Your IP :
import itertools
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# up top to prevent circular import due to integration import
# Also needs to be at the top to prevent circular import
class EndpointType(Enum):
The type of an endpoint. This is an enum, rather than a constant, for historical reasons
(the old /store endpoint). The enum also preserve future compatibility, in case we ever
have a new endpoint.
ENVELOPE = "envelope"
class CompressionAlgo(Enum):
GZIP = "gzip"
BROTLI = "br"
import sentry_sdk
from typing import Optional
from typing import Callable
from typing import Union
from typing import List
from typing import Type
from typing import Dict
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from sentry_sdk._types import (
# Experiments are feature flags to enable and disable certain unstable SDK
# functionality. Changing them from the defaults (`None`) in production
# code is highly discouraged. They are not subject to any stability
# guarantees such as the ones from semantic versioning.
Experiments = TypedDict(
"max_spans": Optional[int],
"max_flags": Optional[int],
"record_sql_params": Optional[bool],
"continuous_profiling_auto_start": Optional[bool],
"continuous_profiling_mode": Optional[ContinuousProfilerMode],
"otel_powered_performance": Optional[bool],
"transport_zlib_compression_level": Optional[int],
"transport_compression_level": Optional[int],
"transport_compression_algo": Optional[CompressionAlgo],
"transport_num_pools": Optional[int],
"transport_http2": Optional[bool],
"enable_metrics": Optional[bool],
"before_emit_metric": Optional[
Callable[[str, MetricValue, MeasurementUnit, MetricTags], bool]
"metric_code_locations": Optional[bool],
MATCH_ALL = r".*"
SENTRY = "sentry"
OTEL = "otel"
Additional information describing the type of the span.
AI_FREQUENCY_PENALTY = "ai.frequency_penalty"
Used to reduce repetitiveness of generated tokens.
Example: 0.5
AI_PRESENCE_PENALTY = "ai.presence_penalty"
Used to reduce repetitiveness of generated tokens.
Example: 0.5
AI_INPUT_MESSAGES = "ai.input_messages"
The input messages to an LLM call.
Example: [{"role": "user", "message": "hello"}]
AI_MODEL_ID = "ai.model_id"
The unique descriptor of the model being execugted
Example: gpt-4
AI_METADATA = "ai.metadata"
Extra metadata passed to an AI pipeline step.
Example: {"executed_function": "add_integers"}
AI_TAGS = "ai.tags"
Tags that describe an AI pipeline step.
Example: {"executed_function": "add_integers"}
AI_STREAMING = "ai.streaming"
Whether or not the AI model call's repsonse was streamed back asynchronously
Example: true
AI_TEMPERATURE = "ai.temperature"
For an AI model call, the temperature parameter. Temperature essentially means how random the output will be.
Example: 0.5
AI_TOP_P = "ai.top_p"
For an AI model call, the top_p parameter. Top_p essentially controls how random the output will be.
Example: 0.5
AI_TOP_K = "ai.top_k"
For an AI model call, the top_k parameter. Top_k essentially controls how random the output will be.
Example: 35
AI_FUNCTION_CALL = "ai.function_call"
For an AI model call, the function that was called. This is deprecated for OpenAI, and replaced by tool_calls
AI_TOOL_CALLS = "ai.tool_calls"
For an AI model call, the function that was called. This is deprecated for OpenAI, and replaced by tool_calls
For an AI model call, the functions that are available
AI_RESPONSE_FORMAT = "ai.response_format"
For an AI model call, the format of the response
AI_LOGIT_BIAS = "ai.response_format"
For an AI model call, the logit bias
AI_PREAMBLE = "ai.preamble"
For an AI model call, the preamble parameter.
Preambles are a part of the prompt used to adjust the model's overall behavior and conversation style.
Example: "You are now a clown."
AI_RAW_PROMPTING = "ai.raw_prompting"
Minimize pre-processing done to the prompt sent to the LLM.
