Your IP :
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import unicodedata
from subprocess import PIPE as _PIPE, Popen as _Popen
import jaraco.envs
class VirtualEnv(jaraco.envs.VirtualEnv):
name = '.env'
# Some version of PyPy will import distutils on startup, implicitly
# importing setuptools, and thus leading to BackendInvalid errors
# when upgrading Setuptools. Bypass this behavior by avoiding the
# early availability and need to upgrade.
create_opts = ['--no-setuptools']
def run(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.exe(cmd[0])] + cmd[1:]
kwargs = {"cwd": self.root, "encoding": "utf-8", **kwargs} # Allow overriding
# In some environments (eg. downstream distro packaging), where:
# - tox isn't used to run tests and
# - PYTHONPATH is set to point to a specific setuptools codebase and
# - no custom env is explicitly set by a test
# PYTHONPATH will leak into the spawned processes.
# In that case tests look for module in the wrong place (on PYTHONPATH).
# Unless the test sets its own special env, pass a copy of the existing
# environment with removed PYTHONPATH to the subprocesses.
if "env" not in kwargs:
env = dict(os.environ)
if "PYTHONPATH" in env:
del env["PYTHONPATH"]
kwargs["env"] = env
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
def _which_dirs(cmd):
result = set()
for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep):
filename = os.path.join(path, cmd)
if os.access(filename, os.X_OK):
return result
def run_setup_py(cmd, pypath=None, path=None, data_stream=0, env=None):
Execution command for tests, separate from those used by the
code directly to prevent accidental behavior issues
if env is None:
env = dict()
for envname in os.environ:
env[envname] = os.environ[envname]
# override the python path if needed
if pypath is not None:
env["PYTHONPATH"] = pypath
# override the execution path if needed
if path is not None:
env["PATH"] = path
if not env.get("PATH", ""):
env["PATH"] = _which_dirs("tar").union(_which_dirs("gzip"))
env["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(env["PATH"])
cmd = [sys.executable, ""] + list(cmd)
shell = sys.platform == 'win32'
proc = _Popen(
if isinstance(data_stream, tuple):
data_stream = slice(*data_stream)
data = proc.communicate()[data_stream]
except OSError:
return 1, ''
# decode the console string if needed
if hasattr(data, "decode"):
# use the default encoding
data = data.decode()
data = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', data)
# communicate calls wait()
return proc.returncode, data