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Low-level helpers for the SecureTransport bindings.

These are Python functions that are not directly related to the high-level APIs
but are necessary to get them to work. They include a whole bunch of low-level
CoreFoundation messing about and memory management. The concerns in this module
are almost entirely about trying to avoid memory leaks and providing
appropriate and useful assistance to the higher-level code.
from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import ctypes
import itertools
import os
import re
import ssl
import struct
import tempfile
import typing

from .bindings import (  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

# This regular expression is used to grab PEM data out of a PEM bundle.
_PEM_CERTS_RE = re.compile(
    b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n(.*?)\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", re.DOTALL

def _cf_data_from_bytes(bytestring: bytes) -> CFData:
    Given a bytestring, create a CFData object from it. This CFData object must
    be CFReleased by the caller.
    return CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate(
        CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, bytestring, len(bytestring)

def _cf_dictionary_from_tuples(
    tuples: list[tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]
) -> CFDictionary:
    Given a list of Python tuples, create an associated CFDictionary.
    dictionary_size = len(tuples)

    # We need to get the dictionary keys and values out in the same order.
    keys = (t[0] for t in tuples)
    values = (t[1] for t in tuples)
    cf_keys = (CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef * dictionary_size)(*keys)
    cf_values = (CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef * dictionary_size)(*values)

    return CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryCreate(

def _cfstr(py_bstr: bytes) -> CFString:
    Given a Python binary data, create a CFString.
    The string must be CFReleased by the caller.
    c_str = ctypes.c_char_p(py_bstr)
    cf_str = CoreFoundation.CFStringCreateWithCString(
    return cf_str

def _create_cfstring_array(lst: list[bytes]) -> CFMutableArray:
    Given a list of Python binary data, create an associated CFMutableArray.
    The array must be CFReleased by the caller.

    Raises an ssl.SSLError on failure.
    cf_arr = None
        cf_arr = CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable(
        if not cf_arr:
            raise MemoryError("Unable to allocate memory!")
        for item in lst:
            cf_str = _cfstr(item)
            if not cf_str:
                raise MemoryError("Unable to allocate memory!")
                CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue(cf_arr, cf_str)
    except BaseException as e:
        if cf_arr:
        raise ssl.SSLError(f"Unable to allocate array: {e}") from None
    return cf_arr

def _cf_string_to_unicode(value: CFString) -> str | None:
    Creates a Unicode string from a CFString object. Used entirely for error

    Yes, it annoys me quite a lot that this function is this complex.
    value_as_void_p = ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))

    string = CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCStringPtr(
        value_as_void_p, CFConst.kCFStringEncodingUTF8
    if string is None:
        buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
        result = CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCString(
            value_as_void_p, buffer, 1024, CFConst.kCFStringEncodingUTF8
        if not result:
            raise OSError("Error copying C string from CFStringRef")
        string = buffer.value
    if string is not None:
        string = string.decode("utf-8")
    return string  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

def _assert_no_error(
    error: int, exception_class: type[BaseException] | None = None
) -> None:
    Checks the return code and throws an exception if there is an error to
    if error == 0:

    cf_error_string = Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString(error, None)
    output = _cf_string_to_unicode(cf_error_string)

    if output is None or output == "":
        output = f"OSStatus {error}"

    if exception_class is None:
        exception_class = ssl.SSLError

    raise exception_class(output)

def _cert_array_from_pem(pem_bundle: bytes) -> CFArray:
    Given a bundle of certs in PEM format, turns them into a CFArray of certs
    that can be used to validate a cert chain.
    # Normalize the PEM bundle's line endings.
    pem_bundle = pem_bundle.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n")

    der_certs = [
        base64.b64decode( for match in _PEM_CERTS_RE.finditer(pem_bundle)
    if not der_certs:
        raise ssl.SSLError("No root certificates specified")

    cert_array = CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable(
    if not cert_array:
        raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to allocate memory!")

        for der_bytes in der_certs:
            certdata = _cf_data_from_bytes(der_bytes)
            if not certdata:
                raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to allocate memory!")
            cert = Security.SecCertificateCreateWithData(
                CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, certdata
            if not cert:
                raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to build cert object!")

            CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue(cert_array, cert)
    except Exception:
        # We need to free the array before the exception bubbles further.
        # We only want to do that if an error occurs: otherwise, the caller
        # should free.

    return cert_array

def _is_cert(item: CFTypeRef) -> bool:
    Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is a certificate.
    expected = Security.SecCertificateGetTypeID()
    return CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID(item) == expected  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

def _is_identity(item: CFTypeRef) -> bool:
    Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is an identity.
    expected = Security.SecIdentityGetTypeID()
    return CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID(item) == expected  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

def _temporary_keychain() -> tuple[SecKeychainRef, str]:
    This function creates a temporary Mac keychain that we can use to work with
    credentials. This keychain uses a one-time password and a temporary file to
    store the data. We expect to have one keychain per socket. The returned
    SecKeychainRef must be freed by the caller, including calling

    Returns a tuple of the SecKeychainRef and the path to the temporary
    directory that contains it.
    # Unfortunately, SecKeychainCreate requires a path to a keychain. This
    # means we cannot use mkstemp to use a generic temporary file. Instead,
    # we're going to create a temporary directory and a filename to use there.
    # This filename will be 8 random bytes expanded into base64. We also need
    # some random bytes to password-protect the keychain we're creating, so we
    # ask for 40 random bytes.
    random_bytes = os.urandom(40)
    filename = base64.b16encode(random_bytes[:8]).decode("utf-8")
    password = base64.b16encode(random_bytes[8:])  # Must be valid UTF-8
    tempdirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    keychain_path = os.path.join(tempdirectory, filename).encode("utf-8")

    # We now want to create the keychain itself.
    keychain = Security.SecKeychainRef()
    status = Security.SecKeychainCreate(
        keychain_path, len(password), password, False, None, ctypes.byref(keychain)

    # Having created the keychain, we want to pass it off to the caller.
    return keychain, tempdirectory

def _load_items_from_file(
    keychain: SecKeychainRef, path: str
) -> tuple[list[CFTypeRef], list[CFTypeRef]]:
    Given a single file, loads all the trust objects from it into arrays and
    the keychain.
    Returns a tuple of lists: the first list is a list of identities, the
    second a list of certs.
    certificates = []
    identities = []
    result_array = None

    with open(path, "rb") as f:
        raw_filedata =

        filedata = CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate(
            CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, raw_filedata, len(raw_filedata)
        result_array = CoreFoundation.CFArrayRef()
        result = Security.SecItemImport(
            filedata,  # cert data
            None,  # Filename, leaving it out for now
            None,  # What the type of the file is, we don't care
            None,  # what's in the file, we don't care
            0,  # import flags
            None,  # key params, can include passphrase in the future
            keychain,  # The keychain to insert into
            ctypes.byref(result_array),  # Results

        # A CFArray is not very useful to us as an intermediary
        # representation, so we are going to extract the objects we want
        # and then free the array. We don't need to keep hold of keys: the
        # keychain already has them!
        result_count = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetCount(result_array)
        for index in range(result_count):
            item = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result_array, index)
            item = ctypes.cast(item, CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef)

            if _is_cert(item):
            elif _is_identity(item):
        if result_array:


    return (identities, certificates)

def _load_client_cert_chain(keychain: SecKeychainRef, *paths: str | None) -> CFArray:
    Load certificates and maybe keys from a number of files. Has the end goal
    of returning a CFArray containing one SecIdentityRef, and then zero or more
    SecCertificateRef objects, suitable for use as a client certificate trust
    # Ok, the strategy.
    # This relies on knowing that macOS will not give you a SecIdentityRef
    # unless you have imported a key into a keychain. This is a somewhat
    # artificial limitation of macOS (for example, it doesn't necessarily
    # affect iOS), but there is nothing inside Security.framework that lets you
    # get a SecIdentityRef without having a key in a keychain.
    # So the policy here is we take all the files and iterate them in order.
    # Each one will use SecItemImport to have one or more objects loaded from
    # it. We will also point at a keychain that macOS can use to work with the
    # private key.
    # Once we have all the objects, we'll check what we actually have. If we
    # already have a SecIdentityRef in hand, fab: we'll use that. Otherwise,
    # we'll take the first certificate (which we assume to be our leaf) and
    # ask the keychain to give us a SecIdentityRef with that cert's associated
    # key.
    # We'll then return a CFArray containing the trust chain: one
    # SecIdentityRef and then zero-or-more SecCertificateRef objects. The
    # responsibility for freeing this CFArray will be with the caller. This
    # CFArray must remain alive for the entire connection, so in practice it
    # will be stored with a single SSLSocket, along with the reference to the
    # keychain.
    certificates = []
    identities = []

