Your IP :
# $Id: 9258 2022-11-21 14:51:43Z milde $
# Authors: David Goodger <>; Ueli Schlaepfer
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
This package contains Docutils Reader modules.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
from importlib import import_module
from docutils import utils, parsers, Component
from docutils.transforms import universal
class Reader(Component):
Abstract base class for docutils Readers.
Each reader module or package must export a subclass also called 'Reader'.
The two steps of a Reader's responsibility are to read data from the
source Input object and parse the data with the Parser object.
Call `read()` to process a document.
component_type = 'reader'
config_section = 'readers'
def get_transforms(self):
return super().get_transforms() + [universal.Decorations,
def __init__(self, parser=None, parser_name=None):
Initialize the Reader instance.
Several instance attributes are defined with dummy initial values.
Subclasses may use these attributes as they wish.
self.parser = parser
"""A `parsers.Parser` instance shared by all doctrees. May be left
unspecified if the document source determines the parser."""
if parser is None and parser_name:
self.source = None
"""`` IO object, source of input data."""
self.input = None
"""Raw text input; either a single string or, for more complex cases,
a collection of strings."""
def set_parser(self, parser_name):
"""Set `self.parser` by name."""
parser_class = parsers.get_parser_class(parser_name)
self.parser = parser_class()
def read(self, source, parser, settings):
self.source = source
if not self.parser:
self.parser = parser
self.settings = settings
self.input =
return self.document
def parse(self):
"""Parse `self.input` into a document tree."""
self.document = document = self.new_document()
self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
document.current_source = document.current_line = None
def new_document(self):
"""Create and return a new empty document tree (root node)."""
return utils.new_document(self.source.source_path, self.settings)
class ReReader(Reader):
A reader which rereads an existing document tree (e.g. a
Often used in conjunction with `writers.UnfilteredWriter`.
def get_transforms(self):
# Do not add any transforms. They have already been applied
# by the reader which originally created the document.
return Component.get_transforms(self)
_reader_aliases = {}
def get_reader_class(reader_name):
"""Return the Reader class from the `reader_name` module."""
name = reader_name.lower()
name = _reader_aliases.get(name, name)
module = import_module('docutils.readers.'+name)
except ImportError:
module = import_module(name)
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(f'Reader "{reader_name}" not found. {err}')
return module.Reader