Your IP :
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const linkIfExists = require('gentle-fs').linkIfExists
const cmdShimIfExists = require('cmd-shim').ifExists
const asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
const BB = require('bluebird')
const open = BB.promisify(
const close = BB.promisify(fs.close)
const stat = BB.promisify(fs.stat)
const chmod = BB.promisify(fs.chmod)
const Transform = require('stream').Transform
const fsWriteStreamAtomic = require('fs-write-stream-atomic')
module.exports = BB.promisify(binLinks)
function binLinks (pkg, folder, global, opts, cb) {
// if it's global, and folder is in {prefix}/node_modules,
// then bins are in {prefix}/bin
// otherwise, then bins are in folder/../.bin
var parent = &&[0] === '@' ? path.dirname(path.dirname(folder)) : path.dirname(folder)
var gnm = global && opts.globalDir
var gtop = parent === gnm'linkStuff', opts.pkgId)
opts.log.silly('linkStuff', opts.pkgId, 'has', parent, 'as its parent node_modules')
if (global) opts.log.silly('linkStuff', opts.pkgId, 'is part of a global install')
if (gnm) opts.log.silly('linkStuff', opts.pkgId, 'is installed into a global node_modules')
if (gtop) opts.log.silly('linkStuff', opts.pkgId, 'is installed into the top-level global node_modules')
[linkBins, linkMans],
function (fn, cb) {
if (!fn) return cb()
opts.log.verbose(, opts.pkgId)
fn(pkg, folder, parent, gtop, opts, cb)
function isHashbangFile (file) {
return open(file, 'r').then((fileHandle) => {
return new BB((resolve, reject) => {, Buffer.from(new Array(2)), 0, 2, 0, function (err, bytesRead, buffer) {
close(fileHandle).then(() => {
resolve(!err && buffer.toString() === '#!')
function dos2Unix (file) {
return stat(file).then((stats) => {
let previousChunkEndedInCR = false
return new BB((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.pipe(new Transform({
transform: function (chunk, encoding, done) {
let data = chunk.toString()
if (previousChunkEndedInCR) {
data = '\r' + data
if (data[data.length - 1] === '\r') {
data = data.slice(0, -1)
previousChunkEndedInCR = true
} else {
previousChunkEndedInCR = false
done(null, data.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'))
flush: function (done) {
if (previousChunkEndedInCR) {
.on('error', reject)
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', function () {
resolve(chmod(file, stats.mode))
function getLinkOpts (opts, gently) {
return Object.assign({}, opts, { gently: gently })
function linkBins (pkg, folder, parent, gtop, opts, cb) {
if (!pkg.bin || (!gtop && path.basename(parent) !== 'node_modules')) {
return cb()
var linkOpts = getLinkOpts(opts, gtop && folder)
var execMode = parseInt('0777', 8) & (~opts.umask)
var binRoot = gtop ? opts.globalBin
: path.resolve(parent, '.bin')
opts.log.verbose('linkBins', [pkg.bin, binRoot, gtop])
asyncMap(Object.keys(pkg.bin), function (bin, cb) {
var dest = path.resolve(binRoot, bin)
var src = path.resolve(folder, pkg.bin[bin])
linkBin(src, dest, linkOpts, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// bins should always be executable.
// XXX skip chmod on windows?
fs.chmod(src, execMode, function (er) {
if (er && er.code === 'ENOENT' && opts.ignoreScripts) {
return cb()
if (er) return cb(er)
isHashbangFile(src).then((isHashbang) => {
if (isHashbang) {
opts.log.silly('linkBins', 'Converting line endings of hashbang file:', src)
return dos2Unix(src)
}).then(() => {
if (!gtop) return cb()
var dest = path.resolve(binRoot, bin)
var out = opts.parseable
? dest + '::' + src + ':BINFILE'
: dest + ' -> ' + src
if (!opts.json && !opts.parseable) {
}, cb)
function linkBin (from, to, opts, cb) {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
return linkIfExists(from, to, opts, cb)
} else {
return cmdShimIfExists(from, to, cb)
function linkMans (pkg, folder, parent, gtop, opts, cb) {
if (! || !gtop || process.platform === 'win32') return cb()
var manRoot = path.resolve(opts.prefix, 'share', 'man')
opts.log.verbose('linkMans', 'man files are',, 'in', manRoot)
// make sure that the mans are unique.
// otherwise, if there are dupes, it'll fail with EEXIST
var set = (acc, man) {
acc[path.basename(man)] = man
return acc
}, {}) = (man) {
return set[path.basename(man)] === man
asyncMap(, function (man, cb) {
if (typeof man !== 'string') return cb()
opts.log.silly('linkMans', 'preparing to link', man)
var parseMan = man.match(/(.*\.([0-9]+)(\.gz)?)$/)
if (!parseMan) {
return cb(new Error(
man + ' is not a valid name for a man file. ' +
'Man files must end with a number, ' +
'and optionally a .gz suffix if they are compressed.'
var stem = parseMan[1]
var sxn = parseMan[2]
var bn = path.basename(stem)
var manSrc = path.resolve(folder, man)
var manDest = path.join(manRoot, 'man' + sxn, bn)
linkIfExists(manSrc, manDest, getLinkOpts(opts, gtop && folder), cb)
}, cb)