Your IP :
const cacache = require('cacache')
const fs = require('fs')
const fetch = require('make-fetch-happen')
const Table = require('cli-table3')
const which = require('which')
const pacote = require('pacote')
const { resolve } = require('path')
const semver = require('semver')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const log = require('../utils/log-shim.js')
const ping = require('../utils/ping.js')
const {
registry: { default: defaultRegistry },
} = require('../utils/config/definitions.js')
const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat)
const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir)
const access = promisify(fs.access)
const { R_OK, W_OK, X_OK } = fs.constants
const maskLabel = mask => {
const label = []
if (mask & R_OK) {
if (mask & W_OK) {
if (mask & X_OK) {
return label.join(', ')
const subcommands = [
groups: ['ping', 'registry'],
title: 'npm ping',
cmd: 'checkPing',
}, {
groups: ['versions'],
title: 'npm -v',
cmd: 'getLatestNpmVersion',
}, {
groups: ['versions'],
title: 'node -v',
cmd: 'getLatestNodejsVersion',
}, {
groups: ['registry'],
title: 'npm config get registry',
cmd: 'checkNpmRegistry',
}, {
groups: ['environment'],
title: 'git executable in PATH',
cmd: 'getGitPath',
}, {
groups: ['environment'],
title: 'global bin folder in PATH',
cmd: 'getBinPath',
}, {
groups: ['permissions', 'cache'],
title: 'Perms check on cached files',
cmd: 'checkCachePermission',
windows: false,
}, {
groups: ['permissions'],
title: 'Perms check on local node_modules',
cmd: 'checkLocalModulesPermission',
windows: false,
}, {
groups: ['permissions'],
title: 'Perms check on global node_modules',
cmd: 'checkGlobalModulesPermission',
windows: false,
}, {
groups: ['permissions'],
title: 'Perms check on local bin folder',
cmd: 'checkLocalBinPermission',
windows: false,
}, {
groups: ['permissions'],
title: 'Perms check on global bin folder',
cmd: 'checkGlobalBinPermission',
windows: false,
}, {
groups: ['cache'],
title: 'Verify cache contents',
cmd: 'verifyCachedFiles',
windows: false,
// TODO:
// group === 'dependencies'?
// - ensure arborist.loadActual() runs without errors and no invalid edges
// - ensure package-lock.json matches loadActual()
// - verify loadActual without hidden lock file matches hidden lockfile
// group === '???'
// - verify all local packages have bins linked
// What is the fix for these?
const BaseCommand = require('../base-command.js')
class Doctor extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Check your npm environment'
static name = 'doctor'
static params = ['registry']
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
static usage = [`[${subcommands.flatMap(s => s.groups)
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
.join('] [')}]`]
static subcommands = subcommands
// minimum width of check column, enough for the word `Check`
#checkWidth = 5
async exec (args) {'Running checkup')
let allOk = true
const actions = this.actions(args)
this.#checkWidth = actions.reduce((length, item) =>
Math.max(item.title.length, length), this.#checkWidth)
if (!this.npm.silent) {
this.output(['Check', 'Value', 'Recommendation/Notes'].map(h => this.npm.chalk.underline(h)))
// Do the actual work
for (const { title, cmd } of actions) {
const item = [title]
try {
item.push(true, await this[cmd]())
} catch (err) {
item.push(false, err)
if (!item[1]) {
allOk = false
item[0] =[0])
item[1] ='not ok')
item[2] = this.npm.chalk.magenta(String(item[2]))
} else {
item[1] ='ok')
if (!this.npm.silent) {
if (!allOk) {
if (this.npm.silent) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
throw new Error('Some problems found. Check logs or disable silent mode for recommendations.')
} else {
throw new Error('Some problems found. See above for recommendations.')
