Your IP :
* Treant-js
* (c) 2013 Fran Peručić
* Treant-js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
* For all details and documentation:
* Treant is an open-source JavaScipt library for visualization of tree diagrams.
* It implements the node positioning algorithm of John Q. Walker II "Positioning nodes for General Trees".
* References:
* Emilio Cortegoso Lobato: ECOTree.js v1.0 (October 26th, 2006)
* Contributors:
* Fran Peručić,
* Dave Goodchild,
;( function() {
// Polyfill for IE to use startsWith
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){
return this.substr(position || 0, searchString.length) === searchString;
var $ = null;
var UTIL = {
* Directly updates, recursively/deeply, the first object with all properties in the second object
* @param {object} applyTo
* @param {object} applyFrom
* @return {object}
inheritAttrs: function( applyTo, applyFrom ) {
for ( var attr in applyFrom ) {
if ( applyFrom.hasOwnProperty( attr ) ) {
if ( ( applyTo[attr] instanceof Object && applyFrom[attr] instanceof Object ) && ( typeof applyFrom[attr] !== 'function' ) ) {
this.inheritAttrs( applyTo[attr], applyFrom[attr] );
else {
applyTo[attr] = applyFrom[attr];
return applyTo;
* Returns a new object by merging the two supplied objects
* @param {object} obj1
* @param {object} obj2
* @returns {object}
createMerge: function( obj1, obj2 ) {
var newObj = {};
if ( obj1 ) {
this.inheritAttrs( newObj, this.cloneObj( obj1 ) );
if ( obj2 ) {
this.inheritAttrs( newObj, obj2 );
return newObj;
* Takes any number of arguments
* @returns {*}
extend: function() {
if ( $ ) {
Array.prototype.unshift.apply( arguments, [true, {}] );
return $.extend.apply( $, arguments );
else {
return UTIL.createMerge.apply( this, arguments );
* @param {object} obj
* @returns {*}
cloneObj: function ( obj ) {
if ( Object( obj ) !== obj ) {
return obj;
var res = new obj.constructor();
for ( var key in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
res[key] = this.cloneObj(obj[key]);
return res;
* @param {Element} el
* @param {string} eventType
* @param {function} handler
addEvent: function( el, eventType, handler ) {
if ( $ ) {
$( el ).on( eventType+'.treant', handler );
else if ( el.addEventListener ) { // DOM Level 2 browsers
el.addEventListener( eventType, handler, false );
else if ( el.attachEvent ) { // IE <= 8
el.attachEvent( 'on' + eventType, handler );
else { // ancient browsers
el['on' + eventType] = handler;
* @param {string} selector
* @param {boolean} raw
* @param {Element} parentEl
* @returns {Element|jQuery}
findEl: function( selector, raw, parentEl ) {
parentEl = parentEl || document;
if ( $ ) {
var $element = $( selector, parentEl );
return ( raw? $element.get( 0 ): $element );
else {
// todo: getElementsByName()
// todo: getElementsByTagName()
// todo: getElementsByTagNameNS()
if ( selector.charAt( 0 ) === '#' ) {
return parentEl.getElementById( selector.substring( 1 ) );
else if ( selector.charAt( 0 ) === '.' ) {
var oElements = parentEl.getElementsByClassName( selector.substring( 1 ) );
return ( oElements.length? oElements[0]: null );
throw new Error( 'Unknown container element' );
getOuterHeight: function( element ) {
var nRoundingCompensation = 1;
if ( typeof element.getBoundingClientRect === 'function' ) {
return element.getBoundingClientRect().height;
else if ( $ ) {
return Math.ceil( $( element ).outerHeight() ) + nRoundingCompensation;
else {
return Math.ceil(
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'border-top-width', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'border-bottom-width', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'padding-top', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'padding-bottom', true )
+ nRoundingCompensation
getOuterWidth: function( element ) {
var nRoundingCompensation = 1;
if ( typeof element.getBoundingClientRect === 'function' ) {
return element.getBoundingClientRect().width;
else if ( $ ) {
return Math.ceil( $( element ).outerWidth() ) + nRoundingCompensation;
else {
return Math.ceil(
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'border-left-width', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'border-right-width', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'padding-left', true )
+ UTIL.getStyle( element, 'padding-right', true )
+ nRoundingCompensation
getStyle: function( element, strCssRule, asInt ) {
var strValue = "";
if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
strValue = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( element, '' ).getPropertyValue( strCssRule );
else if( element.currentStyle ) {
strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g,
function (strMatch, p1){
return p1.toUpperCase();
strValue = element.currentStyle[strCssRule];
//Number([^\d\.\-]/g, ''));
return ( asInt? parseFloat( strValue ): strValue );
addClass: function( element, cssClass ) {
if ( $ ) {
$( element ).addClass( cssClass );
else {
if ( !UTIL.hasClass( element, cssClass ) ) {
if ( element.classList ) {
element.classList.add( cssClass );
else {
element.className += " "+cssClass;
hasClass: function(element, my_class) {
return (" " + element.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" "+my_class+" ") > -1;
toggleClass: function ( element, cls, apply ) {
if ( $ ) {
$( element ).toggleClass( cls, apply );
else {
if ( apply ) {
//element.className += " "+cls;
element.classList.add( cls );
else {
element.classList.remove( cls );
setDimensions: function( element, width, height ) {
if ( $ ) {
$( element ).width( width ).height( height );
else { = width+'px'; = height+'px';
isjQueryAvailable: function() {return(typeof ($) !== 'undefined' && $);},
* ImageLoader is used for determining if all the images from the Tree are loaded.
