Your IP :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# daemon/
# Part of ‘python-daemon’, an implementation of PEP 3143.
# This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
# certain conditions; see the end of this file for copyright
# information, grant of license, and disclaimer of warranty.
""" Package metadata for the ‘python-daemon’ distribution. """
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals)
import datetime
import json
import pkg_resources
__metaclass__ = type
distribution_name = "python-daemon"
version_info_filename = "version_info.json"
def get_distribution(name):
""" Get the `Distribution` instance for distribution `name`.
:param name: The distribution name for the query.
:return: The `pkg_resources.Distribution` instance, or
``None`` if the distribution instance is not found.
distribution = None
distribution = pkg_resources.get_distribution(name)
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
return distribution
def get_distribution_version_info(
distribution, filename=version_info_filename):
""" Get the version info from the installed distribution.
:param distribution: The `pkg_resources.Distribution` instance
representing the Python package to interrogate.
:param filename: Base filename of the version info resource.
:return: The version info as a mapping of fields.
The version info is stored as a metadata file in the
If the `distribution` is ``None``, or the version info
metadata file is not found, the return value mapping fields
have placeholder values.
version_info = {
'release_date': "UNKNOWN",
'version': "UNKNOWN",
'maintainer': "UNKNOWN",
if distribution is not None:
if distribution.has_metadata(filename):
content = distribution.get_metadata(filename)
version_info = json.loads(content)
return version_info
distribution = get_distribution(distribution_name)
version_info = get_distribution_version_info(distribution)
version_installed = version_info['version']
author_name = "Ben Finney"
author_email = ""
author = "{name} <{email}>".format(name=author_name, email=author_email)
class YearRange:
""" A range of years spanning a period. """
def __init__(self, begin, end=None):
self.begin = begin
self.end = end
def __unicode__(self):
text = "{range.begin:04d}".format(range=self)
if self.end is not None:
if self.end > self.begin:
text = "{range.begin:04d}–{range.end:04d}".format(range=self)
return text
__str__ = __unicode__
def make_year_range(begin_year, end_date=None):
""" Construct the year range given a start and possible end date.
:param begin_year: The beginning year (text, 4 digits) for the
:param end_date: The end date (text, ISO-8601 format) for the
range, or a non-date token string.
:return: The range of years as a `YearRange` instance.
If the `end_date` is not a valid ISO-8601 date string, the
range has ``None`` for the end year.
begin_year = int(begin_year)
end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# Specified end_date value is not a valid date.
end_year = None
end_year = end_date.year
year_range = YearRange(begin=begin_year, end=end_year)
return year_range
copyright_year_begin = "2001"
build_date = version_info['release_date']
copyright_year_range = make_year_range(copyright_year_begin, build_date)
copyright = "Copyright © {year_range} {author} and others".format(
year_range=copyright_year_range, author=author)
license = "Apache-2"
url = ""
# Copyright © 2008–2019 Ben Finney <>
# This is free software: you may copy, modify, and/or distribute this work
# under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0 as published by the
# Apache Software Foundation.
# No warranty expressed or implied. See the file ‘LICENSE.ASF-2’ for details.
# Local variables:
# coding: utf-8
# mode: python
# End:
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