Your IP :
# frozen_string_literal: true
# A comment holds the text comment for a RDoc::CodeObject and provides a
# unified way of cleaning it up and parsing it into an RDoc::Markup::Document.
# Each comment may have a different markup format set by #format=. By default
# 'rdoc' is used. The :markup: directive tells RDoc which format to use.
# See RDoc::Markup@Other+directives for instructions on adding an alternate
# format.
class RDoc::Comment
include RDoc::Text
# The format of this comment. Defaults to RDoc::Markup
attr_reader :format
# The RDoc::TopLevel this comment was found in
attr_accessor :location
# Line where this Comment was written
attr_accessor :line
# For duck-typing when merging classes at load time
alias file location # :nodoc:
# The text for this comment
attr_reader :text
# Alias for text
alias to_s text
# Overrides the content returned by #parse. Use when there is no #text
# source for this comment
attr_writer :document
# Creates a new comment with +text+ that is found in the RDoc::TopLevel
# +location+.
def initialize text = nil, location = nil, language = nil
@location = location
@text = text.nil? ? nil : text.dup
@language = language
@document = nil
@format = 'rdoc'
@normalized = false
# TODO deep copy @document
def initialize_copy copy # :nodoc:
@text = copy.text.dup
def == other # :nodoc:
self.class === other and
other.text == @text and other.location == @location
# Look for a 'call-seq' in the comment to override the normal parameter
# handling. The :call-seq: is indented from the baseline. All lines of the
# same indentation level and prefix are consumed.
# For example, all of the following will be used as the :call-seq:
# # :call-seq:
# # ARGF.readlines(sep=$/) -> array
# # ARGF.readlines(limit) -> array
# # ARGF.readlines(sep, limit) -> array
# #
# # ARGF.to_a(sep=$/) -> array
# # ARGF.to_a(limit) -> array
# # ARGF.to_a(sep, limit) -> array
def extract_call_seq method
# we must handle situations like the above followed by an unindented first
# comment. The difficulty is to make sure not to match lines starting
# with ARGF at the same indent, but that are after the first description
# paragraph.
if @text =~ /^\s*:?call-seq:(.*?(?:\S).*?)^\s*$/m then
all_start, all_stop = $~.offset(0)
seq_start, seq_stop = $~.offset(1)
# we get the following lines that start with the leading word at the
# same indent, even if they have blank lines before
if $1 =~ /(^\s*\n)+^(\s*\w+)/m then
leading = $2 # ' * ARGF' in the example above
re = %r%
(^#{Regexp.escape leading}.*?\n)+
if @text[seq_stop..-1] =~ re then
all_stop = seq_stop + $~.offset(0).last
seq_stop = seq_stop + $~.offset(1).last
seq = @text[seq_start..seq_stop]
seq.gsub!(/^\s*(\S|\n)/m, '\1')
@text.slice! all_start...all_stop
method.call_seq = seq.chomp
regexp = /^\s*:?call-seq:(.*?)(^\s*$|\z)/m
if regexp =~ @text then
@text = @text.sub(regexp, '')
seq = $1
seq.gsub!(/^\s*/, '')
method.call_seq = seq
# A comment is empty if its text String is empty.
def empty?
# HACK dubious
def encode! encoding
# TODO: Remove this condition after Ruby 2.2 EOL
if RUBY_VERSION < '2.3.0'
@text = @text.force_encoding encoding
@text = @text, encoding: encoding
# Sets the format of this comment and resets any parsed document
def format= format
@format = format
@document = nil
def inspect # :nodoc:
location = @location ? @location.relative_name : '(unknown)'
"#<%s:%x %s %p>" % [self.class, object_id, location, @text]
# Normalizes the text. See RDoc::Text#normalize_comment for details
def normalize
return self unless @text
return self if @normalized # TODO eliminate duplicate normalization
@text = normalize_comment @text
@normalized = true
# Was this text normalized?
def normalized? # :nodoc:
# Parses the comment into an RDoc::Markup::Document. The parsed document is
# cached until the text is changed.
def parse
return @document if @document
@document = super @text, @format
@document.file = @location
# Removes private sections from this comment. Private sections are flush to
# the comment marker and start with <tt>--</tt> and end with <tt>++</tt>.
# For C-style comments, a private marker may not start at the opening of the
# comment.
# /*
# *--
# * private
# *++
# * public
# */
def remove_private
# Workaround for gsub encoding for Ruby 1.9.2 and earlier
empty = ''
empty = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding empty, @text.encoding
@text = @text.gsub(%r%^\s*([#*]?)--.*?^\s*(\1)\+\+\n?%m, empty)
@text = @text.sub(%r%^\s*[#*]?--.*%m, '')
# Replaces this comment's text with +text+ and resets the parsed document.
# An error is raised if the comment contains a document but no text.
def text= text
raise RDoc::Error, 'replacing document-only comment is not allowed' if
@text.nil? and @document
@document = nil
@text = text.nil? ? nil : text.dup
# Returns true if this comment is in TomDoc format.
def tomdoc?
@format == 'tomdoc'