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� Zd� Zedk( r e � yy)a� The Tab Nanny despises ambiguous indentation. She knows no mercy.
tabnanny -- Detection of ambiguous indentation
For the time being this module is intended to be called as a script.
However it is possible to import it into an IDE and use the function
check() described below.
Warning: The API provided by this module is likely to change in future
releases; such changes may not be backward compatible.
�6� N)�check�NannyNag�process_tokensc �� � d}| D ]/ }t j j |t |� z � d}�1 t j j d� t j d� y )N� � �
� )�sys�stderr�write�str�exit)�args�sep�args �//opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/�errprintr sO � �
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