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TracebackType)�final�Optional�Type� )�events)�
timeout_atc � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZy)�_State�created�active�expiring�expired�finishedN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�CREATED�ENTERED�EXPIRING�EXPIRED�EXITED� � �7/opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/asyncio/timeouts.pyr r s � ��G��G��H��G�
�Fr r c � � e Zd ZdZdee ddfd�Zdee fd�Zdee ddfd�Zde fd�Z
defd �Zdd
deee dee d
ee dee fd�Zdd�Zy)r z�Asynchronous context manager for cancelling overdue coroutines.
Use `timeout()` or `timeout_at()` rather than instantiating this class directly.
�when�returnNc �X � t j | _ d| _ d| _ || _ y)z�Schedule a timeout that will trigger at a given loop time.
- If `when` is `None`, the timeout will never trigger.
- If `when < loop.time()`, the timeout will trigger on the next
iteration of the event loop.
N)r r �_state�_timeout_handler�_task�_when)�selfr! s r �__init__zTimeout.__init__! s% � � �n�n���>B���+/��
r c � � | j S )zReturn the current deadline.)r'