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dJ� � ZQi dKe!�dLe9�dMe%�dNe(�dOe1�dPe0�dQe4�dRe:�dSe,�dTe6�dUe-�dVe7�dWe+�dXe5�dYe'�dZe2�d[e)�e*e.e/e"e&e#e3e$e8d\� �ZR eSd]� eeR� � D � � � � ZT eUeR� � eUeT� � k s
J d^� � � ej d_d`�V da� eWeRdb� �c� � D � � � � z � � ZX eYeGeIeHe;eLeMeNg� � ZZ eYe;eOeIeNg� � Z[dd� Z\de� Z]df� Z^dg� Z_dh� Z` G di� djea� � Zb G dk� dlec� � Zde G dm� dnea� � � � Zee G do� dpea� � � � Zfdq� Zg G dr� dsec� � Zh G dt� duea� � ZidS )vz�Implements a Jinja / Python combination lexer. The ``Lexer`` class
is used to do some preprocessing. It filters out invalid operators like
the bitshift operators we don't allow in templates. It separates
template code and python code in expressions.
� N)�literal_eval)�deque)�
itemgetter� )�implements_iterator)�intern)� iteritems)� text_type)�TemplateSyntaxError)�LRUCache�2 z\s+z(\r\n|\r|\n)z7('([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'|"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)")z
(?<!\.) # doesn't start with a .
(\d+_)*\d+ # digits, possibly _ separated
(\.(\d+_)*\d+)? # optional fractional part
e[+\-]?(\d+_)*\d+ # exponent part
\.(\d+_)*\d+ # required fractional part
u fööz <unknown>�eval)�patternTz[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*F�add�assign�colon�comma�div�dot�eq�floordiv�gt�gteq�lbrace�lbracket�lparen�lt�lteq�mod�mul�ne�pipe�pow�rbrace�rbracket�rparen� semicolon�sub�tilde�
whitespace�float�integer�name�string�operator�block_begin� block_end�variable_begin�variable_end� raw_begin�raw_end�
comment_begin�comment_end�comment�linestatement_begin�linestatement_end�linecomment_begin�linecomment_end�linecomment�data�initial�eof�+�-�/z//�*�%z**�~�[�]�(�)�{�}z==z!=�>) z>=�<z<=�=�.�:�|�,�;c � � g | ] \ }}||f��
S � rV )�.0�k�vs �l/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jinja2/�
<listcomp>r[ � s � �B�B�B�T�Q��1�a�&�B�B�B� zoperators droppedz(%s)rR c # �>