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W3C Document Object Model implementation for Python.
The Python mapping of the Document Object Model is documented in the
Python Library Reference in the section on the xml.dom package.
This package contains the following modules:
minidom -- A simple implementation of the Level 1 DOM with namespace
support added (based on the Level 2 specification) and other
minor Level 2 functionality.
pulldom -- DOM builder supporting on-demand tree-building for selected
subtrees of the document.
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NOTATION_NODEr � �7/opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/xml/dom/__init__.pyr r sM � �.��I� #$�L�"#�N�"#�I�"#��"#��"#�K�"#��"#�L�"#�M�"$��"$��"$�Mr"