The `observer` parameter is a function or bound method which takes one
argument, a `nodes.system_message` instance.
def detach_observer(self, observer):
def notify_observers(self, message):
for observer in self.observers:
def system_message(self, level, message, *children, **kwargs):
Return a system_message object.
Raise an exception or generate a warning if appropriate.
# `message` can be a `str` or `Exception` instance.
if isinstance(message, Exception):
message = str(message)
attributes = kwargs.copy()
if 'base_node' in kwargs:
source, line = get_source_line(kwargs['base_node'])
del attributes['base_node']
if source is not None:
attributes.setdefault('source', source)
if line is not None:
attributes.setdefault('line', line)
# assert source is not None, "line- but no source-argument"
if 'source' not in attributes:
# 'line' is absolute line number
source, line = self.get_source_and_line(attributes.get('line'))
except AttributeError:
source, line = None, None
if source is not None:
attributes['source'] = source
if line is not None:
attributes['line'] = line
# assert attributes['line'] is not None, (message, kwargs)
# assert attributes['source'] is not None, (message, kwargs)
attributes.setdefault('source', self.source)
msg = nodes.system_message(message, level=level,
*children, **attributes)
if and (level >= self.report_level
or self.debug_flag and level == self.DEBUG_LEVEL
or level >= self.halt_level): + '\n')
if level >= self.halt_level:
raise SystemMessage(msg, level)
if level > self.DEBUG_LEVEL or self.debug_flag:
self.max_level = max(level, self.max_level)
return msg
def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
Level-0, "DEBUG": an internal reporting issue. Typically, there is no
effect on the processing. Level-0 system messages are handled
separately from the others.
if self.debug_flag:
return self.system_message(self.DEBUG_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
Level-1, "INFO": a minor issue that can be ignored. Typically there is
no effect on processing, and level-1 system messages are not reported.
return self.system_message(self.INFO_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
Level-2, "WARNING": an issue that should be addressed. If ignored,
there may be unpredictable problems with the output.
return self.system_message(self.WARNING_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
def error(self, *args, **kwargs):
Level-3, "ERROR": an error that should be addressed. If ignored, the
output will contain errors.
return self.system_message(self.ERROR_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
def severe(self, *args, **kwargs):
Level-4, "SEVERE": a severe error that must be addressed. If ignored,
the output will contain severe errors. Typically level-4 system
messages are turned into exceptions which halt processing.
return self.system_message(self.SEVERE_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
class ExtensionOptionError(DataError): pass
class BadOptionError(ExtensionOptionError): pass
class BadOptionDataError(ExtensionOptionError): pass
class DuplicateOptionError(ExtensionOptionError): pass
def extract_extension_options(field_list, options_spec):
Return a dictionary mapping extension option names to converted values.
- `field_list`: A flat field list without field arguments, where each
field body consists of a single paragraph only.
- `options_spec`: Dictionary mapping known option names to a
conversion function such as `int` or `float`.
- `KeyError` for unknown option names.
- `ValueError` for invalid option values (raised by the conversion
- `TypeError` for invalid option value types (raised by conversion
- `DuplicateOptionError` for duplicate options.
- `BadOptionError` for invalid fields.
- `BadOptionDataError` for invalid option data (missing name,
missing data, bad quotes, etc.).
option_list = extract_options(field_list)
return assemble_option_dict(option_list, options_spec)
def extract_options(field_list):
Return a list of option (name, value) pairs from field names & bodies.
`field_list`: A flat field list, where each field name is a single
word and each field body consists of a single paragraph only.
- `BadOptionError` for invalid fields.
- `BadOptionDataError` for invalid option data (missing name,
missing data, bad quotes, etc.).
option_list = []
for field in field_list:
if len(field[0].astext().split()) != 1:
raise BadOptionError(
'extension option field name may not contain multiple words')
name = str(field[0].astext().lower())
body = field[1]
if len(body) == 0:
data = None
elif (len(body) > 1
or not isinstance(body[0], nodes.paragraph)
or len(body[0]) != 1
or not isinstance(body[0][0], nodes.Text)):
raise BadOptionDataError(
'extension option field body may contain\n'
'a single paragraph only (option "%s")' % name)
data = body[0][0].astext()
option_list.append((name, data))
return option_list
def assemble_option_dict(option_list, options_spec):
Return a mapping of option names to values.
