Your IP :
* File containing the ezcConsoleStringTool class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @filesource
* String tool class.
* Tool class for the ConsoleTools package. Contains multi-byte encoding save
* string methods.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @access private
class ezcConsoleStringTool
* Binary safe wordwrap() replacement.
* This method is a multi-byte encoding safe replacement for the PHP
* function wordwrap(). It mimics exactly the behavior of wordwrap(), but
* uses iconv_* functions with UTF-8 encoding. The parameters received by
* this method equal the parameters of {@link
* wordwrap()}. Note: Make sure to only hand UTF-8 encoded content to this
* method.
* @param string $str
* @param int $width
* @param string $break
* @param bool $cut
* @return string|false
public function wordWrap( $str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false )
$strlen = iconv_strlen( $str, 'UTF-8' );
$breaklen = iconv_strlen( $break, 'UTF-8' );
$newtext = '';
if ( $strlen === 0 )
return '';
if ( $breaklen === 0 )
return false;
if ( $width === 0 && $cut )
return false;
$laststart = $lastspace = 0;
$breakstart = iconv_substr( $break, 0, 1, 'UTF-8' );
for ( $current = 0; $current < $strlen; $current++ )
$char = iconv_substr( $str, $current, 1, 'UTF-8' );
// Existing line break, copy line and start a new one
if ( $char === $breakstart
&& $current + $breaklen < $strlen
&& iconv_substr( $str, $current, $breaklen, 'UTF-8' ) === $break
$newtext .= iconv_substr( $str, $laststart, $current - $laststart + $breaklen, 'UTF-8' );
$current += $breaklen - 1;
$laststart = $lastspace = $current + 1;
// Keep track of spaces, if line break is necessary, do it
else if ( $char === ' ' )
if ( $current - $laststart >= $width )
$newtext .= iconv_substr( $str, $laststart, $current - $laststart, 'UTF-8' )
. $break;
$laststart = $current + 1;
$lastspace = $current;
// Special cut case, if no space has been seen
else if ( $current - $laststart >= $width
&& $cut && $laststart >= $lastspace
$newtext .= iconv_substr( $str, $laststart, $current - $laststart, 'UTF-8' )
. $break;
$laststart = $lastspace = $current;
// Usual case that line got longer than expected
else if ( $current - $laststart >= $width
&& $laststart < $lastspace
$newtext .= iconv_substr( $str, $laststart, $lastspace - $laststart, 'UTF-8' )
. $break;
// $laststart = $lastspace = $lastspace + 1;
$laststart = ++$lastspace;
// Rest of the string
if ( $laststart !== $current )
$newtext .= iconv_substr( $str, $laststart, $current - $laststart, 'UTF-8' );
return $newtext;
* Binary safe str_pad() replacement.
* This method is a multi-byte encoding safe replacement for the PHP
* function str_pad(). It mimics exactly the behavior of str_pad(), but
* uses iconv_* functions with UTF-8 encoding. The parameters received by
* this method equal the parameters of {@link
* str_pad()}. Note: Make sure to hand only UTF-8 encoded content to this
* method.
* @param string $input
* @param int $padLength
* @param string $padString
* @param int $padType
* @return string
public function strPad( $input, $padLength, $padString = ' ', $padType = STR_PAD_RIGHT )
$input = (string) $input;
$strLen = iconv_strlen( $input, 'UTF-8' );
$padStrLen = iconv_strlen( $padString, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $strLen >= $padLength )
return $input;
if ( $padType === STR_PAD_BOTH )
return $this->strPad(
$strLen + ceil( ( $padLength - $strLen ) / 2 ),
$fullStrRepeats = (int) ( ( $padLength - $strLen ) / $padStrLen );
$partlyPad = iconv_substr(
( ( $padLength - $strLen ) % $padStrLen )
$padding = str_repeat( $padString, $fullStrRepeats ) . $partlyPad;
switch ( $padType )
return $padding . $input;
return $input . $padding;