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// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
// ucptrie.h (modified from utrie2.h)
// created: 2017dec29 Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __UCPTRIE_H__
#define __UCPTRIE_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
#include "unicode/utf8.h"
#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
* \file
* \brief C API: This file defines an immutable Unicode code point trie.
* @see UCPTrie
* @see UMutableCPTrie
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
/** @internal */
typedef union UCPTrieData {
/** @internal */
const void *ptr0;
/** @internal */
const uint16_t *ptr16;
/** @internal */
const uint32_t *ptr32;
/** @internal */
const uint8_t *ptr8;
} UCPTrieData;
* Immutable Unicode code point trie structure.
* Fast, reasonably compact, map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values.
* For details see
* Do not access UCPTrie fields directly; use public functions and macros.
* Functions are easy to use: They support all trie types and value widths.
* When performance is really important, macros provide faster access.
* Most macros are specific to either "fast" or "small" tries, see UCPTrieType.
* There are "fast" macros for special optimized use cases.
* The macros will return bogus values, or may crash, if used on the wrong type or value width.
* @see UMutableCPTrie
* @stable ICU 63
struct UCPTrie {
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
/** @internal */
const uint16_t *index;
/** @internal */
UCPTrieData data;
/** @internal */
int32_t indexLength;
/** @internal */
int32_t dataLength;
/** Start of the last range which ends at U+10FFFF. @internal */
UChar32 highStart;
/** highStart>>12 @internal */
uint16_t shifted12HighStart;
/** @internal */
int8_t type; // UCPTrieType
/** @internal */
int8_t valueWidth; // UCPTrieValueWidth
/** padding/reserved @internal */
uint32_t reserved32;
/** padding/reserved @internal */
uint16_t reserved16;
* Internal index-3 null block offset.
* Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xffff) if there is no dedicated index-3 null block.
* @internal
uint16_t index3NullOffset;
* Internal data null block offset, not shifted.
* Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xfffff) if there is no dedicated data null block.
* @internal
int32_t dataNullOffset;
/** @internal */
uint32_t nullValue;
/** @internal */
const char *name;
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
typedef struct UCPTrie UCPTrie;
* Selectors for the type of a UCPTrie.
* Different trade-offs for size vs. speed.
* @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
* @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
* @see ucptrie_getType
* @stable ICU 63
enum UCPTrieType {
* For ucptrie_openFromBinary() to accept any type.
* ucptrie_getType() will return the actual type.
* @stable ICU 63
* Fast/simple/larger BMP data structure. Use functions and "fast" macros.
* @stable ICU 63
* Small/slower BMP data structure. Use functions and "small" macros.
* @stable ICU 63
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
typedef enum UCPTrieType UCPTrieType;
* Selectors for the number of bits in a UCPTrie data value.
* @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
* @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
* @see ucptrie_getValueWidth
* @stable ICU 63
enum UCPTrieValueWidth {
* For ucptrie_openFromBinary() to accept any data value width.
* ucptrie_getValueWidth() will return the actual data value width.
* @stable ICU 63
* The trie stores 16 bits per data value.
* It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xffff=65535.
* @stable ICU 63
* The trie stores 32 bits per data value.
* @stable ICU 63
* The trie stores 8 bits per data value.
* It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xff=255.
* @stable ICU 63
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
typedef enum UCPTrieValueWidth UCPTrieValueWidth;
* Opens a trie from its binary form, stored in 32-bit-aligned memory.
* Inverse of ucptrie_toBinary().
* The memory must remain valid and unchanged as long as the trie is used.
* You must ucptrie_close() the trie once you are done using it.
* @param type selects the trie type; results in an
* U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if it does not match the binary data;
* use UCPTRIE_TYPE_ANY to accept any type
* @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a data value; results in an
* U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if it does not match the binary data;
* use UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_ANY to accept any data value width
* @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing the binary data of a UCPTrie
* @param length the number of bytes available at data;
* can be more than necessary
* @param pActualLength receives the actual number of bytes at data taken up by the trie data;
* can be NULL
* @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
* @return the trie
* @see umutablecptrie_open
* @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
* @see ucptrie_toBinary
* @stable ICU 63
ucptrie_openFromBinary(UCPTrieType type, UCPTrieValueWidth valueWidth,
const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Closes a trie and releases associated memory.
* @param trie the trie
* @stable ICU 63
ucptrie_close(UCPTrie *trie);
* Returns the trie type.
* @param trie the trie
* @return the trie type
* @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
* @stable ICU 63
ucptrie_getType(const UCPTrie *trie);
* Returns the number of bits in a trie data value.
