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// This file is generated from the static method @factory doctags.
if (!function_exists('assertThat')) {
* Make an assertion and throw {@link Hamcrest_AssertionError} if it fails.
* Example:
* <pre>
* //With an identifier
* assertThat("assertion identifier", $apple->flavour(), equalTo("tasty"));
* //Without an identifier
* assertThat($apple->flavour(), equalTo("tasty"));
* //Evaluating a boolean expression
* assertThat("some error", $a > $b);
* </pre>
function assertThat()
$args = func_get_args();
array('Hamcrest\MatcherAssert', 'assertThat'),
if (!function_exists('anArray')) {
* Evaluates to true only if each $matcher[$i] is satisfied by $array[$i].
function anArray(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArray', 'anArray'), $args);
if (!function_exists('hasItemInArray')) {
* Evaluates to true if any item in an array satisfies the given matcher.
* @param mixed $item as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
* @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining
function hasItemInArray($item)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining::hasItemInArray($item);
if (!function_exists('hasValue')) {
* Evaluates to true if any item in an array satisfies the given matcher.
* @param mixed $item as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
* @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining
function hasValue($item)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining::hasItemInArray($item);
if (!function_exists('arrayContainingInAnyOrder')) {
* An array with elements that match the given matchers.
function arrayContainingInAnyOrder(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInAnyOrder', 'arrayContainingInAnyOrder'), $args);
if (!function_exists('containsInAnyOrder')) {
* An array with elements that match the given matchers.
function containsInAnyOrder(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInAnyOrder', 'arrayContainingInAnyOrder'), $args);
if (!function_exists('arrayContaining')) {
* An array with elements that match the given matchers in the same order.
function arrayContaining(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInOrder', 'arrayContaining'), $args);
if (!function_exists('contains')) {
* An array with elements that match the given matchers in the same order.
function contains(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInOrder', 'arrayContaining'), $args);
if (!function_exists('hasKeyInArray')) {
* Evaluates to true if any key in an array matches the given matcher.
* @param mixed $key as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
* @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey
function hasKeyInArray($key)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey::hasKeyInArray($key);
if (!function_exists('hasKey')) {
* Evaluates to true if any key in an array matches the given matcher.
* @param mixed $key as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
* @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey
function hasKey($key)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey::hasKeyInArray($key);
if (!function_exists('hasKeyValuePair')) {
* Test if an array has both an key and value in parity with each other.
function hasKeyValuePair($key, $value)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKeyValuePair::hasKeyValuePair($key, $value);
if (!function_exists('hasEntry')) {
* Test if an array has both an key and value in parity with each other.
function hasEntry($key, $value)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKeyValuePair::hasKeyValuePair($key, $value);
if (!function_exists('arrayWithSize')) {
* Does array size satisfy a given matcher?
* @param \Hamcrest\Matcher|int $size as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
* @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize
function arrayWithSize($size)
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::arrayWithSize($size);
if (!function_exists('emptyArray')) {
* Matches an empty array.
function emptyArray()
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::emptyArray();
if (!function_exists('nonEmptyArray')) {
* Matches an empty array.
function nonEmptyArray()
return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::nonEmptyArray();
if (!function_exists('emptyTraversable')) {
* Returns true if traversable is empty.
function emptyTraversable()
return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsEmptyTraversable::emptyTraversable();
if (!function_exists('nonEmptyTraversable')) {
* Returns true if traversable is not empty.
function nonEmptyTraversable()
return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsEmptyTraversable::nonEmptyTraversable();
if (!function_exists('traversableWithSize')) {
* Does traversable size satisfy a given matcher?
function traversableWithSize($size)
return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsTraversableWithSize::traversableWithSize($size);
if (!function_exists('allOf')) {
* Evaluates to true only if ALL of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
function allOf(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AllOf', 'allOf'), $args);
if (!function_exists('anyOf')) {
* Evaluates to true if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
function anyOf(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AnyOf', 'anyOf'), $args);
if (!function_exists('noneOf')) {
* Evaluates to false if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
function noneOf(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AnyOf', 'noneOf'), $args);
if (!function_exists('both')) {
* This is useful for fluently combining matchers that must both pass.
* For example:
* <pre>
* assertThat($string, both(containsString("a"))->andAlso(containsString("b")));
* </pre>
function both(\Hamcrest\Matcher $matcher)
return \Hamcrest\Core\CombinableMatcher::both($matcher);
if (!function_exists('either')) {
* This is useful for fluently combining matchers where either may pass,
* for example:
* <pre>
* assertThat($string, either(containsString("a"))->orElse(containsString("b")));
* </pre>
function either(\Hamcrest\Matcher $matcher)
return \Hamcrest\Core\CombinableMatcher::either($matcher);
if (!function_exists('describedAs')) {
* Wraps an existing matcher and overrides the description when it fails.
function describedAs(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\DescribedAs', 'describedAs'), $args);
if (!function_exists('everyItem')) {
* @param Matcher $itemMatcher
* A matcher to apply to every element in an array.
