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Module's constants for the modes of operation supported with Triple DES:
:var MODE_ECB: :ref:`Electronic Code Book (ECB) <ecb_mode>`
:var MODE_CBC: :ref:`Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) <cbc_mode>`
:var MODE_CFB: :ref:`Cipher FeedBack (CFB) <cfb_mode>`
:var MODE_OFB: :ref:`Output FeedBack (OFB) <ofb_mode>`
:var MODE_CTR: :ref:`CounTer Mode (CTR) <ctr_mode>`
:var MODE_OPENPGP: :ref:`OpenPGP Mode <openpgp_mode>`
:var MODE_EAX: :ref:`EAX Mode <eax_mode>`
� N)�_create_cipher)�byte_string�bchr�bord�bstr)�load_pycryptodome_raw_lib�VoidPointer�SmartPointer�c_size_tzCrypto.Cipher._raw_des3a�
int DES3_start_operation(const uint8_t key[],
size_t key_len,
void **pResult);
int DES3_encrypt(const void *state,
const uint8_t *in,
uint8_t *out,
size_t data_len);
int DES3_decrypt(const void *state,
const uint8_t *in,
uint8_t *out,
size_t data_len);
int DES3_stop_operation(void *state);
c � �� d� �t | � � t vrt d� � �d� �fd�| D � � � � }|dd� |dd� k s|dd � |d d� k rt d
� � �|S )am Set the parity bits in a TDES key.
:param key_in: the TDES key whose bits need to be adjusted
:type key_in: byte string
:returns: a copy of ``key_in``, with the parity bits correctly set
:rtype: byte string
:raises ValueError: if the TDES key is not 16 or 24 bytes long
:raises ValueError: if the TDES key degenerates into Single DES
c �R � d}t dd� � D ]
}|| |z dz z }�| dz |z S )N� � � )�range)�key_byte�parity�is �t/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/�parity_bytez&adjust_key_parity.<locals>.parity_byteI sB � ����q�!��� *� *�A��x�1�}��)�)�F�F��4��6�)�)� zNot a valid TDES keyr c �Z �� g | ]'}t �t |� � � � � � ��(S � )r r )�.0�xr s �r �
<listcomp>z%adjust_key_parity.<locals>.<listcomp>R s1 �� �E�E�E���k�k�$�q�'�'�2�2�3�3�E�E�Er Nr � i�i����z(Triple DES key degenerates to single DES)�len�key_size�
ValueError�join)�key_in�key_outr s @r �adjust_key_parityr$ <