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� )�*)�DerNull�DerSequence�DerObjectId�DerOctetString)�PBES1�PBES2� PbesError�wrap�unwrapNc �d � |�t t |� � g� � }nt t |� � |g� � }t d|t | � � g� � }|� � � } |�| S |st d� � �t |� � }|�d}t
j | ||||� � S )a/ Wrap a private key into a PKCS#8 blob (clear or encrypted).
private_key (byte string):
The private key encoded in binary form. The actual encoding is
algorithm specific. In most cases, it is DER.
key_oid (string):
The object identifier (OID) of the private key to wrap.
It is a dotted string, like ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1`` (for RSA keys).
passphrase (bytes string or string):
The secret passphrase from which the wrapping key is derived.
Set it only if encryption is required.
protection (string):
The identifier of the algorithm to use for securely wrapping the key.
The default value is ``PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC``.
prot_params (dictionary):
Parameters for the protection algorithm.
| Key | Description |
| iteration_count | The KDF algorithm is repeated several times to|
| | slow down brute force attacks on passwords |
| | (called *N* or CPU/memory cost in scrypt). |
| | The default value for PBKDF2 is 1000. |
| | The default value for scrypt is 16384. |
| salt_size | Salt is used to thwart dictionary and rainbow |
| | attacks on passwords. The default value is 8 |
| | bytes. |
| block_size | *(scrypt only)* Memory-cost (r). The default |
| | value is 8. |
| parallelization | *(scrypt only)* CPU-cost (p). The default |
| | value is 1. |
key_params (DER object or None):
The ``parameters`` field to use in the ``AlgorithmIdentifier``
SEQUENCE. If ``None``, no ``parameters`` field will be added.
By default, the ASN.1 type ``NULL`` is used.
randfunc (callable):
Random number generation function; it should accept a single integer
N and return a string of random data, N bytes long.
If not specified, a new RNG will be instantiated
from :mod:`Crypto.Random`.
The PKCS#8-wrapped private key (possibly encrypted), as a byte string.
Nr zEmpty passphrasez"PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC)r r r �encode�
ValueError�tobytesr �encrypt)
key_params�randfunc� algorithm�pk_info�pk_info_ders
�q/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/IO/PKCS8.pyr r 2 s� � �H ����W�!5�!5� 6�7�7� � ���W�!5�!5�z� B�C�C� �����{�+�+�� � �G�
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��=��j�#�[�(�<� <� <� c � � |r�t |� � }d} t j | |� � } d}n6# t $ r}dt |� � z }Y d}~nd}~wt
$ r d}Y nw xY w|sU t
j | |� � } d}n<# t $ r}|dt |� � z z
}Y d}~nd}~wt
$ r |dz
}Y nw xY w|st d|z � � �t � � � | d �
� � }t |� � dk r|st d� � �|d
k r!t |� � dvrt d� � �n<|d
dk r!t |� � dvrt d� � �nt d� � �t � � � |d d�
� � }t � � � |d
� � j }t |� � dk rd}n: t � � � |d � � d}n# |d }Y nxY wt � � � |d � � j } || |fS )aH Unwrap a private key from a PKCS#8 blob (clear or encrypted).
p8_private_key (byte string):
The private key wrapped into a PKCS#8 blob, DER encoded.
passphrase (byte string or string):
The passphrase to use to decrypt the blob (if it is encrypted).
A tuple containing
#. the algorithm identifier of the wrapped key (OID, dotted string)
#. the private key (byte string, DER encoded)
#. the associated parameters (byte string, DER encoded) or ``None``
ValueError : if decoding fails
FTz PBES1[%s]NzPBES1[Invalid]z
,PBES2[%s]z,PBES2[Invalid]zError decoding PKCS#8 (%s))� � � � )�nr_elementsr z;Not a valid clear PKCS#8 structure (maybe it is encrypted?)r )r r! z#Not a valid PrivateKeyInfo SEQUENCE� )r r! r"