- `option_list`: A list of (name, value) pairs (the output of
- `options_spec`: Dictionary mapping known option names to a
conversion function such as `int` or `float`.
- `KeyError` for unknown option names.
- `DuplicateOptionError` for duplicate options.
- `ValueError` for invalid option values (raised by conversion
- `TypeError` for invalid option value types (raised by conversion
options = {}
for name, value in option_list:
convertor = options_spec[name] # raises KeyError if unknown
if convertor is None:
raise KeyError(name) # or if explicitly disabled
if name in options:
raise DuplicateOptionError('duplicate option "%s"' % name)
options[name] = convertor(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as detail:
raise detail.__class__('(option: "%s"; value: %r)\n%s'
% (name, value, ' '.join(detail.args)))
return options
class NameValueError(DataError): pass
def decode_path(path):
Ensure `path` is Unicode. Return `str` instance.
Decode file/path string in a failsafe manner if not already done.
# TODO: is this still required with Python 3?
if isinstance(path, str):
return path
path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'strict')
except AttributeError: # default value None has no decode method
if not path:
return ''
raise ValueError('`path` value must be a String or ``None``, '
f'not {path!r}')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
path = path.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
path = path.decode('ascii', 'replace')
return path
def extract_name_value(line):
Return a list of (name, value) from a line of the form "name=value ...".
`NameValueError` for invalid input (missing name, missing data, bad
quotes, etc.).
attlist = []
while line:
equals = line.find('=')
if equals == -1:
raise NameValueError('missing "="')
attname = line[:equals].strip()
if equals == 0 or not attname:
raise NameValueError(
'missing attribute name before "="')
line = line[equals+1:].lstrip()
if not line:
raise NameValueError(
'missing value after "%s="' % attname)
if line[0] in '\'"':
endquote = line.find(line[0], 1)
if endquote == -1:
raise NameValueError(
'attribute "%s" missing end quote (%s)'
% (attname, line[0]))
if len(line) > endquote + 1 and line[endquote + 1].strip():
raise NameValueError(
'attribute "%s" end quote (%s) not followed by '
'whitespace' % (attname, line[0]))
data = line[1:endquote]
line = line[endquote+1:].lstrip()
space = line.find(' ')
if space == -1:
data = line
line = ''
data = line[:space]
line = line[space+1:].lstrip()
attlist.append((attname.lower(), data))
return attlist
def new_reporter(source_path, settings):
Return a new Reporter object.
`source` : string
The path to or description of the source text of the document.
`settings` : optparse.Values object
Runtime settings.
reporter = Reporter(
source_path, settings.report_level, settings.halt_level,
stream=settings.warning_stream, debug=settings.debug,
return reporter
def new_document(source_path, settings=None):
Return a new empty document object.
`source_path` : string
The path to or description of the source text of the document.
`settings` : optparse.Values object
Runtime settings. If none are provided, a default core set will
be used. If you will use the document object with any Docutils
components, you must provide their default settings as well.
For example, if parsing rST, at least provide the rst-parser
settings, obtainable as follows:
Defaults for parser component::
settings = docutils.frontend.get_default_settings(
Defaults and configuration file customizations::
settings = docutils.core.Publisher(
# Import at top of module would lead to circular dependency!
from docutils import frontend
if settings is None:
settings = frontend.get_default_settings()
source_path = decode_path(source_path)
reporter = new_reporter(source_path, settings)
document = nodes.document(settings, reporter, source=source_path)
document.note_source(source_path, -1)
return document
def clean_rcs_keywords(paragraph, keyword_substitutions):
if len(paragraph) == 1 and isinstance(paragraph[0], nodes.Text):
textnode = paragraph[0]
for pattern, substitution in keyword_substitutions:
match =
if match:
paragraph[0] = nodes.Text(pattern.sub(substitution, textnode))
def relative_path(source, target):
Build and return a path to `target`, relative to `source` (both files).
Differences to `os.relpath()`:
* Inverse argument order.
* `source` expects path to a FILE (while os.relpath expects a dir)!
(Add a "dummy" file name if `source` points to a directory.)
* Always use Posix path separator ("/") for the output.
* Use `os.sep` for parsing the input (ignored by `os.relpath()`).