* Node size (width, height) can be correctly determined only when all inner images are loaded
var ImageLoader = function() {
ImageLoader.prototype = {
* @returns {ImageLoader}
reset: function() {
this.loading = [];
return this;
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @returns {ImageLoader}
processNode: function( node ) {
var aImages = node.nodeDOM.getElementsByTagName( 'img' );
var i = aImages.length;
while ( i-- ) {
this.create( node, aImages[i] );
return this;
* @returns {ImageLoader}
removeAll: function( img_src ) {
var i = this.loading.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( this.loading[i] === img_src ) {
this.loading.splice( i, 1 );
return this;
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @param {Element} image
* @returns {*}
create: function ( node, image ) {
var self = this, source = image.src;
function imgTrigger() {
self.removeAll( source );
node.width = node.nodeDOM.offsetWidth;
node.height = node.nodeDOM.offsetHeight;
if ( image.src.indexOf( 'data:' ) !== 0 ) {
this.loading.push( source );
if ( image.complete ) {
return imgTrigger();
UTIL.addEvent( image, 'load', imgTrigger );
UTIL.addEvent( image, 'error', imgTrigger ); // handle broken url-s
// load event is not fired for cached images, force the load event
image.src += ( ( image.src.indexOf( '?' ) > 0)? '&': '?' ) + new Date().getTime();
else {
* @returns {boolean}
isNotLoading: function() {
return ( this.loading.length === 0 );
* Class: TreeStore
* TreeStore is used for holding initialized Tree objects
* Its purpose is to avoid global variables and enable multiple Trees on the page.
var TreeStore = {
store: [],
* @param {object} jsonConfig
* @returns {Tree}
createTree: function( jsonConfig ) {
var nNewTreeId =; new Tree( jsonConfig, nNewTreeId ) );
return this.get( nNewTreeId );
* @param {number} treeId
* @returns {Tree}
get: function ( treeId ) {
* @param {number} treeId
* @returns {TreeStore}
destroy: function( treeId ) {
var tree = this.get( treeId );
if ( tree ) {
var draw_area = tree.drawArea;
while ( draw_area.firstChild ) {
draw_area.removeChild( draw_area.firstChild );
var classes = draw_area.className.split(' '),
classes_to_stay = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
var cls = classes[i];
if ( cls !== 'Treant' && cls !== 'Treant-loaded' ) {
} = ''; = '';
draw_area.className = classes_to_stay.join(' ');[treeId] = null;
return this;
* Tree constructor.
* @param {object} jsonConfig
* @param {number} treeId
* @constructor
var Tree = function (jsonConfig, treeId ) {
* @param {object} jsonConfig
* @param {number} treeId
* @returns {Tree}
this.reset = function( jsonConfig, treeId ) {
this.initJsonConfig = jsonConfig;
this.initTreeId = treeId; = treeId;
this.CONFIG = UTIL.extend( Tree.CONFIG, jsonConfig.chart );
this.drawArea = UTIL.findEl( this.CONFIG.container, true );
if ( !this.drawArea ) {
throw new Error( 'Failed to find element by selector "'+this.CONFIG.container+'"' );
UTIL.addClass( this.drawArea, 'Treant' );
// kill of any child elements that may be there
this.drawArea.innerHTML = '';
this.imageLoader = new ImageLoader();
this.nodeDB = new NodeDB( jsonConfig.nodeStructure, this );
// key store for storing reference to node connectors,
// key = nodeId where the connector ends
this.connectionStore = {};
this.loaded = false;
this._R = new Raphael( this.drawArea, 100, 100 );
return this;
* @returns {Tree}
this.reload = function() {
this.reset( this.initJsonConfig, this.initTreeId ).redraw();
return this;
this.reset( jsonConfig, treeId );
Tree.prototype = {
* @returns {NodeDB}
getNodeDb: function() {
return this.nodeDB;
* @param {TreeNode} parentTreeNode
* @param {object} nodeDefinition
* @returns {TreeNode}
addNode: function( parentTreeNode, nodeDefinition ) {
var dbEntry = this.nodeDB.get( );
this.CONFIG.callback.onBeforeAddNode.apply( this, [parentTreeNode, nodeDefinition] );
var oNewNode = this.nodeDB.createNode( nodeDefinition,, this );
oNewNode.createGeometry( this );
oNewNode.parent().createSwitchGeometry( this );
this.CONFIG.callback.onAfterAddNode.apply( this, [oNewNode, parentTreeNode, nodeDefinition] );
return oNewNode;
* @returns {Tree}
redraw: function() {
return this;
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {Tree}
positionTree: function( callback ) {
var self = this;
if ( this.imageLoader.isNotLoading() ) {
var root = this.root(),
orient = this.CONFIG.rootOrientation;
this.firstWalk( root, 0 );
this.secondWalk( root, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( this.CONFIG.animateOnInit ) {
function() {
if ( !this.loaded ) {
UTIL.addClass( this.drawArea, 'Treant-loaded' ); // nodes are hidden until .loaded class is added
if ( callback ) === "[object Function]" ) {
callback( self );
self.CONFIG.callback.onTreeLoaded.apply( self, [root] );
this.loaded = true;
else {
function() {
self.positionTree( callback );
}, 10
return this;
* In a first post-order walk, every node of the tree is assigned a preliminary
* x-coordinate (held in field node->prelim).
* In addition, internal nodes are given modifiers, which will be used to move their
* children to the right (held in field node->modifier).
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @param {number} level
* @returns {Tree}
firstWalk: function( node, level ) {
node.prelim = null;
node.modifier = null;
this.setNeighbors( node, level );
this.calcLevelDim( node, level );
var leftSibling = node.leftSibling();
if ( node.childrenCount() === 0 || level == this.CONFIG.maxDepth ) {
// set preliminary x-coordinate
if ( leftSibling ) {
node.prelim = leftSibling.prelim + leftSibling.size() + this.CONFIG.siblingSeparation;
else {
node.prelim = 0;
else {
//node is not a leaf, firstWalk for each child
for ( var i = 0, n = node.childrenCount(); i < n; i++ ) {
this.firstWalk(node.childAt(i), level + 1);
var midPoint = node.childrenCenter() - node.size() / 2;
if ( leftSibling ) {
node.prelim = leftSibling.prelim + leftSibling.size() + this.CONFIG.siblingSeparation;
node.modifier = node.prelim - midPoint;
this.apportion( node, level );
else {
node.prelim = midPoint;
// handle stacked children positioning
if ( node.stackParent ) { // handle the parent of stacked children
node.modifier += this.nodeDB.get( node.stackChildren[0] ).size()/2 + node.connStyle.stackIndent;
else if ( node.stackParentId ) { // handle stacked children
node.prelim = 0;
return this;
* Clean up the positioning of small sibling subtrees.
