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A minimal sorting algorithm animation:
Sorts a shelf of 10 blocks using insertion
sort, selection sort and quicksort.
Shelfs are implemented using builtin lists.
Blocks are turtles with shape "square", but
stretched to rectangles by shapesize()
To exit press space button
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�Blockc C sF || _ tj| ddd� | �� | �|d dd� | �d� | �� d S )NZsquareF)�shapeZvisibleg �?� �black)�size�Turtle�__init__Zpu� shapesize� fillcolor�st)�selfr � r �2/usr/lib64/python3.8/turtledemo/sorting_animate.pyr s
zBlock.__init__c C s | � d� d S )NZred�r �r
r r r �glow s z
Block.glowc C s | � d� d S )Nr r r r r r �unglow"