Example: true
AI_RESPONSES = "ai.responses"
The responses to an AI model call. Always as a list.
Example: ["hello", "world"]
AI_SEED = "ai.seed"
The seed, ideally models given the same seed and same other parameters will produce the exact same output.
Example: 123.45
DB_NAME = ""
The name of the database being accessed. For commands that switch the database, this should be set to the target database (even if the command fails).
Example: myDatabase
DB_USER = "db.user"
The name of the database user used for connecting to the database.
Example: my_user
DB_OPERATION = "db.operation"
The name of the operation being executed, e.g. the MongoDB command name such as findAndModify, or the SQL keyword.
Example: findAndModify, HMSET, SELECT
DB_SYSTEM = "db.system"
An identifier for the database management system (DBMS) product being used.
Example: postgresql
DB_MONGODB_COLLECTION = "db.mongodb.collection"
The MongoDB collection being accessed within the database.
Example: public.users; customers
CACHE_HIT = "cache.hit"
A boolean indicating whether the requested data was found in the cache.
Example: true
CACHE_ITEM_SIZE = "cache.item_size"
The size of the requested data in bytes.
Example: 58
CACHE_KEY = "cache.key"
The key of the requested data.
Example: template.cache.some_item.867da7e2af8e6b2f3aa7213a4080edb3
NETWORK_PEER_ADDRESS = "network.peer.address"
Peer address of the network connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name.
Example:, /tmp/my.sock, localhost
NETWORK_PEER_PORT = "network.peer.port"
Peer port number of the network connection.
Example: 6379
HTTP_QUERY = "http.query"
The Query string present in the URL.
Example: ?foo=bar&bar=baz
HTTP_FRAGMENT = "http.fragment"
The Fragments present in the URL.
Example: #foo=bar
HTTP_METHOD = "http.method"
The HTTP method used.
Example: GET
HTTP_STATUS_CODE = "http.response.status_code"
The HTTP status code as an integer.
Example: 418
The destination name where the message is being consumed from,
e.g. the queue name or topic.
The message's identifier.
MESSAGING_MESSAGE_RETRY_COUNT = "messaging.message.retry.count"
Number of retries/attempts to process a message.
MESSAGING_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_LATENCY = "messaging.message.receive.latency"
The latency between when the task was enqueued and when it was started to be processed.
MESSAGING_SYSTEM = "messaging.system"
The messaging system's name, e.g. `kafka`, `aws_sqs`
SERVER_ADDRESS = "server.address"
Name of the database host.
SERVER_PORT = "server.port"
Logical server port number
Example: 80; 8080; 443
SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS = "server.socket.address"
Physical server IP address or Unix socket address.
SERVER_SOCKET_PORT = "server.socket.port"
Physical server port.
Recommended: If different than server.port.
Example: 16456
CODE_FILEPATH = "code.filepath"
The source code file name that identifies the code unit as uniquely as possible (preferably an absolute file path).
Example: "/app/myapplication/http/handler/"
CODE_LINENO = "code.lineno"
The line number in `code.filepath` best representing the operation. It SHOULD point within the code unit named in `code.function`.
Example: 42
CODE_FUNCTION = "code.function"
The method or function name, or equivalent (usually rightmost part of the code unit's name).
Example: "server_request"
CODE_NAMESPACE = "code.namespace"
The "namespace" within which `code.function` is defined. Usually the qualified class or module name, such that `code.namespace` + some separator + `code.function` form a unique identifier for the code unit.
Example: "http.handler"
Identifier of a thread from where the span originated. This should be a string.
Example: "7972576320"
Label identifying a thread from where the span originated. This should be a string.
Example: "MainThread"
PROFILER_ID = "profiler_id"
Label identifying the profiler id that the span occurred in. This should be a string.
Example: "5249fbada8d5416482c2f6e47e337372"
The status of a Sentry span.
