Your IP :
from libc.string cimport const_char
from lxml.includes.tree cimport (
xmlDoc, xmlNode, xmlEntity, xmlDict, xmlDtd, xmlChar, const_xmlChar)
from lxml.includes.tree cimport xmlInputReadCallback, xmlInputCloseCallback
from lxml.includes.xmlerror cimport xmlError, xmlStructuredErrorFunc, xmlErrorLevel
cdef extern from "libxml/parser.h" nogil:
ctypedef void (*startElementNsSAX2Func)(void* ctx,
const_xmlChar* localname,
const_xmlChar* prefix,
const_xmlChar* URI,
int nb_namespaces,
const_xmlChar** namespaces,
int nb_attributes,
int nb_defaulted,
const_xmlChar** attributes) noexcept
ctypedef void (*endElementNsSAX2Func)(void* ctx,
const_xmlChar* localname,
const_xmlChar* prefix,
const_xmlChar* URI) noexcept
ctypedef void (*startElementSAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* name, const_xmlChar** atts) noexcept
ctypedef void (*endElementSAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* name) noexcept
ctypedef void (*charactersSAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* ch, int len) noexcept
ctypedef void (*cdataBlockSAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* value, int len) noexcept
ctypedef void (*commentSAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* value) noexcept
ctypedef void (*processingInstructionSAXFunc)(void* ctx,
const_xmlChar* target,
const_xmlChar* data) noexcept
ctypedef void (*internalSubsetSAXFunc)(void* ctx,
const_xmlChar* name,
const_xmlChar* externalID,
const_xmlChar* systemID) noexcept
ctypedef void (*endDocumentSAXFunc)(void* ctx) noexcept
ctypedef void (*startDocumentSAXFunc)(void* ctx) noexcept
ctypedef void (*referenceSAXFunc)(void * ctx, const_xmlChar* name) noexcept
ctypedef xmlEntity* (*getEntitySAXFunc)(void* ctx, const_xmlChar* name) noexcept
cdef int XML_SAX2_MAGIC
cdef extern from "libxml/tree.h" nogil:
ctypedef struct xmlParserInput:
int line
int col
int length
const_xmlChar* base
const_xmlChar* cur
const_xmlChar* end
const_char *filename
ctypedef struct xmlParserInputBuffer:
void* context
xmlInputReadCallback readcallback
xmlInputCloseCallback closecallback
ctypedef struct xmlSAXHandlerV1:
# same as xmlSAXHandler, but without namespaces
ctypedef struct xmlSAXHandler:
internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset
startElementNsSAX2Func startElementNs
endElementNsSAX2Func endElementNs
startElementSAXFunc startElement
endElementSAXFunc endElement
charactersSAXFunc characters
cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock
referenceSAXFunc reference
getEntitySAXFunc getEntity
commentSAXFunc comment
processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction
startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument
endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument
int initialized
xmlStructuredErrorFunc serror
void* _private
cdef extern from "libxml/SAX2.h" nogil:
cdef void xmlSAX2StartDocument(void* ctxt)
cdef extern from "libxml/xmlIO.h" nogil:
cdef xmlParserInputBuffer* xmlAllocParserInputBuffer(int enc)
cdef extern from "libxml/parser.h" nogil:
cdef xmlDict* xmlDictCreate()
cdef xmlDict* xmlDictCreateSub(xmlDict* subdict)
cdef void xmlDictFree(xmlDict* sub)
cdef int xmlDictReference(xmlDict* dict)
cdef int XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS # SAX option for adding DTD default attributes
cdef int XML_SKIP_IDS # SAX option for not building an XML ID dict
ctypedef enum xmlParserInputState:
XML_PARSER_EOF = -1 # nothing is to be parsed
XML_PARSER_START = 0 # nothing has been parsed
XML_PARSER_MISC = 1 # Misc* before int subset
XML_PARSER_PI = 2 # Within a processing instruction
XML_PARSER_DTD = 3 # within some DTD content
XML_PARSER_PROLOG = 4 # Misc* after internal subset
XML_PARSER_COMMENT = 5 # within a comment
XML_PARSER_START_TAG = 6 # within a start tag
XML_PARSER_CONTENT = 7 # within the content
XML_PARSER_CDATA_SECTION = 8 # within a CDATA section
XML_PARSER_END_TAG = 9 # within a closing tag
XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL = 10 # within an entity declaration
XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE = 11 # within an entity value in a decl
XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 12 # within an attribute value
XML_PARSER_EPILOG = 14 # the Misc* after the last end tag
XML_PARSER_IGNORE = 15 # within an IGNORED section
ctypedef struct xmlParserCtxt:
xmlDoc* myDoc
xmlDict* dict
int dictNames
void* _private
bint wellFormed
bint recovery
int options
bint disableSAX
int errNo
xmlParserInputState instate
bint replaceEntities
int loadsubset # != 0 if enabled, int value == why
bint validate
xmlError lastError
xmlNode* node
