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Lightweight schema migrations.
NOTE: Currently tested with SQLite and Postgresql. MySQL may be missing some
Example Usage
Instantiate a migrator:
# Postgres example:
my_db = PostgresqlDatabase(...)
migrator = PostgresqlMigrator(my_db)
# SQLite example:
my_db = SqliteDatabase('my_database.db')
migrator = SqliteMigrator(my_db)
Then you will use the `migrate` function to run various `Operation`s which
are generated by the migrator:
migrator.add_column('some_table', 'column_name', CharField(default=''))
Migrations are not run inside a transaction, so if you wish the migration to
run in a transaction you will need to wrap the call to `migrate` in a
transaction block, e.g.:
with my_db.transaction():
Supported Operations
Add new field(s) to an existing model:
# Create your field instances. For non-null fields you must specify a
# default value.
pubdate_field = DateTimeField(null=True)
comment_field = TextField(default='')
# Run the migration, specifying the database table, field name and field.
migrator.add_column('comment_tbl', 'pub_date', pubdate_field),
migrator.add_column('comment_tbl', 'comment', comment_field),
Renaming a field:
# Specify the table, original name of the column, and its new name.
migrator.rename_column('story', 'pub_date', 'publish_date'),
migrator.rename_column('story', 'mod_date', 'modified_date'),
Dropping a field:
migrator.drop_column('story', 'some_old_field'),
Making a field nullable or not nullable:
# Note that when making a field not null that field must not have any
# NULL values present.
# Make `pub_date` allow NULL values.
migrator.drop_not_null('story', 'pub_date'),
# Prevent `modified_date` from containing NULL values.
migrator.add_not_null('story', 'modified_date'),
Renaming a table:
migrator.rename_table('story', 'stories_tbl'),
Adding an index:
# Specify the table, column names, and whether the index should be
# UNIQUE or not.
# Create an index on the `pub_date` column.
migrator.add_index('story', ('pub_date',), False),
# Create a multi-column index on the `pub_date` and `status` fields.
migrator.add_index('story', ('pub_date', 'status'), False),
# Create a unique index on the category and title fields.
migrator.add_index('story', ('category_id', 'title'), True),
Dropping an index:
# Specify the index name.
migrate(migrator.drop_index('story', 'story_pub_date_status'))
Adding or dropping table constraints:
.. code-block:: python
# Add a CHECK() constraint to enforce the price cannot be negative.
Check('price >= 0')))
# Remove the price check constraint.
migrate(migrator.drop_constraint('products', 'price_check'))
# Add a UNIQUE constraint on the first and last names.
migrate(migrator.add_unique('person', 'first_name', 'last_name'))
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