ABORTED = "aborted"
ALREADY_EXISTS = "already_exists"
CANCELLED = "cancelled"
DATA_LOSS = "data_loss"
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED = "deadline_exceeded"
FAILED_PRECONDITION = "failed_precondition"
INTERNAL_ERROR = "internal_error"
INVALID_ARGUMENT = "invalid_argument"
NOT_FOUND = "not_found"
OK = "ok"
OUT_OF_RANGE = "out_of_range"
PERMISSION_DENIED = "permission_denied"
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = "resource_exhausted"
UNAUTHENTICATED = "unauthenticated"
UNAVAILABLE = "unavailable"
UNIMPLEMENTED = "unimplemented"
UNKNOWN_ERROR = "unknown_error"
class OP:
ANTHROPIC_MESSAGES_CREATE = "ai.messages.create.anthropic"
CACHE_GET = "cache.get"
CACHE_PUT = "cache.put"
COHERE_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_CREATE = "ai.chat_completions.create.cohere"
COHERE_EMBEDDINGS_CREATE = "ai.embeddings.create.cohere"
DB = "db"
DB_REDIS = "db.redis"
EVENT_DJANGO = "event.django"
FUNCTION = "function"
FUNCTION_GCP = "function.gcp"
GRAPHQL_EXECUTE = "graphql.execute"
GRAPHQL_MUTATION = "graphql.mutation"
GRAPHQL_PARSE = "graphql.parse"
GRAPHQL_RESOLVE = "graphql.resolve"
GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTION = "graphql.subscription"
GRAPHQL_QUERY = "graphql.query"
GRAPHQL_VALIDATE = "graphql.validate"
GRPC_CLIENT = "grpc.client"
GRPC_SERVER = "grpc.server"
HTTP_CLIENT = "http.client"
HTTP_SERVER = "http.server"
MIDDLEWARE_DJANGO = "middleware.django"
MIDDLEWARE_LITESTAR = "middleware.litestar"
MIDDLEWARE_LITESTAR_RECEIVE = "middleware.litestar.receive"
MIDDLEWARE_LITESTAR_SEND = "middleware.litestar.send"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLETTE = "middleware.starlette"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLETTE_RECEIVE = "middleware.starlette.receive"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLETTE_SEND = "middleware.starlette.send"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLITE = "middleware.starlite"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLITE_RECEIVE = "middleware.starlite.receive"
MIDDLEWARE_STARLITE_SEND = "middleware.starlite.send"
OPENAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_CREATE = "ai.chat_completions.create.openai"
OPENAI_EMBEDDINGS_CREATE = "ai.embeddings.create.openai"
LANGCHAIN_PIPELINE = "ai.pipeline.langchain"
LANGCHAIN_TOOL = "ai.tool.langchain"
LANGCHAIN_AGENT = "ai.agent.langchain"
LANGCHAIN_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_CREATE = "ai.chat_completions.create.langchain"
QUEUE_PROCESS = "queue.process"
QUEUE_PUBLISH = "queue.publish"
QUEUE_SUBMIT_ARQ = "queue.submit.arq"
QUEUE_TASK_ARQ = "queue.task.arq"
QUEUE_SUBMIT_CELERY = "queue.submit.celery"
QUEUE_TASK_CELERY = "queue.task.celery"
QUEUE_TASK_RQ = "queue.task.rq"
QUEUE_SUBMIT_HUEY = "queue.submit.huey"
QUEUE_TASK_HUEY = "queue.task.huey"
QUEUE_SUBMIT_RAY = "queue.submit.ray"
QUEUE_TASK_RAY = "queue.task.ray"
SUBPROCESS = "subprocess"
SUBPROCESS_WAIT = "subprocess.wait"
SUBPROCESS_COMMUNICATE = "subprocess.communicate"
TEMPLATE_RENDER = "template.render"
VIEW_RENDER = "view.render"
VIEW_RESPONSE_RENDER = "view.response.render"
WEBSOCKET_SERVER = "websocket.server"
SOCKET_CONNECTION = "socket.connection"
SOCKET_DNS = "socket.dns"
# This type exists to trick mypy and PyCharm into thinking `init` and `Client`
# take these arguments (even though they take opaque **kwargs)
class ClientConstructor:
def __init__(
dsn=None, # type: Optional[str]