* Subtrees of a node are formed independently and
* placed as close together as possible. By requiring
* that the subtrees be rigid at the time they are put
* together, we avoid the undesirable effects that can
* accrue from positioning nodes rather than subtrees.
apportion: function (node, level) {
var firstChild = node.firstChild(),
firstChildLeftNeighbor = firstChild.leftNeighbor(),
compareDepth = 1,
depthToStop = this.CONFIG.maxDepth - level;
while( firstChild && firstChildLeftNeighbor && compareDepth <= depthToStop ) {
// calculate the position of the firstChild, according to the position of firstChildLeftNeighbor
var modifierSumRight = 0,
modifierSumLeft = 0,
leftAncestor = firstChildLeftNeighbor,
rightAncestor = firstChild;
for ( var i = 0; i < compareDepth; i++ ) {
leftAncestor = leftAncestor.parent();
rightAncestor = rightAncestor.parent();
modifierSumLeft += leftAncestor.modifier;
modifierSumRight += rightAncestor.modifier;
// all the stacked children are oriented towards right so use right variables
if ( rightAncestor.stackParent !== undefined ) {
modifierSumRight += rightAncestor.size() / 2;
// find the gap between two trees and apply it to subTrees
// and mathing smaller gaps to smaller subtrees
var totalGap = (firstChildLeftNeighbor.prelim + modifierSumLeft + firstChildLeftNeighbor.size() + this.CONFIG.subTeeSeparation) - (firstChild.prelim + modifierSumRight );
if ( totalGap > 0 ) {
var subtreeAux = node,
numSubtrees = 0;
// count all the subtrees in the LeftSibling
while ( subtreeAux && !== ) {
subtreeAux = subtreeAux.leftSibling();
if ( subtreeAux ) {
var subtreeMoveAux = node,
singleGap = totalGap / numSubtrees;
while ( !== ) {
subtreeMoveAux.prelim += totalGap;
subtreeMoveAux.modifier += totalGap;
totalGap -= singleGap;
subtreeMoveAux = subtreeMoveAux.leftSibling();
firstChild = ( firstChild.childrenCount() === 0 )?
node.leftMost(0, compareDepth):
firstChild = firstChild.firstChild();
if ( firstChild ) {
firstChildLeftNeighbor = firstChild.leftNeighbor();
* During a second pre-order walk, each node is given a
* final x-coordinate by summing its preliminary
* x-coordinate and the modifiers of all the node's
* ancestors. The y-coordinate depends on the height of
* the tree. (The roles of x and y are reversed for
* RootOrientations of EAST or WEST.)
secondWalk: function( node, level, X, Y ) {
if ( level <= this.CONFIG.maxDepth ) {
var xTmp = node.prelim + X,
yTmp = Y, align = this.CONFIG.nodeAlign,
orient = this.CONFIG.rootOrientation,
levelHeight, nodesizeTmp;
if (orient === 'NORTH' || orient === 'SOUTH') {
levelHeight = this.levelMaxDim[level].height;
nodesizeTmp = node.height;
if (node.pseudo) {
node.height = levelHeight;
} // assign a new size to pseudo nodes
else if (orient === 'WEST' || orient === 'EAST') {
levelHeight = this.levelMaxDim[level].width;
nodesizeTmp = node.width;
if (node.pseudo) {
node.width = levelHeight;
} // assign a new size to pseudo nodes
node.X = xTmp;
if (node.pseudo) { // pseudo nodes need to be properly aligned, otherwise position is not correct in some examples
if (orient === 'NORTH' || orient === 'WEST') {
node.Y = yTmp; // align "BOTTOM"
else if (orient === 'SOUTH' || orient === 'EAST') {
node.Y = (yTmp + (levelHeight - nodesizeTmp)); // align "TOP"
} else {
node.Y = ( align === 'CENTER' ) ? (yTmp + (levelHeight - nodesizeTmp) / 2) :
( align === 'TOP' ) ? (yTmp + (levelHeight - nodesizeTmp)) :
if ( orient === 'WEST' || orient === 'EAST' ) {
var swapTmp = node.X;
node.X = node.Y;
node.Y = swapTmp;
if (orient === 'SOUTH' ) {
node.Y = -node.Y - nodesizeTmp;
else if ( orient === 'EAST' ) {
node.X = -node.X - nodesizeTmp;
if ( node.childrenCount() !== 0 ) {
if ( === 0 && this.CONFIG.hideRootNode ) {
// ako je root node Hiden onda nemoj njegovu dijecu pomaknut po Y osi za Level separation, neka ona budu na vrhu
this.secondWalk(node.firstChild(), level + 1, X + node.modifier, Y);
else {
this.secondWalk(node.firstChild(), level + 1, X + node.modifier, Y + levelHeight + this.CONFIG.levelSeparation);
if ( node.rightSibling() ) {
this.secondWalk( node.rightSibling(), level, X, Y );
* position all the nodes, center the tree in center of its container
* 0,0 coordinate is in the upper left corner
* @returns {Tree}
positionNodes: function() {
var self = this,
treeSize = {
x: self.nodeDB.getMinMaxCoord('X', null, null),
y: self.nodeDB.getMinMaxCoord('Y', null, null)
treeWidth = treeSize.x.max - treeSize.x.min,
treeHeight = treeSize.y.max - treeSize.y.min,
treeCenter = {
x: treeSize.x.max - treeWidth/2,
y: treeSize.y.max - treeHeight/2
this.handleOverflow(treeWidth, treeHeight);
containerCenter = {
x: self.drawArea.clientWidth/2,
y: self.drawArea.clientHeight/2
deltaX = containerCenter.x - treeCenter.x,
deltaY = containerCenter.y - treeCenter.y,
// all nodes must have positive X or Y coordinates, handle this with offsets
negOffsetX = ((treeSize.x.min + deltaX) <= 0) ? Math.abs(treeSize.x.min) : 0,
negOffsetY = ((treeSize.y.min + deltaY) <= 0) ? Math.abs(treeSize.y.min) : 0,
i, len, node;
// position all the nodes
for ( i = 0, len = this.nodeDB.db.length; i < len; i++ ) {
node = this.nodeDB.get(i);
self.CONFIG.callback.onBeforePositionNode.apply( self, [node, i, containerCenter, treeCenter] );
