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\% � @ st d Z ddlZddd�Zddd�ZG dd � d ej�ZG d
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ej�ZG dd� dej�Zdd� Z dS )a Python 'utf-8-sig' Codec
This work similar to UTF-8 with the following changes:
* On encoding/writing a UTF-8 encoded BOM will be prepended/written as the
first three bytes.
* On decoding/reading if the first three bytes are a UTF-8 encoded BOM, these
bytes will be skipped.
� N�strictc C s t jt j| |�d t| �fS )Nr )�codecs�BOM_UTF8�utf_8_encode�len)�input�errors� r �+/usr/lib64/python3.6/encodings/�encode s r c C sD d}| d d� t jkr&| dd � } d}t j| |d�\}}||| fS )Nr � T)r r �utf_8_decode)r r �prefix�output�consumedr r r
�decode s r c @ s8 e Zd Zddd�Zddd�Zdd� Zd d
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S )�IncrementalEncoderr c C s t jj| |� d| _d S )N� )r r �__init__�first)�selfr r r r
r s zIncrementalEncoder.__init__Fc C s: | j r$d| _ tjtj|| j�d S tj|| j�d S d S )Nr )r r r r r )r r �finalr r r
r s
zIncrementalEncoder.encodec C s t jj| � d| _d S )Nr )r r �resetr )r r r r
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