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The sqlite3 extension module provides a DB-API 2.0 (PEP 249) compliant
interface to the SQLite library, and requires SQLite 3.7.15 or newer.
To use the module, start by creating a database Connection object:
import sqlite3
cx = sqlite3.connect("test.db") # test.db will be created or opened
The special path name ":memory:" can be provided to connect to a transient
in-memory database:
cx = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") # connect to a database in RAM
Once a connection has been established, create a Cursor object and call
its execute() method to perform SQL queries:
cu = cx.cursor()
# create a table
cu.execute("create table lang(name, first_appeared)")
# insert values into a table
cu.execute("insert into lang values (?, ?)", ("C", 1972))
# execute a query and iterate over the result
for row in cu.execute("select * from lang"):
The sqlite3 module is written by Gerhard Häring <>.
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