Your IP :
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, tzinfo as TZInfo
from typing import Optional, Callable, Type, Tuple, Dict, Any, cast, overload
class Queue(list):
delta: float
delta_delta: float
delta_type: str
def __init__(self, delta: Optional[float], delta_delta: float, delta_type: str):
if delta is None: = 0
self.delta_delta = delta_delta
else: = delta
self.delta_delta = 0
self.delta_type = delta_type
def advance_next(self, delta: timedelta) -> None:
self[-1] += delta
def next(self) -> 'MockedCurrent':
instance = self.pop(0)
if not self: += self.delta_delta
n = instance + timedelta(**{self.delta_type:})
return instance
class MockedCurrent:
_mock_queue: Queue
_mock_base_class: Type
_mock_class: Type
_mock_tzinfo: Optional[TZInfo]
_mock_date_type: Type[date]
_correct_mock_type: Callable = None
def __init_subclass__(
concrete: bool = False,
queue: Queue = None,
strict: bool = None,
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
date_type: Type[date] = None
if concrete:
cls._mock_queue = queue
cls._mock_base_class = cls.__bases__[0].__bases__[1]
cls._mock_class = cls if strict else cls._mock_base_class
cls._mock_tzinfo = tzinfo
cls._mock_date_type = date_type
def add(cls, *args, **kw):
if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7:
raise TypeError('Cannot add using tzinfo on %s' % cls.__name__)
if args and isinstance(args[0], cls._mock_base_class):
instance = args[0]
instance_tzinfo = getattr(instance, 'tzinfo', None)
if instance_tzinfo:
if instance_tzinfo != cls._mock_tzinfo:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot add %s with tzinfo of %s as configured to use %s' % (
instance.__class__.__name__, instance_tzinfo, cls._mock_tzinfo
instance = instance.replace(tzinfo=None)
if cls._correct_mock_type:
instance = cls._correct_mock_type(instance)
instance = cls(*args, **kw)
def set(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
cls.add(*args, **kw)
def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
if kw:
delta = timedelta(**kw)
delta, = args
def __add__(self, other) -> 'MockedCurrent':
instance = super().__add__(other)
if self._correct_mock_type:
instance = self._correct_mock_type(instance)
return instance
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
if cls is cls._mock_class:
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
return cls._mock_class(*args, **kw)
def mock_factory(
type_name: str,
mock_class: Type[MockedCurrent],
default: Tuple[int, ...],
args: tuple,
kw: Dict[str, Any],
delta: Optional[float],
delta_type: str,
delta_delta: float = 1,
date_type: Type[date] = None,
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
strict: bool = False
cls = cast(Type[MockedCurrent], type(
queue=Queue(delta, delta_delta, delta_type),
if args != (None,):
if not (args or kw):
args = default
cls.add(*args, **kw)
return cls
class MockDateTime(MockedCurrent, datetime):
def add(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
tzinfo: TZInfo = ...,
) -> None:
def add(
instance: datetime,
) -> None:
def add(cls, *args, **kw):
This will add the :class:`datetime.datetime` created from the
supplied parameters to the queue of datetimes to be returned by
:meth:`` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`. An instance
of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
positional argument.
return super().add(*args, **kw)
def set(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
tzinfo: TZInfo = ...,
) -> None:
def set(
instance: datetime,
) -> None:
def set(cls, *args, **kw):
This will set the :class:`datetime.datetime` created from the
supplied parameters as the next datetime to be returned by
:meth:`` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`, clearing out
any datetimes in the queue. An instance
of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
positional argument.
return super().set(*args, **kw)
def tick(
days: float = ...,
seconds: float = ...,
microseconds: float = ...,
milliseconds: float = ...,
minutes: float = ...,
hours: float = ...,
weeks: float = ...,
) -> None:
def tick(
delta: timedelta, # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
) -> None:
def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.
The :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next datetime
to be returned by :meth:`` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`.
return super().tick(*args, **kw)
def _correct_mock_type(cls, instance):
return cls._mock_class(
def now(cls, tz: TZInfo = None) -> datetime:
:param tz: An optional timezone to apply to the returned time.
