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Create symlink link_path -> link_value if it does not exist or
points to different location
:param link_value: path that symlink should point to (symlink value)
:type link_value: str
:param link_path: path where to create symlink
:type link_path: str
link_value� link_path�link_tos �n/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clcommon/�create_symlinkr$ / s� � � �G� �w�~�~�i� � � � ��k�)�,�,�G�G��� � � ��D� �����W��� ��I�i� � � � ��� � � ��D� ����
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Read file and return file's lines
errors param may be passed to define how handle
unicode errors, errors=None is default value of open()
:param path: path to file
:param unicode_errors_handle: how to handle unicode errors
:return: list of file's lines
�r�utf-8)�encoding�errorsN)r r �isfile�open� readlines)r �unicode_errors_handle�content�fs r# �get_file_linesr0 F s� � � �G� �w�~�~�d��� $�
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Write lines to file
:param content: list of lines for writing to file
:param path: path to file
:param mode: open mode
:return: None