* @param trie the trie
* @return the number of bits in a trie data value
* @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
* @stable ICU 63
ucptrie_getValueWidth(const UCPTrie *trie);
* Returns the value for a code point as stored in the trie, with range checking.
* Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
* Easier to use than UCPTRIE_FAST_GET() and similar macros but slower.
* Easier to use because, unlike the macros, this function works on all UCPTrie
* objects, for all types and value widths.
* @param trie the trie
* @param c the code point
* @return the trie value,
* or the trie error value if the code point is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF
* @stable ICU 63
U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
ucptrie_get(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c);
* Returns the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value.
* Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a trie.
* (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value,
* but much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.)
* If the UCPMapValueFilter function pointer is not NULL, then
* the value to be delivered is passed through that function, and the return value is the end
* of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value.
* The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
* Example:
* \code
* UChar32 start = 0, end;
* uint32_t value;
* while ((end = ucptrie_getRange(trie, start, UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL, 0,
* NULL, NULL, &value)) >= 0) {
* // Work with the range start..end and its value.
* start = end + 1;
* }
* \endcode
* @param trie the trie
* @param start range start
* @param option defines whether surrogates are treated normally,
* or as having the surrogateValue; usually UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
* @param surrogateValue value for surrogates; ignored if option==UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
* @param filter a pointer to a function that may modify the trie data value,
* or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used unmodified
* @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the filter function
* @param pValue if not NULL, receives the value that every code point start..end has;
* may have been modified by filter(context, trie value)
* if that function pointer is not NULL
* @return the range end code point, or -1 if start is not a valid code point
* @stable ICU 63
ucptrie_getRange(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start,
UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue,
UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
* Writes a memory-mappable form of the trie into 32-bit aligned memory.
* Inverse of ucptrie_openFromBinary().
* @param trie the trie
* @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the trie data;
* can be NULL if capacity==0
* @param capacity the number of bytes available at data, or 0 for pure preflighting
* @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode;
* U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the capacity is too small
* @return the number of bytes written or (if buffer overflow) needed for the trie
* @see ucptrie_openFromBinary()
* @stable ICU 63
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucptrie_toBinary(const UCPTrie *trie, void *data, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Macro parameter value for a trie with 16-bit data values.
* Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
* Do not use this macro in any other way.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_16(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr16[i])
* Macro parameter value for a trie with 32-bit data values.
* Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
* Do not use this macro in any other way.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_32(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr32[i])
* Macro parameter value for a trie with 8-bit data values.
* Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
* Do not use this macro in any other way.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_8(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr8[i])
* Returns a trie value for a code point, with range checking.
* Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
* @return The code point's trie value.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, 0xffff, c))
* Returns a 16-bit trie value for a code point, with range checking.
* Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range U+0000..U+10FFFF.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_SMALL
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
* @return The code point's trie value.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_SMALL_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) \
dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, UCPTRIE_SMALL_MAX, c))
* UTF-16: Reads the next code point (UChar32 c, out), post-increments src,
* and gets a value from the trie.
* Sets the trie error value if c is an unpaired surrogate.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
* @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL if NUL-terminated
* @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
* @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_NEXT(trie, dataAccess, src, limit, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
(c) = *(src)++; \
int32_t __index; \
if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
__index = _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c); \
} else { \
uint16_t __c2; \
if (U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) && (src) != (limit) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2 = *(src))) { \
++(src); \
(c) = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
__index = _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c); \
} else { \
__index = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; \
} \
} \
(result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
* UTF-16: Reads the previous code point (UChar32 c, out), pre-decrements src,
* and gets a value from the trie.
* Sets the trie error value if c is an unpaired surrogate.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text
* @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
* @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
* @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_PREV(trie, dataAccess, start, src, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
(c) = *--(src); \
int32_t __index; \
if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
__index = _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c); \
} else { \
uint16_t __c2; \
if (U16_IS_SURROGATE_TRAIL(c) && (src) != (start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2 = *((src) - 1))) { \
--(src); \
(c) = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
__index = _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c); \
} else { \
__index = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; \
} \
} \
(result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
* UTF-8: Post-increments src and gets a value from the trie.
* Sets the trie error value for an ill-formed byte sequence.
* Unlike UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_NEXT() this UTF-8 macro does not provide the code point
* because it would be more work to do so and is often not needed.