* @return \Hamcrest\Core\Every
* Evaluates to TRUE for a collection in which every item matches $itemMatcher
function everyItem(\Hamcrest\Matcher $itemMatcher)
return \Hamcrest\Core\Every::everyItem($itemMatcher);
if (!function_exists('hasToString')) {
* Does array size satisfy a given matcher?
function hasToString($matcher)
return \Hamcrest\Core\HasToString::hasToString($matcher);
if (!function_exists('is')) {
* Decorates another Matcher, retaining the behavior but allowing tests
* to be slightly more expressive.
* For example: assertThat($cheese, equalTo($smelly))
* vs. assertThat($cheese, is(equalTo($smelly)))
function is($value)
return \Hamcrest\Core\Is::is($value);
if (!function_exists('anything')) {
* This matcher always evaluates to true.
* @param string $description A meaningful string used when describing itself.
* @return \Hamcrest\Core\IsAnything
function anything($description = 'ANYTHING')
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsAnything::anything($description);
if (!function_exists('hasItem')) {
* Test if the value is an array containing this matcher.
* Example:
* <pre>
* assertThat(array('a', 'b'), hasItem(equalTo('b')));
* //Convenience defaults to equalTo()
* assertThat(array('a', 'b'), hasItem('b'));
* </pre>
function hasItem(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\IsCollectionContaining', 'hasItem'), $args);
if (!function_exists('hasItems')) {
* Test if the value is an array containing elements that match all of these
* matchers.
* Example:
* <pre>
* assertThat(array('a', 'b', 'c'), hasItems(equalTo('a'), equalTo('b')));
* </pre>
function hasItems(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\IsCollectionContaining', 'hasItems'), $args);
if (!function_exists('equalTo')) {
* Is the value equal to another value, as tested by the use of the "=="
* comparison operator?
function equalTo($item)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsEqual::equalTo($item);
if (!function_exists('identicalTo')) {
* Tests of the value is identical to $value as tested by the "===" operator.
function identicalTo($value)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsIdentical::identicalTo($value);
if (!function_exists('anInstanceOf')) {
* Is the value an instance of a particular type?
* This version assumes no relationship between the required type and
* the signature of the method that sets it up, for example in
* <code>assertThat($anObject, anInstanceOf('Thing'));</code>
function anInstanceOf($theClass)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsInstanceOf::anInstanceOf($theClass);
if (!function_exists('any')) {
* Is the value an instance of a particular type?
* This version assumes no relationship between the required type and
* the signature of the method that sets it up, for example in
* <code>assertThat($anObject, anInstanceOf('Thing'));</code>
function any($theClass)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsInstanceOf::anInstanceOf($theClass);
if (!function_exists('not')) {
* Matches if value does not match $value.
function not($value)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNot::not($value);
if (!function_exists('nullValue')) {
* Matches if value is null.
function nullValue()
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNull::nullValue();
if (!function_exists('notNullValue')) {
* Matches if value is not null.
function notNullValue()
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNull::notNullValue();
if (!function_exists('sameInstance')) {
* Creates a new instance of IsSame.
* @param mixed $object
* The predicate evaluates to true only when the argument is
* this object.
* @return \Hamcrest\Core\IsSame
function sameInstance($object)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsSame::sameInstance($object);
if (!function_exists('typeOf')) {
* Is the value a particular built-in type?
function typeOf($theType)
return \Hamcrest\Core\IsTypeOf::typeOf($theType);
if (!function_exists('set')) {
* Matches if value (class, object, or array) has named $property.
function set($property)
return \Hamcrest\Core\Set::set($property);
if (!function_exists('notSet')) {
* Matches if value (class, object, or array) does not have named $property.
function notSet($property)
return \Hamcrest\Core\Set::notSet($property);
if (!function_exists('closeTo')) {
* Matches if value is a number equal to $value within some range of
* acceptable error $delta.
function closeTo($value, $delta)
return \Hamcrest\Number\IsCloseTo::closeTo($value, $delta);
if (!function_exists('comparesEqualTo')) {
* The value is not > $value, nor < $value.
function comparesEqualTo($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::comparesEqualTo($value);
if (!function_exists('greaterThan')) {
* The value is > $value.
function greaterThan($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThan($value);
if (!function_exists('greaterThanOrEqualTo')) {
* The value is >= $value.
function greaterThanOrEqualTo($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThanOrEqualTo($value);
if (!function_exists('atLeast')) {
* The value is >= $value.
function atLeast($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThanOrEqualTo($value);
if (!function_exists('lessThan')) {
* The value is < $value.
