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��bg � �T � d dl mZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZmZ G d� deeee� � ZdS )� )�BaseElement)�strlist)�Presentation�Markers� Transformc �X � � e Zd ZdZdZd� fd� Zd� Zed
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� xZS )�Pathz� The <path> element represent the outline of a shape which can be filled,
stroked, used as a clipping path, or any combination of the three.
�pathNc �� �� t t | � � j di |�� g | _ | � |� � | j r'| j � | j | j � � dS dS )z�
:param `iterable` d: *coordinates*, *length* and *commands*
:param dict attribs: additional SVG attributes
:param extra: additional SVG attributes as keyword-arguments
N� )
�superr �__init__�commands�push�debug� validator�check_all_svg_attribute_values�elementname�attribs)�self�d�extra� __class__s ��^/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/svgwrite/path.pyr z
Path.__init__ sx �� � #��d�D���"�+�+�U�+�+�+���
�� � �!�����:� Z��N�9�9�$�:J�D�L�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y� Z� Z� c �: � | j � |� � dS )z� Push commands and coordinates onto the command stack.
:param `iterable` elements: *coordinates*, *length* and *commands*
N)r �extend)r �elementss r r z Path.push s � �
���X�&�&�&�&�&r T�+c �D � t | � � }ddd�| }d||fz S )N� r )r �-z%d,%d)�int)� large_arc� angle_dir�large_arc_flag�
sweep_flags r � arc_flagszPath.arc_flags( s/ � ��Y�����1�%�%�i�0�
��.�*�5�5�5r Fc � � | � ddd�| � � t |t t f� � r| � ||� � n| � |� � | � |� � | � t � ||� � � � | � |� � dS )a� Helper function for the elliptical-arc command.
see SVG-Reference:
:param 2-tuple target: *coordinate* of the arc end point
:param number rotation: x-axis-rotation of the ellipse in degrees
:param number|2-tuple r: radii rx, ry when r is a *2-tuple* or rx=ry=r if r is a *number*
:param bool large_arc: draw the arc sweep of greater than or equal to 180 degrees (**large-arc-flag**)
:param angle_dir: ``'+|-'`` ``'+'`` means the arc will be drawn in a "positive-angle" direction (**sweep-flag**)
:param bool absolute: indicates that target *coordinates* are absolute else they are relative to the current point
�A�a)TFN)r �
isinstance�floatr# r r( )r �target�rotation�rr$ r% �absolutes r �push_arcz
Path.push_arc. s� � �
� � ��S�)�)�(�3�4�4�4��a�%���&�&� ��I�I�a��O�O�O�O��I�I�a�L�L�L�� � �(����� � �$�.�.��I�6�6�7�7�7�� � �&�����r c � �� t t | j d� � � � | j d<