async checkPing () {
const tracker = log.newItem('checkPing', 1)'checkPing', 'Pinging registry')
try {
await ping({ ...this.npm.flatOptions, retry: false })
return ''
} catch (er) {
if (/^E\d{3}$/.test(er.code || '')) {
throw er.code.slice(1) + ' ' + er.message
} else {
throw er.message
} finally {
async getLatestNpmVersion () {
const tracker = log.newItem('getLatestNpmVersion', 1)'getLatestNpmVersion', 'Getting npm package information')
try {
const latest = (await pacote.manifest('npm@latest', this.npm.flatOptions)).version
if (semver.gte(this.npm.version, latest)) {
return `current: v${this.npm.version}, latest: v${latest}`
} else {
throw `Use npm v${latest}`
} finally {
async getLatestNodejsVersion () {
// XXX get the latest in the current major as well
const current = process.version
const currentRange = `^${current}`
const url = ''
const tracker = log.newItem('getLatestNodejsVersion', 1)'getLatestNodejsVersion', 'Getting Node.js release information')
try {
const res = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', ...this.npm.flatOptions })
const data = await res.json()
let maxCurrent = '0.0.0'
let maxLTS = '0.0.0'
for (const { lts, version } of data) {
if (lts &&, maxLTS)) {
maxLTS = version
if (semver.satisfies(version, currentRange) &&, maxCurrent)) {
maxCurrent = version
const recommended =, maxLTS) ? maxCurrent : maxLTS
if (semver.gte(process.version, recommended)) {
return `current: ${current}, recommended: ${recommended}`
} else {
throw `Use node ${recommended} (current: ${current})`
} finally {
async getBinPath (dir) {
const tracker = log.newItem('getBinPath', 1)'getBinPath', 'Finding npm global bin in your PATH')
if (!process.env.PATH.includes(this.npm.globalBin)) {
throw new Error(`Add ${this.npm.globalBin} to your $PATH`)
return this.npm.globalBin
async checkCachePermission () {
return this.checkFilesPermission(this.npm.cache, true, R_OK)
async checkLocalModulesPermission () {
return this.checkFilesPermission(this.npm.localDir, true, R_OK | W_OK, true)
async checkGlobalModulesPermission () {
return this.checkFilesPermission(this.npm.globalDir, false, R_OK)
async checkLocalBinPermission () {
return this.checkFilesPermission(this.npm.localBin, false, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK, true)
async checkGlobalBinPermission () {
return this.checkFilesPermission(this.npm.globalBin, false, X_OK)
async checkFilesPermission (root, shouldOwn, mask, missingOk) {
let ok = true
const tracker = log.newItem(root, 1)
try {
const uid = process.getuid()
const gid = process.getgid()
const files = new Set([root])
for (const f of files) {
tracker.silly('checkFilesPermission', f.slice(root.length + 1))
const st = await lstat(f).catch(er => {
// if it can't be missing, or if it can and the error wasn't that it was missing
if (!missingOk || er.code !== 'ENOENT') {
ok = false
tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error getting info for ' + f)
if (!st) {
if (shouldOwn && (uid !== st.uid || gid !== st.gid)) {
tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'should be owner of ' + f)
ok = false
if (!st.isDirectory() && !st.isFile()) {
try {
await access(f, mask)
} catch (er) {
ok = false
const msg = `Missing permissions on ${f} (expect: ${maskLabel(mask)})`
tracker.error('checkFilesPermission', msg)
if (st.isDirectory()) {
const entries = await readdir(f).catch(er => {
ok = false
tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error reading directory ' + f)
return []
for (const entry of entries) {
files.add(resolve(f, entry))
} finally {
if (!ok) {
throw (
`Check the permissions of files in ${root}` +
(shouldOwn ? ' (should be owned by current user)' : '')
} else {
return ''
async getGitPath () {
const tracker = log.newItem('getGitPath', 1)'getGitPath', 'Finding git in your PATH')
try {
return await which('git').catch(er => {
throw new Error("Install git and ensure it's in your PATH.")
} finally {
async verifyCachedFiles () {
const tracker = log.newItem('verifyCachedFiles', 1)'verifyCachedFiles', 'Verifying the npm cache')
try {
const stats = await cacache.verify(this.npm.flatOptions.cache)
const { badContentCount, reclaimedCount, missingContent, reclaimedSize } = stats
if (badContentCount || reclaimedCount || missingContent) {
if (badContentCount) {
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Corrupted content removed: ${badContentCount}`)
if (reclaimedCount) {
`Content garbage-collected: ${reclaimedCount} (${reclaimedSize} bytes)`
if (missingContent) {
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Missing content: ${missingContent}`)
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', 'Cache issues have been fixed')
`Verification complete. Stats: ${JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)}`
return `verified ${stats.verifiedContent} tarballs`
} finally {
async checkNpmRegistry () {
if (this.npm.flatOptions.registry !== defaultRegistry) {
throw `Try \`npm config set registry=${defaultRegistry}\``
} else {
return `using default registry (${defaultRegistry})`
output (row) {
const t = new Table({
chars: { top: '',
'top-mid': '',
'top-left': '',
'top-right': '',
bottom: '',
'bottom-mid': '',
'bottom-left': '',
'bottom-right': '',
left: '',
'left-mid': '',
mid: '',
'mid-mid': '',
right: '',
'right-mid': '',
middle: ' ' },
style: { 'padding-left': 0, 'padding-right': 0 },
colWidths: [this.#checkWidth, 6],
actions (params) {
return this.constructor.subcommands.filter(subcmd => {
if (process.platform === 'win32' && === false) {
return false
if (params.length) {
return params.some(param => subcmd.groups.includes(param))
return true
module.exports = Doctor