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class for generation email messages
c � � d S �N� )�selfs �p/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clcommon/�__init__zClEmail.__init__ s � ��� Nc � � t j t j � | � � � � }t j |�� � }|� t j � | � � � � � |� � � d� � }t |� � dk r�|d � t � � ri|d dk r]|d �
t d� � � � � }|� d� � |� d� � |d� |� � fS )a8
Generates email message using jinja2 template engine
:param template_path: path to jinja2 template
:param templ_data: Data to fill template using jinja2
:param subject: Email subject to use if it not found in template
:return: Cortege (email_subject, email_body)
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message_liness r �generate_mail_jinja2zClEmail.generate_mail_jinja2 s# � � �.�r�w���}�/M�/M�N�N���(��=�=�=��#�0�0��G���]�+�+�
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