* If there is no common prefix, return the absolute path to `target`.
source_parts = os.path.abspath(source or type(target)('dummy_file')
target_parts = os.path.abspath(target).split(os.sep)
# Check first 2 parts because '/dir'.split('/') == ['', 'dir']:
if source_parts[:2] != target_parts[:2]:
# Nothing in common between paths.
# Return absolute path, using '/' for URLs:
return '/'.join(target_parts)
while (source_parts and target_parts
and source_parts[-1] == target_parts[-1]):
# Remove path components in common:
parts = ['..'] * (len(source_parts) - 1) + target_parts
return '/'.join(parts)
def get_stylesheet_reference(settings, relative_to=None):
Retrieve a stylesheet reference from the settings object.
Deprecated. Use get_stylesheet_list() instead to
enable specification of multiple stylesheets as a comma-separated
' is obsoleted by utils.get_stylesheet_list()'
' and will be removed in Docutils 2.0.',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if settings.stylesheet_path:
assert not settings.stylesheet, (
'stylesheet and stylesheet_path are mutually exclusive.')
if relative_to is None:
relative_to = settings._destination
return relative_path(relative_to, settings.stylesheet_path)
return settings.stylesheet
# Return 'stylesheet' or 'stylesheet_path' arguments as list.
# The original settings arguments are kept unchanged: you can test
# with e.g. ``if settings.stylesheet_path: ...``.
# Differences to the depracated `get_stylesheet_reference()`:
# * return value is a list
# * no re-writing of the path (and therefore no optional argument)
# (if required, use ``utils.relative_path(source, target)``
# in the calling script)
def get_stylesheet_list(settings):
Retrieve list of stylesheet references from the settings object.
assert not (settings.stylesheet and settings.stylesheet_path), (
'stylesheet and stylesheet_path are mutually exclusive.')
stylesheets = settings.stylesheet_path or settings.stylesheet or []
# programmatically set default may be string with comma separated list:
if not isinstance(stylesheets, list):
stylesheets = [path.strip() for path in stylesheets.split(',')]
if settings.stylesheet_path:
# expand relative paths if found in stylesheet-dirs:
stylesheets = [find_file_in_dirs(path, settings.stylesheet_dirs)
for path in stylesheets]
return stylesheets
def find_file_in_dirs(path, dirs):
Search for `path` in the list of directories `dirs`.
Return the first expansion that matches an existing file.
path = Path(path)
if path.is_absolute():
return path.as_posix()
for d in dirs:
f = Path(d).expanduser() / path
if f.exists():
return f.as_posix()
return path.as_posix()
def get_trim_footnote_ref_space(settings):
Return whether or not to trim footnote space.
If trim_footnote_reference_space is not None, return it.
If trim_footnote_reference_space is None, return False unless the
footnote reference style is 'superscript'.
if settings.setdefault('trim_footnote_reference_space', None) is None:
return getattr(settings, 'footnote_references', None) == 'superscript'
return settings.trim_footnote_reference_space
def get_source_line(node):
Return the "source" and "line" attributes from the `node` given or from
its closest ancestor.
while node:
if node.source or node.line:
return node.source, node.line
node = node.parent
return None, None
def escape2null(text):
"""Return a string with escape-backslashes converted to nulls."""
parts = []
start = 0
while True:
found = text.find('\\', start)
if found == -1:
return ''.join(parts)
parts.append('\x00' + text[found+1:found+2])
start = found + 2 # skip character after escape
def split_escaped_whitespace(text):
Split `text` on escaped whitespace (null+space or null+newline).
Return a list of strings.
strings = text.split('\x00 ')
strings = [string.split('\x00\n') for string in strings]
# flatten list of lists of strings to list of strings:
return list(itertools.chain(*strings))
def strip_combining_chars(text):
return ''.join(c for c in text if not unicodedata.combining(c))
def find_combining_chars(text):
"""Return indices of all combining chars in Unicode string `text`.
>>> from docutils.utils import find_combining_chars
>>> find_combining_chars('A t̆ab̆lĕ')
[3, 6, 9]
return [i for i, c in enumerate(text) if unicodedata.combining(c)]
def column_indices(text):
"""Indices of Unicode string `text` when skipping combining characters.
