Your IP :
const { resolve } = require('node:path')
const { stat, chmod } = require('node:fs/promises')
const cacache = require('cacache')
const fsm = require('fs-minipass')
const Fetcher = require('./fetcher.js')
const _ = require('./util/protected.js')
class FileFetcher extends Fetcher {
constructor (spec, opts) {
super(spec, opts)
// just the fully resolved filename
this.resolved = this.spec.fetchSpec
get types () {
return ['file']
manifest () {
if (this.package) {
return Promise.resolve(this.package)
// have to unpack the tarball for this.
return cacache.tmp.withTmp(this.cache, this.opts, dir =>
.then(() => this[_.readPackageJson](dir))
.then(mani => this.package = {
_integrity: this.integrity && String(this.integrity),
_resolved: this.resolved,
_from: this.from,
#exeBins (pkg, dest) {
if (!pkg.bin) {
return Promise.resolve()
return Promise.all(Object.keys(pkg.bin).map(async k => {
const script = resolve(dest, pkg.bin[k])
// Best effort. Ignore errors here, the only result is that
// a bin script is not executable. But if it's missing or
// something, we just leave it for a later stage to trip over
// when we can provide a more useful contextual error.
try {
const st = await stat(script)
const mode = st.mode | 0o111
if (mode === st.mode) {
await chmod(script, mode)
} catch {
// Ignore errors here
extract (dest) {
// if we've already loaded the manifest, then the super got it.
// but if not, read the unpacked manifest and chmod properly.
return super.extract(dest)
.then(result => this.package ? result
: this[_.readPackageJson](dest).then(pkg =>
this.#exeBins(pkg, dest)).then(() => result))
[_.tarballFromResolved] () {
// create a read stream and return it
return new fsm.ReadStream(this.resolved)
packument () {
// simulate based on manifest
return this.manifest().then(mani => ({
'dist-tags': {
[this.defaultTag]: mani.version,
versions: {
[mani.version]: {
dist: {
tarball: `file:${this.resolved}`,
integrity: this.integrity && String(this.integrity),
module.exports = FileFetcher