If supplied, it must be an instance of a
:class:`~datetime.tzinfo` subclass.
This will return the next supplied or calculated datetime from the
internal queue, rather than the actual current datetime.
If `tz` is supplied, see :ref:`timezones`.
instance = cast(datetime,
if tz is not None:
if cls._mock_tzinfo:
instance = instance - cls._mock_tzinfo.utcoffset(instance)
instance = tz.fromutc(instance.replace(tzinfo=tz))
return cls._correct_mock_type(instance)
def utcnow(cls) -> datetime:
This will return the next supplied or calculated datetime from the
internal queue, rather than the actual current UTC datetime.
If you care about timezones, see :ref:`timezones`.
instance = cast(datetime,
if cls._mock_tzinfo is not None:
instance = instance - cls._mock_tzinfo.utcoffset(instance)
return instance
def date(self) -> date:
This will return the date component of the current mock instance,
but using the date type supplied when the mock class was created.
return self._mock_date_type(
def mock_datetime(
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_datetime(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_datetime(
default: datetime,
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_datetime(
default: None, # explicit None positional
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_datetime(
tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
.. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime
A function that returns a mock object that can be used in place of
the :class:`datetime.datetime` class but where the return value of
:meth:`` can be controlled.
If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
queue of datetimes to be returned will be empty and you will need to
call :meth:`~MockDateTime.set` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.add` before calling
:meth:`` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`.
If an instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` is passed as a single
positional argument, that will be used as the first date returned by
:param year:
An optional year used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param month:
An optional month used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param day:
An optional day used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param hour:
An optional hour used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param minute:
An optional minute used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param second:
An optional second used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:``.
:param microsecond:
An optional microsecond used to create the first datetime returned by
:param tzinfo:
An optional :class:`datetime.tzinfo`, see :ref:`timezones`.
:param delta:
The size of the delta to use between values returned from mocked class methods.
If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to :meth:``.
:param delta_type:
The type of the delta to use between values returned from mocked class methods.
This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.
:param date_type:
The type to use for the return value of the mocked class methods.
This can help with gotchas that occur when type checking is performed on values returned
by the :meth:`` method.
:param strict:
If ``True``, calling the mock class and any of its methods will result in an instance of
the mock being returned. If ``False``, the default, an instance of
:class:`~datetime.datetime` will be returned instead.
The mock returned will behave exactly as the :class:`datetime.datetime` class
as well as being a subclass of :class:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockDateTime`.
if len(args) > 7:
tzinfo = args[7]
args = args[:7]
tzinfo = tzinfo or (getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None) if args else None)
return cast(Type[MockDateTime], mock_factory(
(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
class MockDate(MockedCurrent, date):
def _correct_mock_type(cls, instance):
return cls._mock_class(
def add(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
) -> None:
def add(
instance: date,
) -> None:
def add(cls, *args, **kw):
This will add the :class:`` created from the
supplied parameters to the queue of dates to be returned by
:meth:``. An instance
of :class:`` may also be passed as a single
positional argument.
return super().add(*args, **kw)
def set(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
) -> None:
def set(
instance: date,
) -> None:
def set(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
This will set the :class:`` created from the
supplied parameters as the next date to be returned by
:meth:``, regardless of any dates in the
queue. An instance
of :class:`` may also be passed as a single
positional argument.
return super().set(*args, **kw)
def tick(
days: float = ...,
weeks: float = ...,
) -> None:
def tick(
delta: timedelta, # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
) -> None:
def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.
The :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next date
to be returned by :meth:``.
return super().tick(*args, **kw)
def today(cls) -> date:
This will return the next supplied or calculated date from the
internal queue, rather than the actual current date.
return cast(date,
def mock_date(
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = None,
date_type: Type[date] = date,
strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDate]:
def mock_date(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'days',
strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:
def mock_date(
default: date,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'days',
strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:
def mock_date(
default: None, # explicit None positional
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'days',
strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:
def mock_date(
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'days',
strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:
.. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime
A function that returns a mock object that can be used in place of
the :class:`` class but where the return value of
:meth:`` can be controlled.