    # Filter out bad paths.
    filtered_paths = (path for path in paths if path)

        for file_path in filtered_paths:
            new_identities, new_certs = _load_items_from_file(keychain, file_path)

        # Ok, we have everything. The question is: do we have an identity? If
        # not, we want to grab one from the first cert we have.
        if not identities:
            new_identity = Security.SecIdentityRef()
            status = Security.SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate(
                keychain, certificates[0], ctypes.byref(new_identity)

            # We now want to release the original certificate, as we no longer
            # need it.

        # We now need to build a new CFArray that holds the trust chain.
        trust_chain = CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable(
        for item in itertools.chain(identities, certificates):
            # ArrayAppendValue does a CFRetain on the item. That's fine,
            # because the finally block will release our other refs to them.
            CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue(trust_chain, item)

        return trust_chain
        for obj in itertools.chain(identities, certificates):

    "SSLv2": (0, 2),
    "SSLv3": (3, 0),
    "TLSv1": (3, 1),
    "TLSv1.1": (3, 2),
    "TLSv1.2": (3, 3),

def _build_tls_unknown_ca_alert(version: str) -> bytes:
    Builds a TLS alert record for an unknown CA.
    ver_maj, ver_min = TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS[version]
    severity_fatal = 0x02
    description_unknown_ca = 0x30
    msg = struct.pack(">BB", severity_fatal, description_unknown_ca)
    msg_len = len(msg)
    record_type_alert = 0x15
    record = struct.pack(">BBBH", record_type_alert, ver_maj, ver_min, msg_len) + msg
    return record

class SecurityConst:
    A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for Security constants.

    kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth = 0

    kSSLProtocol2 = 1
    kSSLProtocol3 = 2
    kTLSProtocol1 = 4
    kTLSProtocol11 = 7
    kTLSProtocol12 = 8
    # SecureTransport does not support TLS 1.3 even if there's a constant for it
    kTLSProtocol13 = 10
    kTLSProtocolMaxSupported = 999

    kSSLClientSide = 1
    kSSLStreamType = 0

    kSecFormatPEMSequence = 10

    kSecTrustResultInvalid = 0
    kSecTrustResultProceed = 1
    # This gap is present on purpose: this was kSecTrustResultConfirm, which
    # is deprecated.
    kSecTrustResultDeny = 3
    kSecTrustResultUnspecified = 4
    kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure = 5
    kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailure = 6
    kSecTrustResultOtherError = 7

    errSSLProtocol = -9800
    errSSLWouldBlock = -9803
    errSSLClosedGraceful = -9805
    errSSLClosedNoNotify = -9816
    errSSLClosedAbort = -9806

    errSSLXCertChainInvalid = -9807
    errSSLCrypto = -9809
    errSSLInternal = -9810
    errSSLCertExpired = -9814
    errSSLCertNotYetValid = -9815
    errSSLUnknownRootCert = -9812
    errSSLNoRootCert = -9813
    errSSLHostNameMismatch = -9843
    errSSLPeerHandshakeFail = -9824
    errSSLPeerUserCancelled = -9839
    errSSLWeakPeerEphemeralDHKey = -9850
    errSSLServerAuthCompleted = -9841
    errSSLRecordOverflow = -9847

    errSecVerifyFailed = -67808
    errSecNoTrustSettings = -25263
    errSecItemNotFound = -25300
    errSecInvalidTrustSettings = -25262
