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Provides an equivalent of Python's built-in `dict_values` and `dict_items`
types that result from expreessions such as `{}.values()` and
`{}.items()`. The equivalent for `{}.keys()` is absent because the keys are
instead represented by a `PSet` object, which can be created in `O(1)` time.
The `PMapView` class is overloaded by the `PMapValues` and `PMapItems`
classes which handle the specific case of values and items, respectively
m : mapping
The mapping/dict-like object of which a view is to be created. This
should generally be a `PMap` object.
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� | d|� � d S )Nz"PViewMap requires a Mapping object�_map)�
isinstance�PMapr �pmap� TypeError�object�__setattr__)�self�ms �p/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyrsistent/�__init__zPMapView.__init__ sb � ��!�T�"�"� F��!�W�%�%�
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