max_breadcrumbs=DEFAULT_MAX_BREADCRUMBS, # type: int
release=None, # type: Optional[str]
environment=None, # type: Optional[str]
server_name=None, # type: Optional[str]
shutdown_timeout=2, # type: float
integrations=[], # type: Sequence[sentry_sdk.integrations.Integration] # noqa: B006
in_app_include=[], # type: List[str] # noqa: B006
in_app_exclude=[], # type: List[str] # noqa: B006
default_integrations=True, # type: bool
dist=None, # type: Optional[str]
transport=None, # type: Optional[Union[sentry_sdk.transport.Transport, Type[sentry_sdk.transport.Transport], Callable[[Event], None]]]
transport_queue_size=DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE, # type: int
sample_rate=1.0, # type: float
send_default_pii=None, # type: Optional[bool]
http_proxy=None, # type: Optional[str]
https_proxy=None, # type: Optional[str]
ignore_errors=[], # type: Sequence[Union[type, str]] # noqa: B006
max_request_body_size="medium", # type: str
socket_options=None, # type: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int | bytes]]]
keep_alive=False, # type: bool
before_send=None, # type: Optional[EventProcessor]
before_breadcrumb=None, # type: Optional[BreadcrumbProcessor]
debug=None, # type: Optional[bool]
attach_stacktrace=False, # type: bool
ca_certs=None, # type: Optional[str]
propagate_traces=True, # type: bool
traces_sample_rate=None, # type: Optional[float]
traces_sampler=None, # type: Optional[TracesSampler]
profiles_sample_rate=None, # type: Optional[float]
profiles_sampler=None, # type: Optional[TracesSampler]
profiler_mode=None, # type: Optional[ProfilerMode]
auto_enabling_integrations=True, # type: bool
disabled_integrations=None, # type: Optional[Sequence[sentry_sdk.integrations.Integration]]
auto_session_tracking=True, # type: bool
send_client_reports=True, # type: bool
_experiments={}, # type: Experiments # noqa: B006
proxy_headers=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
instrumenter=INSTRUMENTER.SENTRY, # type: Optional[str]
before_send_transaction=None, # type: Optional[TransactionProcessor]
project_root=None, # type: Optional[str]
enable_tracing=None, # type: Optional[bool]
include_local_variables=True, # type: Optional[bool]
include_source_context=True, # type: Optional[bool]
trace_propagation_targets=[ # noqa: B006
], # type: Optional[Sequence[str]]
functions_to_trace=[], # type: Sequence[Dict[str, str]] # noqa: B006
event_scrubber=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.scrubber.EventScrubber]
max_value_length=DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, # type: int
enable_backpressure_handling=True, # type: bool
error_sampler=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[Event, Hint], Union[float, bool]]]
enable_db_query_source=True, # type: bool
db_query_source_threshold_ms=100, # type: int
spotlight=None, # type: Optional[Union[bool, str]]
cert_file=None, # type: Optional[str]
key_file=None, # type: Optional[str]
custom_repr=None, # type: Optional[Callable[..., Optional[str]]]
add_full_stack=DEFAULT_ADD_FULL_STACK, # type: bool
max_stack_frames=DEFAULT_MAX_STACK_FRAMES, # type: Optional[int]
# type: (...) -> None
def _get_default_options():
# type: () -> dict[str, Any]
import inspect
a = inspect.getfullargspec(ClientConstructor.__init__)
defaults = a.defaults or ()
kwonlydefaults = a.kwonlydefaults or {}
return dict(
zip(a.args[-len(defaults) :], defaults),
DEFAULT_OPTIONS = _get_default_options()
del _get_default_options
VERSION = "2.19.2"