>>> from docutils.utils import column_indices
>>> column_indices('A t̆ab̆lĕ')
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
# TODO: account for asian wide chars here instead of using dummy
# replacements in the tableparser?
string_indices = list(range(len(text)))
for index in find_combining_chars(text):
string_indices[index] = None
return [i for i in string_indices if i is not None]
east_asian_widths = {'W': 2, # Wide
'F': 2, # Full-width (wide)
'Na': 1, # Narrow
'H': 1, # Half-width (narrow)
'N': 1, # Neutral (not East Asian, treated as narrow)
'A': 1, # Ambiguous (s/b wide in East Asian context,
} # narrow otherwise, but that doesn't work)
"""Mapping of result codes from `unicodedata.east_asian_widt()` to character
column widths."""
def column_width(text):
"""Return the column width of text.
Correct ``len(text)`` for wide East Asian and combining Unicode chars.
width = sum(east_asian_widths[unicodedata.east_asian_width(c)]
for c in text)
# correction for combining chars:
width -= len(find_combining_chars(text))
return width
def uniq(L):
r = []
for item in L:
if item not in r:
return r
def normalize_language_tag(tag):
"""Return a list of normalized combinations for a `BCP 47` language tag.
>>> from docutils.utils import normalize_language_tag
>>> normalize_language_tag('de_AT-1901')
['de-at-1901', 'de-at', 'de-1901', 'de']
>>> normalize_language_tag('de-CH-x_altquot')
['de-ch-x-altquot', 'de-ch', 'de-x-altquot', 'de']
# normalize:
tag = tag.lower().replace('-', '_')
# split (except singletons, which mark the following tag as non-standard):
tag = re.sub(r'_([a-zA-Z0-9])_', r'_\1-', tag)
subtags = [subtag for subtag in tag.split('_')]
base_tag = (subtags.pop(0),)
# find all combinations of subtags
taglist = []
for n in range(len(subtags), 0, -1):
for tags in itertools.combinations(subtags, n):
taglist += base_tag
return taglist
def xml_declaration(encoding=None):
"""Return an XML text declaration.
Include an encoding declaration, if `encoding`
is not 'unicode', '', or None.
if encoding and encoding.lower() != 'unicode':
encoding_declaration = f' encoding="{encoding}"'
encoding_declaration = ''
return f'<?xml version="1.0"{encoding_declaration}?>\n'
class DependencyList:
List of dependencies, with file recording support.
Note that the output file is not automatically closed. You have
to explicitly call the close() method.
def __init__(self, output_file=None, dependencies=()):
Initialize the dependency list, automatically setting the
output file to `output_file` (see `set_output()`) and adding
all supplied dependencies.
If output_file is None, no file output is done when calling add().
self.list = []
self.file = None
if output_file:
def set_output(self, output_file):
Set the output file and clear the list of already added
`output_file` must be a string. The specified file is
immediately overwritten.
If output_file is '-', the output will be written to stdout.
if output_file:
if output_file == '-':
self.file = sys.stdout
self.file = open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
def add(self, *paths):
Append `path` to `self.list` unless it is already there.
Also append to `self.file` unless it is already there
or `self.file is `None`.
for path in paths:
if isinstance(path, PurePath):
path = path.as_posix() # use '/' as separator
if path not in self.list:
if self.file is not None:
def close(self):
Close the output file.
if self.file is not sys.stdout:
self.file = None
def __repr__(self):
output_file =
except AttributeError:
output_file = None
return '%s(%r, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, output_file, self.list)
release_level_abbreviations = {
'alpha': 'a',
'beta': 'b',
'candidate': 'rc',
'final': ''}
def version_identifier(version_info=None):
Return a version identifier string built from `version_info`, a
`docutils.VersionInfo` namedtuple instance or compatible tuple. If
`version_info` is not provided, by default return a version identifier
string based on `docutils.__version_info__` (i.e. the current Docutils
if version_info is None:
version_info = __version_info__
if version_info.micro:
micro = '.%s' % version_info.micro
# 0 is omitted:
micro = ''
releaselevel = release_level_abbreviations[version_info.releaselevel]
if version_info.serial:
serial = version_info.serial
# 0 is omitted:
serial = ''
if version_info.release:
dev = ''
dev = '.dev'
version = '%s.%s%s%s%s%s' % (
return version