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j� eQ� � yy)^a� Module doctest -- a framework for running examples in docstrings.
In simplest use, end each module M to be tested with:
def _test():
import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then running the module as a script will cause the examples in the
docstrings to get executed and verified:
This won't display anything unless an example fails, in which case the
failing example(s) and the cause(s) of the failure(s) are printed to stdout
(why not stderr? because stderr is a lame hack <0.2 wink>), and the final
line of output is "Test failed.".
Run it with the -v switch instead:
python -v
and a detailed report of all examples tried is printed to stdout, along
with assorted summaries at the end.
You can force verbose mode by passing "verbose=True" to testmod, or prohibit
it by passing "verbose=False". In either of those cases, sys.argv is not
examined by testmod.
There are a variety of other ways to run doctests, including integration
with the unittest framework, and support for running non-Python text
files containing doctests. There are also many ways to override parts
of doctest's default behaviors. See the Library Reference Manual for
testsource� debug_src�debug� N)�StringIO�IncrementalNewlineDecoder)�
namedtuple�TestResultszfailed attemptedc �N � t j | dt t � z � S )N� )�OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME�
setdefault�len)�names �./opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/doctest.pyr r � s � ��)�)�$��S�9L�5M�0M�N�N� r r r r r r r
r r r
r z<BLANKLINE>z...c � � d}t j D ]6 }| j |d� }|t t |� u s�(||j z }�8 |S )z�
Return the compiler-flags associated with the future features that
have been imported into the given namespace (globs).
r# N)�
compiler_flag)�globs�flags�fname�features r. �_extract_future_flagsr: � sO � �
�E��-�-���)�)�E�4�(���g�j�%�0�0��W�*�*�*�E� .� �Lr/ c � � t j | � r| S t | t � rt | t � t
� dg� S | �( t j t j |� S t d� �# t $ r6 t j t j |� j d cY S w xY w# t $ r Y yw xY w)a�
Return the module specified by `module`. In particular:
- If `module` is a module, then return module.
- If `module` is a string, then import and return the
module with that name.
- If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
The calling module is assumed to be the module of
the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
�*N�__name__z"Expected a module, string, or None)�inspect�ismodule�
__import__�globals�locals�sys�modules�_getframemodulename�AttributeError� _getframe� f_globals�KeyError� TypeError)�module�depths r. �_normalize_modulerO � s� � � ������
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