if ( === 0 && this.CONFIG.hideRootNode ) {
self.CONFIG.callback.onAfterPositionNode.apply( self, [node, i, containerCenter, treeCenter] );
// if the tree is smaller than the draw area, then center the tree within drawing area
node.X += negOffsetX + ((treeWidth < this.drawArea.clientWidth) ? deltaX : this.CONFIG.padding);
node.Y += negOffsetY + ((treeHeight < this.drawArea.clientHeight) ? deltaY : this.CONFIG.padding);
var collapsedParent = node.collapsedParent(),
hidePoint = null;
if (collapsedParent) {
// position the node behind the connector point of the parent, so future animations can be visible
hidePoint = collapsedParent.connectorPoint( true );
else if (node.positioned) {
// node is already positioned,;
else { // inicijalno stvaranje nodeova, postavi lokaciju = node.X + 'px'; = node.Y + 'px';
node.positioned = true;
if ( !== 0 && !(node.parent().id === 0 && this.CONFIG.hideRootNode)) {
this.setConnectionToParent(node, hidePoint); // skip the root node
else if (!this.CONFIG.hideRootNode && node.drawLineThrough) {
// drawlinethrough is performed for for the root node also
self.CONFIG.callback.onAfterPositionNode.apply( self, [node, i, containerCenter, treeCenter] );
return this;
* Create Raphael instance, (optionally set scroll bars if necessary)
* @param {number} treeWidth
* @param {number} treeHeight
* @returns {Tree}
handleOverflow: function( treeWidth, treeHeight ) {
var viewWidth = (treeWidth < this.drawArea.clientWidth) ? this.drawArea.clientWidth : treeWidth + this.CONFIG.padding*2,
viewHeight = (treeHeight < this.drawArea.clientHeight) ? this.drawArea.clientHeight : treeHeight + this.CONFIG.padding*2;
this._R.setSize( viewWidth, viewHeight );
if ( this.CONFIG.scrollbar === 'resize') {
UTIL.setDimensions( this.drawArea, viewWidth, viewHeight );
else if ( !UTIL.isjQueryAvailable() || this.CONFIG.scrollbar === 'native' ) {
if ( this.drawArea.clientWidth < treeWidth ) { // is overflow-x necessary = "auto";
if ( this.drawArea.clientHeight < treeHeight ) { // is overflow-y necessary = "auto";
// Fancy scrollbar relies heavily on jQuery, so guarding with if ( $ )
else if ( this.CONFIG.scrollbar === 'fancy') {
var jq_drawArea = $( this.drawArea );
if (jq_drawArea.hasClass('ps-container')) { // znaci da je 'fancy' vec inicijaliziran, treba updateat
width: viewWidth,
height: viewHeight
else {
var mainContainer = jq_drawArea.wrapInner('<div class="Treant"/>'),
child = mainContainer.find('.Treant');
width: viewWidth,
height: viewHeight
} // else this.CONFIG.scrollbar == 'None'
return this;
* @param {TreeNode} treeNode
* @param {boolean} hidePoint
* @returns {Tree}
setConnectionToParent: function( treeNode, hidePoint ) {
var stacked = treeNode.stackParentId,
parent = ( stacked? this.nodeDB.get( stacked ): treeNode.parent() ),
pathString = hidePoint?
this.getPathString(parent, treeNode, stacked);
if ( this.connectionStore[] ) {
// connector already exists, update the connector geometry
connLine = this.connectionStore[];
this.animatePath( connLine, pathString );
else {
connLine = this._R.path( pathString );
this.connectionStore[] = connLine;
// don't show connector arrows por pseudo nodes
if ( treeNode.pseudo ) {
if ( parent.pseudo ) {
connLine.attr( );
if ( treeNode.drawLineThrough || treeNode.pseudo ) {
treeNode.drawLineThroughMe( hidePoint );
treeNode.connector = connLine;
return this;
* Create the path which is represented as a point, used for hiding the connection
* A path with a leading "_" indicates the path will be hidden
* See:
* @param {object} hidePoint
* @returns {string}
getPointPathString: function( hidePoint ) {
return ["_M", hidePoint.x, ",", hidePoint.y, 'L', hidePoint.x, ",", hidePoint.y, hidePoint.x, ",", hidePoint.y].join(' ');
* This method relied on receiving a valid Raphael Paper.path.
* See:
* A pathString is typically in the format of "M10,20L30,40"
* @param path
* @param {string} pathString
* @returns {Tree}
animatePath: function( path, pathString ) {
if (path.hidden && pathString.charAt(0) !== "_") { // path will be shown, so show it;
path.hidden = false;
// See:
path: pathString.charAt(0) === "_"?
pathString // remove the "_" prefix if it exists
function() {
if ( pathString.charAt(0) === "_" ) { // animation is hiding the path, hide it at the and of animation
path.hidden = true;
return this;
* @param {TreeNode} from_node
* @param {TreeNode} to_node
* @param {boolean} stacked
* @returns {string}
getPathString: function( from_node, to_node, stacked ) {
var startPoint = from_node.connectorPoint( true ),
endPoint = to_node.connectorPoint( false ),
orientation = this.CONFIG.rootOrientation,
connType = from_node.connStyle.type,
P1 = {}, P2 = {};
if ( orientation === 'NORTH' || orientation === 'SOUTH' ) {
P1.y = P2.y = (startPoint.y + endPoint.y) / 2;
P1.x = startPoint.x;
P2.x = endPoint.x;
else if ( orientation === 'EAST' || orientation === 'WEST' ) {
P1.x = P2.x = (startPoint.x + endPoint.x) / 2;
P1.y = startPoint.y;
P2.y = endPoint.y;
// sp, p1, pm, p2, ep == "x,y"
var sp = startPoint.x+','+startPoint.y, p1 = P1.x+','+P1.y, p2 = P2.x+','+P2.y, ep = endPoint.x+','+endPoint.y,
pm = (P1.x + P2.x)/2 +','+ (P1.y + P2.y)/2, pathString, stackPoint;
if ( stacked ) { // STACKED CHILDREN
stackPoint = (orientation === 'EAST' || orientation === 'WEST')?