function lessThan($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThan($value);
if (!function_exists('lessThanOrEqualTo')) {
* The value is <= $value.
function lessThanOrEqualTo($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThanOrEqualTo($value);
if (!function_exists('atMost')) {
* The value is <= $value.
function atMost($value)
return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThanOrEqualTo($value);
if (!function_exists('isEmptyString')) {
* Matches if value is a zero-length string.
function isEmptyString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyString();
if (!function_exists('emptyString')) {
* Matches if value is a zero-length string.
function emptyString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyString();
if (!function_exists('isEmptyOrNullString')) {
* Matches if value is null or a zero-length string.
function isEmptyOrNullString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyOrNullString();
if (!function_exists('nullOrEmptyString')) {
* Matches if value is null or a zero-length string.
function nullOrEmptyString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyOrNullString();
if (!function_exists('isNonEmptyString')) {
* Matches if value is a non-zero-length string.
function isNonEmptyString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isNonEmptyString();
if (!function_exists('nonEmptyString')) {
* Matches if value is a non-zero-length string.
function nonEmptyString()
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isNonEmptyString();
if (!function_exists('equalToIgnoringCase')) {
* Matches if value is a string equal to $string, regardless of the case.
function equalToIgnoringCase($string)
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEqualIgnoringCase::equalToIgnoringCase($string);
if (!function_exists('equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace')) {
* Matches if value is a string equal to $string, regardless of whitespace.
function equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace($string)
return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEqualIgnoringWhiteSpace::equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace($string);
if (!function_exists('matchesPattern')) {
* Matches if value is a string that matches regular expression $pattern.
function matchesPattern($pattern)
return \Hamcrest\Text\MatchesPattern::matchesPattern($pattern);
if (!function_exists('containsString')) {
* Matches if value is a string that contains $substring.
function containsString($substring)
return \Hamcrest\Text\StringContains::containsString($substring);
if (!function_exists('containsStringIgnoringCase')) {
* Matches if value is a string that contains $substring regardless of the case.
function containsStringIgnoringCase($substring)
return \Hamcrest\Text\StringContainsIgnoringCase::containsStringIgnoringCase($substring);
if (!function_exists('stringContainsInOrder')) {
* Matches if value contains $substrings in a constrained order.
function stringContainsInOrder(/* args... */)
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Text\StringContainsInOrder', 'stringContainsInOrder'), $args);
if (!function_exists('endsWith')) {
* Matches if value is a string that ends with $substring.
function endsWith($substring)
return \Hamcrest\Text\StringEndsWith::endsWith($substring);
if (!function_exists('startsWith')) {
* Matches if value is a string that starts with $substring.
function startsWith($substring)
return \Hamcrest\Text\StringStartsWith::startsWith($substring);
if (!function_exists('arrayValue')) {
* Is the value an array?
function arrayValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsArray::arrayValue();
if (!function_exists('booleanValue')) {
* Is the value a boolean?
function booleanValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsBoolean::booleanValue();
if (!function_exists('boolValue')) {
* Is the value a boolean?
function boolValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsBoolean::booleanValue();
if (!function_exists('callableValue')) {
* Is the value callable?
function callableValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsCallable::callableValue();
if (!function_exists('doubleValue')) {
* Is the value a float/double?
function doubleValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsDouble::doubleValue();
if (!function_exists('floatValue')) {
* Is the value a float/double?
function floatValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsDouble::doubleValue();
if (!function_exists('integerValue')) {
* Is the value an integer?
function integerValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsInteger::integerValue();
if (!function_exists('intValue')) {
* Is the value an integer?
function intValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsInteger::integerValue();
if (!function_exists('numericValue')) {
* Is the value a numeric?
function numericValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsNumeric::numericValue();
if (!function_exists('objectValue')) {
* Is the value an object?
function objectValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsObject::objectValue();
if (!function_exists('anObject')) {
* Is the value an object?
function anObject()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsObject::objectValue();
if (!function_exists('resourceValue')) {
* Is the value a resource?
function resourceValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsResource::resourceValue();
if (!function_exists('scalarValue')) {
* Is the value a scalar (boolean, integer, double, or string)?
function scalarValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsScalar::scalarValue();
if (!function_exists('stringValue')) {
* Is the value a string?
function stringValue()
return \Hamcrest\Type\IsString::stringValue();
if (!function_exists('hasXPath')) {
* Wraps <code>$matcher</code> with {@link Hamcrest\Core\IsEqual)
* if it's not a matcher and the XPath in <code>count()</code>
* if it's an integer.
function hasXPath($xpath, $matcher = null)
return \Hamcrest\Xml\HasXPath::hasXPath($xpath, $matcher);