xmlSAXHandler* sax
void* userData
int* spaceTab
int spaceMax
int nsNr
bint html
bint progressive
int inSubset
int charset
xmlParserInput* input
int inputNr
xmlParserInput* inputTab[]
ctypedef enum xmlParserOption:
XML_PARSE_RECOVER = 1 # recover on errors
XML_PARSE_NOENT = 2 # substitute entities
XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD = 4 # load the external subset
XML_PARSE_DTDATTR = 8 # default DTD attributes
XML_PARSE_DTDVALID = 16 # validate with the DTD
XML_PARSE_NOERROR = 32 # suppress error reports
XML_PARSE_NOWARNING = 64 # suppress warning reports
XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC = 128 # pedantic error reporting
XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS = 256 # remove blank nodes
XML_PARSE_SAX1 = 512 # use the SAX1 interface internally
XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE = 1024 # Implement XInclude substitution
XML_PARSE_NONET = 2048 # Forbid network access
XML_PARSE_NODICT = 4096 # Do not reuse the context dictionary
XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN = 8192 # remove redundant namespaces declarations
XML_PARSE_NOCDATA = 16384 # merge CDATA as text nodes
XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE = 32768 # do not generate XINCLUDE START/END nodes
# libxml2 2.6.21+ only:
XML_PARSE_COMPACT = 65536 # compact small text nodes
# libxml2 2.7.0+ only:
XML_PARSE_OLD10 = 131072 # parse using XML-1.0 before update 5
XML_PARSE_NOBASEFIX = 262144 # do not fixup XINCLUDE xml:base uris
XML_PARSE_HUGE = 524288 # relax any hardcoded limit from the parser
# libxml2 2.7.3+ only:
XML_PARSE_OLDSAX = 1048576 # parse using SAX2 interface before 2.7.0
# libxml2 2.8.0+ only:
XML_PARSE_IGNORE_ENC = 2097152 # ignore internal document encoding hint
# libxml2 2.9.0+ only:
XML_PARSE_BIG_LINES = 4194304 # Store big lines numbers in text PSVI field
cdef void xmlInitParser()
cdef void xmlCleanupParser()
cdef int xmlLineNumbersDefault(int onoff)
cdef xmlParserCtxt* xmlNewParserCtxt()
cdef xmlParserInput* xmlNewIOInputStream(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
xmlParserInputBuffer* input,
int enc)
cdef int xmlCtxtUseOptions(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt, int options)
cdef void xmlFreeParserCtxt(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt)
cdef void xmlCtxtReset(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt)
cdef void xmlClearParserCtxt(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt)
cdef int xmlParseChunk(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* chunk, int size, int terminate)
cdef xmlDoc* xmlCtxtReadDoc(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* cur, char* URL, char* encoding,
int options)
cdef xmlDoc* xmlCtxtReadFile(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* filename, char* encoding,
int options)
cdef xmlDoc* xmlCtxtReadIO(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
void* ioctx,
char* URL, char* encoding,
int options)
cdef xmlDoc* xmlCtxtReadMemory(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* buffer, int size,
char* filename, const_char* encoding,
int options)
cdef void xmlErrParser(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt, xmlNode* node,
int domain, int code, xmlErrorLevel level,
const xmlChar *str1, const xmlChar *str2, const xmlChar *str3,
int int1, const char *msg, ...)
# iterparse:
cdef xmlParserCtxt* xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(xmlSAXHandler* sax,
void* user_data,
char* chunk,
int size,
char* filename)
cdef int xmlCtxtResetPush(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* chunk,
int size,
char* filename,
char* encoding)
# entity loaders:
ctypedef xmlParserInput* (*xmlExternalEntityLoader)(
const_char * URL, const_char * ID, xmlParserCtxt* context) noexcept
cdef xmlExternalEntityLoader xmlGetExternalEntityLoader()
cdef void xmlSetExternalEntityLoader(xmlExternalEntityLoader f)
cdef xmlEntity* xmlSAX2GetEntity(void* ctxt, const_xmlChar* name) noexcept
# DTDs:
cdef xmlDtd* xmlParseDTD(const_xmlChar* ExternalID, const_xmlChar* SystemID)
cdef xmlDtd* xmlIOParseDTD(xmlSAXHandler* sax,
xmlParserInputBuffer* input,
int enc)
cdef extern from "libxml/parserInternals.h" nogil:
cdef xmlParserInput* xmlNewInputStream(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt)
cdef xmlParserInput* xmlNewStringInputStream(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* buffer)
cdef xmlParserInput* xmlNewInputFromFile(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
char* filename)
cdef void xmlFreeInputStream(xmlParserInput* input)
cdef int xmlSwitchEncoding(xmlParserCtxt* ctxt, int enc)