* If the trie value differs from the error value, then the byte sequence is well-formed,
* and the code point can be assembled without revalidation.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
* @param limit (const char *, in) the limit pointer for the text (must not be NULL)
* @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_NEXT(trie, dataAccess, src, limit, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
int32_t __lead = (uint8_t)*(src)++; \
if (!U8_IS_SINGLE(__lead)) { \
uint8_t __t1, __t2, __t3; \
if ((src) != (limit) && \
(__lead >= 0xe0 ? \
__lead < 0xf0 ? /* U+0800..U+FFFF except surrogates */ \
U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS[__lead &= 0xf] & (1 << ((__t1 = *(src)) >> 5)) && \
++(src) != (limit) && (__t2 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
(__lead = ((int32_t)(trie)->index[(__lead << 6) + (__t1 & 0x3f)]) + __t2, 1) \
: /* U+10000..U+10FFFF */ \
(__lead -= 0xf0) <= 4 && \
U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS[(__t1 = *(src)) >> 4] & (1 << __lead) && \
(__lead = (__lead << 6) | (__t1 & 0x3f), ++(src) != (limit)) && \
(__t2 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
++(src) != (limit) && (__t3 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
(__lead = __lead >= (trie)->shifted12HighStart ? \
ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index((trie), __lead, __t2, __t3), 1) \
: /* U+0080..U+07FF */ \
__lead >= 0xc2 && (__t1 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
(__lead = (int32_t)(trie)->index[__lead & 0x1f] + __t1, 1))) { \
++(src); \
} else { \
__lead = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; /* ill-formed*/ \
} \
} \
(result) = dataAccess(trie, __lead); \
* UTF-8: Pre-decrements src and gets a value from the trie.
* Sets the trie error value for an ill-formed byte sequence.
* Unlike UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_PREV() this UTF-8 macro does not provide the code point
* because it would be more work to do so and is often not needed.
* If the trie value differs from the error value, then the byte sequence is well-formed,
* and the code point can be assembled without revalidation.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param start (const char *, in) the start pointer for the text
* @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
* @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_PREV(trie, dataAccess, start, src, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
int32_t __index = (uint8_t)*--(src); \
if (!U8_IS_SINGLE(__index)) { \
__index = ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex((trie), __index, (const uint8_t *)(start), \
(const uint8_t *)(src)); \
(src) -= __index & 7; \
__index >>= 3; \
} \
(result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
* Returns a trie value for an ASCII code point, without range checking.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie (of either fast or small type)
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point; must be U+0000..U+007F
* @return The ASCII code point's trie value.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_ASCII_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, c)
* Returns a trie value for a BMP code point (U+0000..U+FFFF), without range checking.
* Can be used to look up a value for a UTF-16 code unit if other parts of
* the string processing check for surrogates.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+0000..U+FFFF
* @return The BMP code point's trie value.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_BMP_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c))
* Returns a trie value for a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10FFFF),
* without range checking.
* @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
* @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
* @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+10000..U+10FFFF
* @return The supplementary code point's trie value.
* @stable ICU 63
#define UCPTRIE_FAST_SUPP_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c))
/* Internal definitions ----------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
* Internal implementation constants.
* These are needed for the API macros, but users should not use these directly.
* @internal
enum {
/** @internal */
/** Number of entries in a data block for code points below the fast limit. 64=0x40 @internal */
/** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-fast-data-block offset. @internal */
/** @internal */
* Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
* value returned for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16.
* @internal
* Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
* value returned for code points highStart..U+10FFFF.
* @internal
/* Internal functions and macros -------------------------------------------- */
// Do not conditionalize with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for public API
/** @internal */
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucptrie_internalSmallIndex(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c);
/** @internal */
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index(const UCPTrie *trie, int32_t lt1, uint8_t t2, uint8_t t3);
* Internal function for part of the UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_PREVxx() macro implementations.
* Do not call directly.
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c,
const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *src);
/** Internal trie getter for a code point below the fast limit. Returns the data index. @internal */
#define _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c) \
((int32_t)(trie)->index[(c) >> UCPTRIE_FAST_SHIFT] + ((c) & UCPTRIE_FAST_DATA_MASK))
/** Internal trie getter for a code point at or above the fast limit. Returns the data index. @internal */
#define _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c) \
((c) >= (trie)->highStart ? \
ucptrie_internalSmallIndex(trie, c))
* Internal trie getter for a code point, with checking that c is in U+0000..10FFFF.
* Returns the data index.
* @internal
#define _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, fastMax, c) \
((uint32_t)(c) <= (uint32_t)(fastMax) ? \
_UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c) : \
(uint32_t)(c) <= 0x10ffff ? \
#endif // U_IN_DOXYGEN
* \class LocalUCPTriePointer
* "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCPTrie via ucptrie_close().
* For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
* @see LocalPointerBase
* @see LocalPointer
* @stable ICU 63
U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCPTriePointer, UCPTrie, ucptrie_close);