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S )�Loaderz*Load TAP lines into unittest-able objects.�
diagnostic�unknownc �, � t � � | _ d S )N)r �_parser)�selfs �[/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tap/�__init__zLoader.__init__ s � ��x�x����� c �� � t j � � }|D ]`}t j � |� � r| � ||� � �8|� | � |� � � � �a|S )z�Load any files found into a suite.
Any directories are walked and their files are added as TAP files.
:returns: A ``unittest.TestSuite`` instance
)�unittest� TestSuite�os�path�isdir�_find_tests_in_directory�addTest�load_suite_from_file)r �files�suite�filepaths r
�loadzLoader.load s{ � � �"�$�$��� C� C�H��w�}�}�X�&�&�
�d�7�7��A�A�B�B�B�B��r c � � t j � � }t ||� � }t j � |� � s|� � � |S | j � |� � }| � ||||� � S )z{Load a test suite with test lines from the provided TAP file.
:returns: A ``unittest.TestSuite`` instance
r r r r r �exists�handle_file_does_not_existr �
parse_file�_load_lines)r �filenamer �rules�line_generators r
r zLoader.load_suite_from_file s} � �
�"�$�$���h��&�&���w�~�~�h�'�'� ��,�,�.�.�.��L���0�0��:�:������.�%��G�G�Gr c � � t j � � }t d|� � }| j � � � }| � d|||� � S )z}Load a test suite with test lines from the TAP stream on STDIN.
:returns: A ``unittest.TestSuite`` instance
�stream)r r r r �parse_stdinr! )r r r# r$ s r
�load_suite_from_stdinzLoader.load_suite_from_stdin/ sN � �
�"�$�$���h��&�&����1�1�3�3������.�%��G�G�Gr c �� � t j |� � D ]S\ }}}|D ]J}t j � ||� � }|� | � |� � � � �K�TdS )z;Find test files in the directory and add them to the suite.N)r �walkr �joinr r )r � directoryr �dirpath�dirnames� filenamesr"