if ( connType === "step" || connType === "straight" ) {
pathString = ["M", sp, 'L', stackPoint, 'L', ep];
else if ( connType === "curve" || connType === "bCurve" ) {
var helpPoint, // used for nicer curve lines
indent = from_node.connStyle.stackIndent;
if ( orientation === 'NORTH' ) {
helpPoint = (endPoint.x - indent)+','+(endPoint.y - indent);
else if ( orientation === 'SOUTH' ) {
helpPoint = (endPoint.x - indent)+','+(endPoint.y + indent);
else if ( orientation === 'EAST' ) {
helpPoint = (endPoint.x + indent) +','+startPoint.y;
else if ( orientation === 'WEST' ) {
helpPoint = (endPoint.x - indent) +','+startPoint.y;
pathString = ["M", sp, 'L', helpPoint, 'S', stackPoint, ep];
if ( connType === "step" ) {
pathString = ["M", sp, 'L', p1, 'L', p2, 'L', ep];
else if ( connType === "curve" ) {
pathString = ["M", sp, 'C', p1, p2, ep ];
else if ( connType === "bCurve" ) {
pathString = ["M", sp, 'Q', p1, pm, 'T', ep];
else if (connType === "straight" ) {
pathString = ["M", sp, 'L', sp, ep];
return pathString.join(" ");
* Algorithm works from left to right, so previous processed node will be left neighbour of the next node
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @param {number} level
* @returns {Tree}
setNeighbors: function( node, level ) {
node.leftNeighborId = this.lastNodeOnLevel[level];
if ( node.leftNeighborId ) {
node.leftNeighbor().rightNeighborId =;
this.lastNodeOnLevel[level] =;
return this;
* Used for calculation of height and width of a level (level dimensions)
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @param {number} level
* @returns {Tree}
calcLevelDim: function( node, level ) { // root node is on level 0
this.levelMaxDim[level] = {
width: Math.max( this.levelMaxDim[level]? this.levelMaxDim[level].width: 0, node.width ),
height: Math.max( this.levelMaxDim[level]? this.levelMaxDim[level].height: 0, node.height )
return this;
* @returns {Tree}
resetLevelData: function() {
this.lastNodeOnLevel = [];
this.levelMaxDim = [];
return this;
* @returns {TreeNode}
root: function() {
return this.nodeDB.get( 0 );
* NodeDB is used for storing the nodes. Each tree has its own NodeDB.
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @param {Tree} tree
* @constructor
var NodeDB = function ( nodeStructure, tree ) {
this.reset( nodeStructure, tree );
NodeDB.prototype = {
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @param {Tree} tree
* @returns {NodeDB}
reset: function( nodeStructure, tree ) {
this.db = [];
var self = this;
* @param {object} node
* @param {number} parentId
function iterateChildren( node, parentId ) {
var newNode = self.createNode( node, parentId, tree, null );
if ( node.children ) {
// pseudo node is used for descending children to the next level
if ( node.childrenDropLevel && node.childrenDropLevel > 0 ) {
while ( node.childrenDropLevel-- ) {
// pseudo node needs to inherit the connection style from its parent for continuous connectors
var connStyle = UTIL.cloneObj( newNode.connStyle );
newNode = self.createNode( 'pseudo',, tree, null );
newNode.connStyle = connStyle;
newNode.children = [];
var stack = ( node.stackChildren && !self.hasGrandChildren( node ) )? null;
// children are positioned on separate levels, one beneath the other
if ( stack !== null ) {
newNode.stackChildren = [];
for ( var i = 0, len = node.children.length; i < len ; i++ ) {
if ( stack !== null ) {
newNode = self.createNode( node.children[i],, tree, stack );
if ( ( i + 1 ) < len ) {
// last node cant have children
newNode.children = [];
else {
iterateChildren( node.children[i], );
if ( tree.CONFIG.animateOnInit ) {
nodeStructure.collapsed = true;
iterateChildren( nodeStructure, -1 ); // root node
this.createGeometries( tree );
return this;
* @param {Tree} tree
* @returns {NodeDB}
createGeometries: function( tree ) {
var i = this.db.length;
while ( i-- ) {
this.get( i ).createGeometry( tree );
return this;
* @param {number} nodeId
* @returns {TreeNode}
get: function ( nodeId ) {
return this.db[nodeId]; // get TreeNode by ID
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {NodeDB}
walk: function( callback ) {
var i = this.db.length;
while ( i-- ) {
callback.apply( this, [ this.get( i ) ] );
return this;
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @param {number} parentId
* @param {Tree} tree
* @param {number} stackParentId
* @returns {TreeNode}
createNode: function( nodeStructure, parentId, tree, stackParentId ) {
var node = new TreeNode( nodeStructure, this.db.length, parentId, tree, stackParentId );
this.db.push( node );
// skip root node (0)
if ( parentId >= 0 ) {
var parent = this.get( parentId );
// todo: refactor into separate private method
if ( nodeStructure.position ) {
if ( nodeStructure.position === 'left' ) {
parent.children.push( );
else if ( nodeStructure.position === 'right' ) {
parent.children.splice( 0, 0, );
else if ( nodeStructure.position === 'center' ) {
parent.children.splice( Math.floor( parent.children.length / 2 ), 0, );
else {
// edge case when there's only 1 child
var position = parseInt( nodeStructure.position );
if ( parent.children.length === 1 && position > 0 ) {
parent.children.splice( 0, 0, );
else {
Math.max( position, parent.children.length - 1 ),
else {
parent.children.push( );
if ( stackParentId ) {
this.get( stackParentId ).stackParent = true;
this.get( stackParentId ).stackChildren.push( );
return node;
getMinMaxCoord: function( dim, parent, MinMax ) { // used for getting the dimensions of the tree, dim = 'X' || 'Y'
// looks for min and max (X and Y) within the set of nodes
parent = parent || this.get(0);
MinMax = MinMax || { // start with root node dimensions
min: parent[dim],
max: parent[dim] + ( ( dim === 'X' )? parent.width: parent.height )
var i = parent.childrenCount();
while ( i-- ) {
var node = parent.childAt( i ),
maxTest = node[dim] + ( ( dim === 'X' )? node.width: node.height ),
minTest = node[dim];
if ( maxTest > MinMax.max ) {
MinMax.max = maxTest;
if ( minTest < MinMax.min ) {
MinMax.min = minTest;
this.getMinMaxCoord( dim, node, MinMax );
return MinMax;
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @returns {boolean}
hasGrandChildren: function( nodeStructure ) {
var i = nodeStructure.children.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( nodeStructure.children[i].children ) {
return true;
return false;
* TreeNode constructor.
