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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2021 All Rights Reserved
import os
from typing import Dict, List # NOQA
from clcommon.const import Feature
from clcommon.lib.mysql_governor_lib import MySQLGovernor
from clcommon.utils import ExternalProgramFailed, run_command
from clconfig.db_info_lib import MysqlInfo
from cldetectlib import getCPName
from clwizard.constants import MODULES_LOGS_DIR
from clwizard.exceptions import InstallationFailedException, UserInterventionNeededError
from .base import WizardInstaller
class GovernorInstaller(WizardInstaller):
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(MODULES_LOGS_DIR, 'governor.log')
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
UTILITY_PATH = '/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/'
def __init__(self):
# dict(
# 'vendor': MySQL|MariaDB|Percona,
# 'version': server version in the form of {major}.{minor}
# or {major}.{minor}-{release} for percona,
# 'cll-lve': patches from CL applied or not (True|False)
# )
self.db_info = MysqlInfo().get()
def _install_governor_package(self):
if not self._is_package_installed('governor-mysql'):
out = self._install_package('governor-mysql')
except ExternalProgramFailed as err:
self.app_logger.error("Package installation failed with error: %s", str(err))
raise InstallationFailedException() from err"Package was installed successfully: %s", out)
else:"Skip the governor-mysql installation, it is already installed")
def _prepare_db_options(self):
if GovernorInstaller.UNKNOWN in (self.db_info["vendor"], self.db_info["version"]):
return None
vendor = self.db_info['vendor'].lower()
# split(-)[0] drop release
# split[.][0-2] use only major and minor versions
version = ''.join(self.db_info['version'].split('-')[0].split('.')[0:2])
return vendor + version
except IndexError:
return None
def _initialize_governor(self):
Trying to install governor with --wizard key, it detects the DB
automatically (on DA and cPanel), for other panels we will have blockers
for the governor module.
try:"Install MySQL Governor")
# for governor there are errors that could be handled only manually by user
# these errors have exit code 3
[GovernorInstaller.UTILITY_PATH, '--install', '--wizard'], exit_status=3
except ExternalProgramFailed as err:
raise InstallationFailedException() from err
def _run_cmd_and_check_special_status(self, cmd, exit_status):
There are cases when some commands can't be executed without the user's
intervention. Such scripts/commands return a special exit code that must
be checked for.
retcode, out, _ = run_command(cmd, return_full_output=True)
if retcode == exit_status:
self.app_logger.warning('Can`t install governor automatically')
self.app_logger.warning('Reason: %s', out)
raise UserInterventionNeededError()
if retcode != 0:
self.app_logger.error('Error occurred during running "%s"\nReason is: "%s"', cmd, out)
raise ExternalProgramFailed(out)
def run_installation(self, options):
if self.db_info["vendor"] is None:
raise InstallationFailedException("Please, install a MySQL server first.")
def _get_warnings(self):
# type: () -> List
Get list of warnings that should be shown in wizard
before module installation
warnings = [
"message": (
"Please create a full database backup (including system tables)."
" MySQL/MariaDB/Percona server will be updated from CloudLinux repositories."
] # type: List[Dict]
if self.db_info["vendor"] is None:
"message": (
"Could not detect a MySQL server."
" For a list of compatible options please see %(url)s."
"context": {
"url": ""
return warnings
def _get_blockers(self):
# type: () -> List
Get a list of possible blockers to disable Governor module in Wizard UI.
blockers = []
if getCPName() not in ['cPanel', 'DirectAdmin']:
'message': 'MySQL Governor can\'t be automatically installed.'
' Please install it through the command-line interface.'
' Learn more here: %(url)s',
'context': {
'url': '',
return blockers
def _is_already_configured(self):
Check if the governor is ready for work.
mysql_gov = MySQLGovernor()
return mysql_gov.is_governor_present() and self.db_info['cll-lve']
def initial_status(self):
result = {
'already_configured': self._is_already_configured(),
'db_version': self.db_info['version'],
warnings = self._get_warnings()
if warnings:
result.update({'warnings': warnings})
blockers = self._get_blockers()
if blockers:
result.update({'blockers': blockers})
return result