Your IP :
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rD dZY nX ddgZG dd� de�Z dZ
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ZdZG d
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Based on the J. Myers POP3 draft, Jan. 96
� NTF�POP3�error_protoc @ s e Zd ZdS )r N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__� r r �/usr/lib64/python3.6/poplib.pyr s �n i� �
i c @ s e Zd ZdZdZeejfdd�Zdd� Z dd� Z
d d
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d� Z
dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd=d d!�Zd"d#� Zd$d%� Zd&d'� Zd(d)� Zd*d+� Zd,d-� Zd.d/� Zejd0�Z d1d2� Z!d3d4� Z"d>d5d6�Z#d7d8� Z$d9d:� Z%d?d;d<�Z&dS )@r aP This class supports both the minimal and optional command sets.
Arguments can be strings or integers (where appropriate)
(e.g.: retr(1) and retr('1') both work equally well.
Minimal Command Set:
USER name user(name)
PASS string pass_(string)
STAT stat()
LIST [msg] list(msg = None)
RETR msg retr(msg)
DELE msg dele(msg)
NOOP noop()
RSET rset()
QUIT quit()
Optional Commands (some servers support these):
RPOP name rpop(name)
APOP name digest apop(name, digest)
TOP msg n top(msg, n)
UIDL [msg] uidl(msg = None)
CAPA capa()
STLS stls()
UTF8 utf8()
Raises one exception: 'error_proto'.
Instantiate with:
POP3(hostname, port=110)
NB: the POP protocol locks the mailbox from user
authorization until QUIT, so be sure to get in, suck
the messages, and quit, each time you access the
POP is a line-based protocol, which means large mail
messages consume lots of python cycles reading them
If it's available on your mail server, use IMAP4
instead, it doesn't suffer from the two problems
zUTF-8c C s@ || _ || _d| _| j|�| _| jjd�| _d| _| j� | _ d S )NF�rbr )
r �timeoutr r r �__init__a s z
POP3.__init__c C s t j| j| jf|�S )N)�socketZcreate_connectionr
r )r r r r r r k s zPOP3._create_socketc C s, | j dkrtdt|�� | jj|t � d S )N� z*put*)r �print�reprr Zsendall�CRLF)r �liner r r �_putlinen s
POP3._putlinec C s. | j rtdt|�� t|| j�}| j|� d S )Nz*cmd*)r r r �bytes�encodingr )r r r r r �_putcmdu s zPOP3._putcmdc C s� | j jtd �}t|�tkr$td��| jdkr<tdt|�� |sHtd��t|�}|dd � tkrp|d d� |fS |d d� t kr�|dd� |fS |d d � |fS )
Nr z
line too longz*get*z-ERR EOF� ���r% ���r&