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} parentId
* @param {Tree} tree
* @param {number} stackParentId
* @constructor
var TreeNode = function( nodeStructure, id, parentId, tree, stackParentId ) {
this.reset( nodeStructure, id, parentId, tree, stackParentId );
TreeNode.prototype = {
* @param {object} nodeStructure
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} parentId
* @param {Tree} tree
* @param {number} stackParentId
* @returns {TreeNode}
reset: function( nodeStructure, id, parentId, tree, stackParentId ) { = id;
this.parentId = parentId;
this.treeId =;
this.prelim = 0;
this.modifier = 0;
this.leftNeighborId = null;
this.stackParentId = stackParentId;
// pseudo node is a node with width=height=0, it is invisible, but necessary for the correct positioning of the tree
this.pseudo = nodeStructure === 'pseudo' || nodeStructure['pseudo']; // todo: surely if nodeStructure is a scalar then the rest will error:
this.meta = nodeStructure.meta || {};
this.image = nodeStructure.image || null; = UTIL.createMerge(, );
this.connStyle = UTIL.createMerge( tree.CONFIG.connectors, nodeStructure.connectors );
this.connector = null;
this.drawLineThrough = nodeStructure.drawLineThrough === false ? false : ( nodeStructure.drawLineThrough || tree.CONFIG.node.drawLineThrough );
this.collapsable = nodeStructure.collapsable === false ? false : ( nodeStructure.collapsable || tree.CONFIG.node.collapsable );
this.collapsed = nodeStructure.collapsed;
this.text = nodeStructure.text;
// '.node' DIV
this.nodeInnerHTML = nodeStructure.innerHTML;
this.nodeHTMLclass = (tree.CONFIG.node.HTMLclass ? tree.CONFIG.node.HTMLclass : '') + // globally defined class for the nodex
(nodeStructure.HTMLclass ? (' ' + nodeStructure.HTMLclass) : ''); // + specific node class
this.nodeHTMLid = nodeStructure.HTMLid;
this.children = [];
return this;
* @returns {Tree}
getTree: function() {
return TreeStore.get( this.treeId );
* @returns {object}
getTreeConfig: function() {
return this.getTree().CONFIG;
* @returns {NodeDB}
getTreeNodeDb: function() {
return this.getTree().getNodeDb();
* @param {number} nodeId
* @returns {TreeNode}
lookupNode: function( nodeId ) {
return this.getTreeNodeDb().get( nodeId );
* @returns {Tree}
Tree: function() {
return TreeStore.get( this.treeId );
* @param {number} nodeId
* @returns {TreeNode}
dbGet: function( nodeId ) {
return this.getTreeNodeDb().get( nodeId );
* Returns the width of the node
* @returns {float}
size: function() {
var orientation = this.getTreeConfig().rootOrientation;
if ( this.pseudo ) {
// prevents separating the subtrees
return ( -this.getTreeConfig().subTeeSeparation );
if ( orientation === 'NORTH' || orientation === 'SOUTH' ) {
return this.width;
else if ( orientation === 'WEST' || orientation === 'EAST' ) {
return this.height;
* @returns {number}
childrenCount: function () {
return ( ( this.collapsed || !this.children)? 0: this.children.length );
* @param {number} index
* @returns {TreeNode}
childAt: function( index ) {
return this.dbGet( this.children[index] );
* @returns {TreeNode}
firstChild: function() {
return this.childAt( 0 );
* @returns {TreeNode}
lastChild: function() {
return this.childAt( this.children.length - 1 );
* @returns {TreeNode}
parent: function() {
return this.lookupNode( this.parentId );
* @returns {TreeNode}
leftNeighbor: function() {
if ( this.leftNeighborId ) {
return this.lookupNode( this.leftNeighborId );
* @returns {TreeNode}
rightNeighbor: function() {
if ( this.rightNeighborId ) {
return this.lookupNode( this.rightNeighborId );
* @returns {TreeNode}
leftSibling: function () {
var leftNeighbor = this.leftNeighbor();
if ( leftNeighbor && leftNeighbor.parentId === this.parentId ){
return leftNeighbor;
* @returns {TreeNode}
rightSibling: function () {
var rightNeighbor = this.rightNeighbor();
if ( rightNeighbor && rightNeighbor.parentId === this.parentId ) {
return rightNeighbor;
* @returns {number}
childrenCenter: function () {
var first = this.firstChild(),
last = this.lastChild();
return ( first.prelim + ((last.prelim - first.prelim) + last.size()) / 2 );
* Find out if one of the node ancestors is collapsed
* @returns {*}
collapsedParent: function() {
var parent = this.parent();
if ( !parent ) {
return false;
if ( parent.collapsed ) {
return parent;
return parent.collapsedParent();
* Returns the leftmost child at specific level, (initial level = 0)
* @param level
* @param depth
* @returns {*}
leftMost: function ( level, depth ) {
if ( level >= depth ) {
return this;
if ( this.childrenCount() === 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0, n = this.childrenCount(); i < n; i++ ) {
var leftmostDescendant = this.childAt( i ).leftMost( level + 1, depth );
if ( leftmostDescendant ) {
return leftmostDescendant;
// returns start or the end point of the connector line, origin is upper-left
connectorPoint: function(startPoint) {
var orient = this.Tree().CONFIG.rootOrientation, point = {};
if ( this.stackParentId ) { // return different end point if node is a stacked child
if ( orient === 'NORTH' || orient === 'SOUTH' ) {
orient = 'WEST';
else if ( orient === 'EAST' || orient === 'WEST' ) {
orient = 'NORTH';
// if pseudo, a virtual center is used
if ( orient === 'NORTH' ) {
point.x = (this.pseudo) ? this.X - this.Tree().CONFIG.subTeeSeparation/2 : this.X + this.width/2;
point.y = (startPoint) ? this.Y + this.height : this.Y;
else if (orient === 'SOUTH') {
point.x = (this.pseudo) ? this.X - this.Tree().CONFIG.subTeeSeparation/2 : this.X + this.width/2;
point.y = (startPoint) ? this.Y : this.Y + this.height;
else if (orient === 'EAST') {
point.x = (startPoint) ? this.X : this.X + this.width;
point.y = (this.pseudo) ? this.Y - this.Tree().CONFIG.subTeeSeparation/2 : this.Y + this.height/2;
else if (orient === 'WEST') {
point.x = (startPoint) ? this.X + this.width : this.X;
point.y = (this.pseudo) ? this.Y - this.Tree().CONFIG.subTeeSeparation/2 : this.Y + this.height/2;
return point;
* @returns {string}
pathStringThrough: function() { // get the geometry of a path going through the node
var startPoint = this.connectorPoint( true ),
endPoint = this.connectorPoint( false );
return ["M", startPoint.x+","+startPoint.y, 'L', endPoint.x+","+endPoint.y].join(" ");
* @param {object} hidePoint
drawLineThroughMe: function( hidePoint ) { // hidepoint se proslijedjuje ako je node sakriven zbog collapsed
var pathString = hidePoint?