If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
queue of dates to be returned will be empty and you will need to
call :meth:`~MockDate.set` or :meth:`~MockDate.add` before calling
If an instance of :class:`` is passed as a single
positional argument, that will be used as the first date returned by
:param year:
An optional year used to create the first date returned by :meth:``.
:param month:
An optional month used to create the first date returned by :meth:``.
:param day:
An optional day used to create the first date returned by :meth:``.
:param delta:
The size of the delta to use between values returned from :meth:``.
If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to :meth:``.
:param delta_type:
The type of the delta to use between values returned from :meth:``.
This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.
:param strict:
If ``True``, calling the mock class and any of its methods will result in an instance of
the mock being returned. If ``False``, the default, an instance of :class:``
will be returned instead.
The mock returned will behave exactly as the :class:`` class
as well as being a subclass of :class:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockDate`.
return cast(Type[MockDate], mock_factory(
'MockDate', MockDate, (2001, 1, 1), args, kw,
ms = 10**6
class MockTime(MockedCurrent, datetime):
def add(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
) -> None:
def add(
instance: datetime,
) -> None:
def add(cls, *args, **kw):
This will add the time specified by the supplied parameters to the
queue of times to be returned by calls to the mock. The
parameters are the same as the :class:`datetime.datetime`
constructor. An instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also
be passed as a single positional argument.
return super().add(*args, **kw)
def set(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
) -> None:
def set(
instance: datetime,
) -> None:
def set(cls, *args, **kw):
This will set the time specified by the supplied parameters as
the next time to be returned by a call to the mock, regardless of
any times in the queue. The parameters are the same as the
:class:`datetime.datetime` constructor. An instance of
:class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
positional argument.
return super().set(*args, **kw)
def tick(
days: float = ...,
seconds: float = ...,
microseconds: float = ...,
milliseconds: float = ...,
minutes: float = ...,
hours: float = ...,
weeks: float = ...,
) -> None:
def tick(
delta: timedelta, # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
) -> None:
def tick(cls, *args, **kw):
This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.
The :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next time
to be returned by a call to the mock.
return super().tick(*args, **kw)
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw) -> float:
Return a :class:`float` representing the mocked current time as would normally
be returned by :func:`time.time`.
if args or kw:
# Used when adding stuff to the queue
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
instance = cast(datetime,
time = timegm(instance.utctimetuple())
time += (float(instance.microsecond)/ms)
return time
def mock_time(
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_time(
year: int,
month: int,
day: int,
hour: int = ...,
minute: int = ...,
second: int = ...,
microsecond: int = ...,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_time(
default: datetime,
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_time(
default: None, # explicit None positional
delta: float = None,
delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
def mock_time(*args, delta: float = None, delta_type: str = 'seconds', **kw) -> Type[MockTime]:
.. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime
A function that returns a :class:`mock object <testfixtures.datetime.MockTime>` that can be
used in place of the :func:`time.time` function but where the return value can be
If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
queue of times to be returned will be empty and you will need to
call :meth:`~MockTime.set` or :meth:`~MockTime.add` before calling
the mock.
If an instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` is passed as a single
positional argument, that will be used to create the first time returned.
:param year: An optional year used to create the first time returned.
:param month: An optional month used to create the first time.
:param day: An optional day used to create the first time.
:param hour: An optional hour used to create the first time.
:param minute: An optional minute used to create the first time.
:param second: An optional second used to create the first time.
:param microsecond: An optional microsecond used to create the first time.
:param delta:
The size of the delta to use between values returned.
If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to the mock.
:param delta_type:
The type of the delta to use between values returned.
This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.
The :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.add`, :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.set`
and :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.tick` methods on the mock can be used to
control the return values.
if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7 or (args and getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None)):
raise TypeError("You don't want to use tzinfo with test_time")
return cast(Type[MockTime], mock_factory(
'MockTime', MockTime, (2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), args, kw,