Your IP :
const { output } = require('proc-log')
const pkgJson = require('@npmcli/package-json')
const BaseCommand = require('../base-cmd.js')
const { getError } = require('../utils/error-message.js')
const { outputError } = require('../utils/output-error.js')
class RunScript extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Run arbitrary package scripts'
static params = [
static name = 'run-script'
static usage = ['<command> [-- <args>]']
static workspaces = true
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
static isShellout = true
static async completion (opts, npm) {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
if (argv.length === 2) {
const { content: { scripts = {} } } = await pkgJson.normalize(npm.localPrefix)
.catch(() => ({ content: {} }))
if (opts.isFish) {
return Object.keys(scripts).map(s => `${s}\t${scripts[s].slice(0, 30)}`)
return Object.keys(scripts)
async exec (args) {
if (args.length) {
await this.#run(args, { path: this.npm.localPrefix })
} else {
await this.#list(this.npm.localPrefix)
async execWorkspaces (args) {
await this.setWorkspaces()
const ws = [...this.workspaces.entries()]
for (const [workspace, path] of ws) {
const last = path ===[1]
if (!args.length) {
const newline = await this.#list(path, { workspace })
if (newline && !last) {
const pkg = await pkgJson.normalize(path).then(p => p.content)
try {
await this.#run(args, { path, pkg, workspace })
} catch (e) {
const err = getError(e, { npm: this.npm, command: null })
error: [
['', `Lifecycle script \`${args[0]}\` failed with error:`],
['workspace', pkg._id ||],
['location', path],
process.exitCode = err.exitCode
if (!last) {
async #run ([event, ...args], { path, pkg, workspace }) {
const runScript = require('@npmcli/run-script')
pkg ??= await pkgJson.normalize(path).then(p => p.content)
const { scripts = {} } = pkg
if (event === 'restart' && !scripts.restart) {
scripts.restart = 'npm stop --if-present && npm start'
} else if (event === 'env' && !scripts.env) {
const { isWindowsShell } = require('../utils/is-windows.js')
scripts.env = isWindowsShell ? 'SET' : 'env'
pkg.scripts = scripts
if (
!, event) &&
!(event === 'start' && (await runScript.isServerPackage(path)))
) {
if (this.npm.config.get('if-present')) {
const suggestions = require('../utils/did-you-mean.js')(pkg, event)
const wsArg = workspace && path !== this.npm.localPrefix
? ` --workspace=${pkg._id ||}`
: ''
throw new Error([
`Missing script: "${event}"${suggestions}\n`,
'To see a list of scripts, run:',
` npm run${wsArg}`,
// positional args only added to the main event, not pre/post
const events = [[event, args]]
if (!this.npm.config.get('ignore-scripts')) {
if (scripts[`pre${event}`]) {
events.unshift([`pre${event}`, []])
if (scripts[`post${event}`]) {
events.push([`post${event}`, []])
for (const [ev, evArgs] of events) {
await runScript({
// this || undefined is because runScript will be unhappy with the
// default null value
scriptShell: this.npm.config.get('script-shell') || undefined,
stdio: 'inherit',
event: ev,
args: evArgs,
async #list (path, { workspace } = {}) {
const { scripts = {}, name, _id } = await pkgJson.normalize(path).then(p => p.content)
const scriptEntries = Object.entries(scripts)
if (this.npm.silent) {
if (this.npm.config.get('json')) {
output.buffer(workspace ? { [workspace]: scripts } : scripts)
if (!scriptEntries.length) {
if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) {
.map((s) => (workspace ? [workspace, ...s] : s).join(':'))
// TODO this is missing things like prepare, prepublishOnly, and dependencies
const cmdList = [
'preinstall', 'install', 'postinstall',
'prepublish', 'publish', 'postpublish',
'prerestart', 'restart', 'postrestart',
'prestart', 'start', 'poststart',
'prestop', 'stop', 'poststop',
'pretest', 'test', 'posttest',
'preuninstall', 'uninstall', 'postuninstall',
'preversion', 'version', 'postversion',
const [cmds, runScripts] = scriptEntries.reduce((acc, s) => {
acc[cmdList.includes(s[0]) ? 0 : 1].push(s)
return acc
}, [[], []])
const { reset, bold, cyan, dim, blue } = this.npm.chalk
const pkgId = `in ${cyan(_id || name)}`
const title = (t) => reset(bold(t))
if (cmds.length) {
output.standard(`${title('Lifecycle scripts')} included ${pkgId}:`)
for (const [k, v] of cmds) {
output.standard(` ${k}`)
output.standard(` ${dim(v)}`)
if (runScripts.length) {
const via = `via \`${blue('npm run-script')}\`:`
if (!cmds.length) {
output.standard(`${title('Scripts')} available ${pkgId} ${via}`)
} else {
output.standard(`available ${via}`)
for (const [k, v] of runScripts) {
output.standard(` ${k}`)
output.standard(` ${dim(v)}`)
// Return true to indicate that something was output for this path
// that should be separated from others
return true
module.exports = RunScript