this.Tree().getPointPathString( hidePoint ):
this.lineThroughMe = this.lineThroughMe || this.Tree()._R.path(pathString);
var line_style = UTIL.cloneObj( );
delete line_style['arrow-start'];
delete line_style['arrow-end'];
this.lineThroughMe.attr( line_style );
if ( hidePoint ) {
this.lineThroughMe.hidden = true;
addSwitchEvent: function( nodeSwitch ) {
var self = this;
UTIL.addEvent( nodeSwitch, 'click',
function( e ) {
if ( self.getTreeConfig().callback.onBeforeClickCollapseSwitch.apply( self, [ nodeSwitch, e ] ) === false ) {
return false;
self.getTreeConfig().callback.onAfterClickCollapseSwitch.apply( self, [ nodeSwitch, e ] );
* @returns {TreeNode}
collapse: function() {
if ( !this.collapsed ) {
return this;
* @returns {TreeNode}
expand: function() {
if ( this.collapsed ) {
return this;
* @returns {TreeNode}
toggleCollapse: function() {
var oTree = this.getTree();
if ( !oTree.inAnimation ) {
oTree.inAnimation = true;
this.collapsed = !this.collapsed; // toggle the collapse at each click
UTIL.toggleClass( this.nodeDOM, 'collapsed', this.collapsed );
var self = this;
function() { // set the flag after the animation
oTree.inAnimation = false;
oTree.CONFIG.callback.onToggleCollapseFinished.apply( oTree, [ self, self.collapsed ] );
( oTree.CONFIG.animation.nodeSpeed > oTree.CONFIG.animation.connectorsSpeed )?
return this;
hide: function( collapse_to_point ) {
collapse_to_point = collapse_to_point || false;
var bCurrentState = this.hidden;
this.hidden = true; = 'hidden';
var tree = this.getTree(),
config = this.getTreeConfig(),
oNewState = {
opacity: 0
if ( collapse_to_point ) {
oNewState.left = collapse_to_point.x; = collapse_to_point.y;
// if parent was hidden in initial configuration, position the node behind the parent without animations
if ( !this.positioned || bCurrentState ) { = 'hidden';
if ( $ ) {
$( this.nodeDOM ).css( oNewState );
else { = oNewState.left + 'px'; = + 'px';
this.positioned = true;
else {
// todo: fix flashy bug when a node is manually hidden and tree.redraw is called.
if ( $ ) {
$( this.nodeDOM ).animate(
oNewState, config.animation.nodeSpeed, config.animation.nodeAnimation,
function () { = 'hidden';
else { = 'all '+config.animation.nodeSpeed+'ms ease'; = 'opacity, left, top'; = oNewState.opacity; = oNewState.left + 'px'; = + 'px'; = 'hidden';
// animate the line through node if the line exists
if ( this.lineThroughMe ) {
var new_path = tree.getPointPathString( collapse_to_point );
if ( bCurrentState ) {
// update without animations
this.lineThroughMe.attr( { path: new_path } );
else {
// update with animations
tree.animatePath( this.lineThroughMe, tree.getPointPathString( collapse_to_point ) );
return this;
* @returns {TreeNode}
hideConnector: function() {
var oTree = this.Tree();
var oPath = oTree.connectionStore[];
if ( oPath ) {
{ 'opacity': 0 },
return this;
show: function() {
var bCurrentState = this.hidden;
this.hidden = false; = 'visible';
var oTree = this.Tree();
var oNewState = {
left: this.X,
top: this.Y,
opacity: 1
config = this.getTreeConfig();
// if the node was hidden, update opacity and position
if ( $ ) {
$( this.nodeDOM ).animate(
config.animation.nodeSpeed, config.animation.nodeAnimation,
function () {
// $.animate applies "overflow:hidden" to the node, remove it to avoid visual problems = "";
else { = 'all '+config.animation.nodeSpeed+'ms ease'; = 'opacity, left, top'; = oNewState.left + 'px'; = + 'px'; = oNewState.opacity; = '';
if ( this.lineThroughMe ) {
this.getTree().animatePath( this.lineThroughMe, this.pathStringThrough() );
return this;
* @returns {TreeNode}
showConnector: function() {
var oTree = this.Tree();
var oPath = oTree.connectionStore[];
if ( oPath ) {
{ 'opacity': 1 },
return this;
* Build a node from the 'text' and 'img' property and return with it.
