Your IP :
"""Provide basic warnings used by setuptools modules.
Using custom classes (other than ``UserWarning``) allow users to set
``PYTHONWARNINGS`` filters to run tests and prepare for upcoming changes in
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import warnings
from datetime import date
from inspect import cleandoc
from textwrap import indent
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
_DueDate: TypeAlias = tuple[int, int, int] # time tuple
_INDENT = 8 * " "
_TEMPLATE = f"""{80 * '*'}\n{{details}}\n{80 * '*'}"""
class SetuptoolsWarning(UserWarning):
"""Base class in ``setuptools`` warning hierarchy."""
def emit(
summary: str | None = None,
details: str | None = None,
due_date: _DueDate | None = None,
see_docs: str | None = None,
see_url: str | None = None,
stacklevel: int = 2,
) -> None:
"""Private: reserved for ``setuptools`` internal use only"""
# Default values:
summary_ = summary or getattr(cls, "_SUMMARY", None) or ""
details_ = details or getattr(cls, "_DETAILS", None) or ""
due_date = due_date or getattr(cls, "_DUE_DATE", None)
docs_ref = see_docs or getattr(cls, "_SEE_DOCS", None)
docs_url = docs_ref and f"{docs_ref}"
see_url = see_url or getattr(cls, "_SEE_URL", None)
due = date(*due_date) if due_date else None
text = cls._format(summary_, details_, due, see_url or docs_url, kwargs)
if due and due < and _should_enforce():
raise cls(text)
warnings.warn(text, cls, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
def _format(
summary: str,
details: str,
due_date: date | None = None,
see_url: str | None = None,
format_args: dict | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Private: reserved for ``setuptools`` internal use only"""
today =
summary = cleandoc(summary).format_map(format_args or {})
possible_parts = [
cleandoc(details).format_map(format_args or {}),
f"\nBy {due_date:%Y-%b-%d}, you need to update your project and remove "
"deprecated calls\nor your builds will no longer be supported."
if due_date and due_date > today
else None
"\nThis deprecation is overdue, please update your project and remove "
"deprecated\ncalls to avoid build errors in the future."
if due_date and due_date < today
else None
(f"\nSee {see_url} for details." if see_url else None),
parts = [x for x in possible_parts if x]
if parts:
body = indent(_TEMPLATE.format(details="\n".join(parts)), _INDENT)
return "\n".join([summary, "!!\n", body, "\n!!"])
return summary
class InformationOnly(SetuptoolsWarning):
"""Currently there is no clear way of displaying messages to the users
that use the setuptools backend directly via ``pip``.
The only thing that might work is a warning, although it is not the
most appropriate tool for the job...
See pypa/packaging-problems#558.
class SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning(SetuptoolsWarning):
Base class for warning deprecations in ``setuptools``
This class is not derived from ``DeprecationWarning``, and as such is
visible by default.
def _should_enforce():
enforce = os.getenv("SETUPTOOLS_ENFORCE_DEPRECATION", "false").lower()
return enforce in ("true", "on", "ok", "1")