* The node will contain all the fields that present under the 'text' property
* Each field will refer to a css class with name defined as node-{$property_name}
* Example:
* The definition:
* text: {
* desc: "some description",
* paragraph: "some text"
* }
* will generate the following elements:
* <p class="node-desc">some description</p>
* <p class="node-paragraph">some text</p>
* @Returns the configured node
TreeNode.prototype.buildNodeFromText = function (node) {
if (this.image) {
image = document.createElement('img');
image.src = this.image;
if (this.text) {
for (var key in this.text) {
// adding DATA Attributes to the node
if (key.startsWith("data-")) {
node.setAttribute(key, this.text[key]);
} else {
var textElement = document.createElement(this.text[key].href ? 'a' : 'p');
// make an <a> element if required
if (this.text[key].href) {
textElement.href = this.text[key].href;
if (this.text[key].target) { = this.text[key].target;
textElement.className = "node-"+key;
this.text[key].val ? this.text[key].val :
this.text[key] instanceof Object ? "'val' param missing!" : this.text[key]
return node;
* Build a node from 'nodeInnerHTML' property that defines an existing HTML element, referenced by it's id, e.g: #someElement
* Change the text in the passed node to 'Wrong ID selector' if the referenced element does ot exist,
* return with a cloned and configured node otherwise
* @Returns node the configured node
TreeNode.prototype.buildNodeFromHtml = function(node) {
// get some element by ID and clone its structure into a node
if (this.nodeInnerHTML.charAt(0) === "#") {
var elem = document.getElementById(this.nodeInnerHTML.substring(1));
if (elem) {
node = elem.cloneNode(true); += "-clone";
node.className += " node";
else {
node.innerHTML = "<b> Wrong ID selector </b>";
else {
// insert your custom HTML into a node
node.innerHTML = this.nodeInnerHTML;
return node;
* @param {Tree} tree
TreeNode.prototype.createGeometry = function( tree ) {
if ( === 0 && tree.CONFIG.hideRootNode ) {
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
var drawArea = tree.drawArea,
/////////// CREATE NODE //////////////
node = document.createElement( 'a': 'div' );
node.className = ( !this.pseudo )? TreeNode.CONFIG.nodeHTMLclass: 'pseudo';
if ( this.nodeHTMLclass && !this.pseudo ) {
node.className += ' ' + this.nodeHTMLclass;
if ( this.nodeHTMLid ) { = this.nodeHTMLid;
if ( ) {
node.href =; =;
if ( $ ) {
$( node ).data( 'treenode', this );
else { = {
'treenode': this
/////////// BUILD NODE CONTENT //////////////
if ( !this.pseudo ) {
node = this.nodeInnerHTML? this.buildNodeFromHtml(node) : this.buildNodeFromText(node)
// handle collapse switch
if ( this.collapsed || (this.collapsable && this.childrenCount() && !this.stackParentId) ) {
this.createSwitchGeometry( tree, node );
tree.CONFIG.callback.onCreateNode.apply( tree, [this, node] );
/////////// APPEND all //////////////
this.width = node.offsetWidth;
this.height = node.offsetHeight;
this.nodeDOM = node;
* @param {Tree} tree
* @param {Element} nodeEl
TreeNode.prototype.createSwitchGeometry = function( tree, nodeEl ) {
nodeEl = nodeEl || this.nodeDOM;
// safe guard and check to see if it has a collapse switch
var nodeSwitchEl = UTIL.findEl( '.collapse-switch', true, nodeEl );
if ( !nodeSwitchEl ) {
nodeSwitchEl = document.createElement( 'a' );
nodeSwitchEl.className = "collapse-switch";
nodeEl.appendChild( nodeSwitchEl );
this.addSwitchEvent( nodeSwitchEl );
if ( this.collapsed ) {
nodeEl.className += " collapsed";
tree.CONFIG.callback.onCreateNodeCollapseSwitch.apply( tree, [this, nodeEl, nodeSwitchEl] );
return nodeSwitchEl;
// ###########################################
// Expose global + default CONFIG params
// ###########################################
Tree.CONFIG = {
maxDepth: 100,
rootOrientation: 'NORTH', // NORTH || EAST || WEST || SOUTH
nodeAlign: 'CENTER', // CENTER || TOP || BOTTOM
levelSeparation: 30,
siblingSeparation: 30,
subTeeSeparation: 30,
hideRootNode: false,
animateOnInit: false,
animateOnInitDelay: 500,
padding: 15, // the difference is seen only when the scrollbar is shown
scrollbar: 'native', // "native" || "fancy" || "None" (PS: "fancy" requires jquery and perfect-scrollbar)
connectors: {
type: 'curve', // 'curve' || 'step' || 'straight' || 'bCurve'
style: {
stroke: 'black'
stackIndent: 15
node: { // each node inherits this, it can all be overridden in node config
// HTMLclass: 'node',
// drawLineThrough: false,
// collapsable: false,
link: {
target: '_self'
animation: { // each node inherits this, it can all be overridden in node config
nodeSpeed: 450,
nodeAnimation: 'linear',
connectorsSpeed: 450,
connectorsAnimation: 'linear'
callback: {
onCreateNode: function( treeNode, treeNodeDom ) {}, // this = Tree
onCreateNodeCollapseSwitch: function( treeNode, treeNodeDom, switchDom ) {}, // this = Tree
onAfterAddNode: function( newTreeNode, parentTreeNode, nodeStructure ) {}, // this = Tree
onBeforeAddNode: function( parentTreeNode, nodeStructure ) {}, // this = Tree
onAfterPositionNode: function( treeNode, nodeDbIndex, containerCenter, treeCenter) {}, // this = Tree
onBeforePositionNode: function( treeNode, nodeDbIndex, containerCenter, treeCenter) {}, // this = Tree
onToggleCollapseFinished: function ( treeNode, bIsCollapsed ) {}, // this = Tree
onAfterClickCollapseSwitch: function( nodeSwitch, event ) {}, // this = TreeNode
onBeforeClickCollapseSwitch: function( nodeSwitch, event ) {}, // this = TreeNode
onTreeLoaded: function( rootTreeNode ) {} // this = Tree
TreeNode.CONFIG = {
nodeHTMLclass: 'node'
// #############################################
// Makes a JSON chart config out of Array config
// #############################################
var JSONconfig = {
make: function( configArray ) {
var i = configArray.length, node;
this.jsonStructure = {
chart: null,
nodeStructure: null
//fist loop: find config, find root;
while(i--) {
node = configArray[i];
if (node.hasOwnProperty('container')) {
this.jsonStructure.chart = node;
if (!node.hasOwnProperty('parent') && ! node.hasOwnProperty('container')) {
this.jsonStructure.nodeStructure = node;
node._json_id = 0;
return this.jsonStructure;
findChildren: function(nodes) {
var parents = [0]; // start with a a root node
while(parents.length) {
var parentId = parents.pop(),
parent = this.findNode(this.jsonStructure.nodeStructure, parentId),
i = 0, len = nodes.length,
children = [];
for(;i<len;i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if(node.parent && (node.parent._json_id === parentId)) { // skip config and root nodes
node._json_id = this.getID();
delete node.parent;
if (children.length) {
parent.children = children;
findNode: function( node, nodeId ) {
var childrenLen, found;
if (node._json_id === nodeId) {
return node;
else if ( node.children ) {
childrenLen = node.children.length;
while ( childrenLen-- ) {
found = this.findNode(node.children[childrenLen], nodeId);
if ( found ) {
return found;
getID: (
function() {
var i = 1;
return function() {
return i++;
* Chart constructor.
var Treant = function( jsonConfig, callback, jQuery ) {
if ( jsonConfig instanceof Array ) {
jsonConfig = JSONconfig.make( jsonConfig );
// optional
if ( jQuery ) {
$ = jQuery;
this.tree = TreeStore.createTree( jsonConfig );
this.tree.positionTree( callback );
Treant.prototype.destroy = function() {
TreeStore.destroy( );
/* expose constructor globally */
window.Treant = Treant;
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