Your IP :
import re
import contextlib
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.consts import OP
from sentry_sdk.utils import (
from sentry_sdk._compat import PY2, iteritems
from sentry_sdk._types import TYPE_CHECKING
if PY2:
from collections import Mapping
from urllib import quote, unquote
from import Mapping
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
import typing
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generator
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
SENTRY_TRACE_REGEX = re.compile(
"^[ \t]*" # whitespace
"([0-9a-f]{32})?" # trace_id
"-?([0-9a-f]{16})?" # span_id
"-?([01])?" # sampled
"[ \t]*$" # whitespace
# This is a normal base64 regex, modified to reflect that fact that we strip the
# trailing = or == off
base64_stripped = (
# any of the characters in the base64 "alphabet", in multiples of 4
# either nothing or 2 or 3 base64-alphabet characters (see
# for
# why there's never only 1 extra character)
class EnvironHeaders(Mapping): # type: ignore
def __init__(
environ, # type: typing.Mapping[str, str]
prefix="HTTP_", # type: str
# type: (...) -> None
self.environ = environ
self.prefix = prefix
def __getitem__(self, key):
# type: (str) -> Optional[Any]
return self.environ[self.prefix + key.replace("-", "_").upper()]
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return sum(1 for _ in iter(self))
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Generator[str, None, None]
for k in self.environ:
if not isinstance(k, str):
k = k.replace("-", "_").upper()
if not k.startswith(self.prefix):
yield k[len(self.prefix) :]
def has_tracing_enabled(options):
# type: (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> bool
Returns True if either traces_sample_rate or traces_sampler is
defined and enable_tracing is set and not false.
if options is None:
return False
return bool(
options.get("enable_tracing") is not False
and (
options.get("traces_sample_rate") is not None
or options.get("traces_sampler") is not None
def record_sql_queries(
hub, # type: sentry_sdk.Hub
cursor, # type: Any
query, # type: Any
params_list, # type: Any
paramstyle, # type: Optional[str]
executemany, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Generator[sentry_sdk.tracing.Span, None, None]
# TODO: Bring back capturing of params by default
if hub.client and hub.client.options["_experiments"].get(
"record_sql_params", False
if not params_list or params_list == [None]:
params_list = None
if paramstyle == "pyformat":
paramstyle = "format"
params_list = None
paramstyle = None
query = _format_sql(cursor, query)
data = {}
if params_list is not None:
data["db.params"] = params_list
if paramstyle is not None:
data["db.paramstyle"] = paramstyle
if executemany:
data["db.executemany"] = True
with capture_internal_exceptions():
hub.add_breadcrumb(message=query, category="query", data=data)
with hub.start_span(op=OP.DB, description=query) as span:
for k, v in data.items():
span.set_data(k, v)
yield span
def maybe_create_breadcrumbs_from_span(hub, span):
# type: (sentry_sdk.Hub, sentry_sdk.tracing.Span) -> None
if span.op == OP.DB_REDIS:
message=span.description, type="redis", category="redis", data=span._tags
elif span.op == OP.HTTP_CLIENT:
hub.add_breadcrumb(type="http", category="httplib", data=span._data)
elif span.op == "subprocess":
def extract_sentrytrace_data(header):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, None]]]
Given a `sentry-trace` header string, return a dictionary of data.
if not header:
return None
if header.startswith("00-") and header.endswith("-00"):
header = header[3:-3]
match = SENTRY_TRACE_REGEX.match(header)
if not match:
return None
trace_id, parent_span_id, sampled_str = match.groups()
parent_sampled = None
if trace_id:
trace_id = "{:032x}".format(int(trace_id, 16))
if parent_span_id:
parent_span_id = "{:016x}".format(int(parent_span_id, 16))
if sampled_str:
parent_sampled = sampled_str != "0"
return {
"trace_id": trace_id,
"parent_span_id": parent_span_id,
"parent_sampled": parent_sampled,
def _format_sql(cursor, sql):
# type: (Any, str) -> Optional[str]
real_sql = None
# If we're using psycopg2, it could be that we're
# looking at a query that uses Composed objects. Use psycopg2's mogrify
# function to format the query. We lose per-parameter trimming but gain
# accuracy in formatting.
if hasattr(cursor, "mogrify"):
real_sql = cursor.mogrify(sql)
if isinstance(real_sql, bytes):
real_sql = real_sql.decode(cursor.connection.encoding)
except Exception:
real_sql = None
return real_sql or to_string(sql)
class Baggage(object):
__slots__ = ("sentry_items", "third_party_items", "mutable")
SENTRY_PREFIX = "sentry-"
SENTRY_PREFIX_REGEX = re.compile("^sentry-")
def __init__(
sentry_items, # type: Dict[str, str]
third_party_items="", # type: str
mutable=True, # type: bool
self.sentry_items = sentry_items
self.third_party_items = third_party_items
self.mutable = mutable
def from_incoming_header(cls, header):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Baggage
freeze if incoming header already has sentry baggage
sentry_items = {}
third_party_items = ""
mutable = True
if header:
for item in header.split(","):
if "=" not in item:
with capture_internal_exceptions():
item = item.strip()
key, val = item.split("=")
if Baggage.SENTRY_PREFIX_REGEX.match(key):
baggage_key = unquote(key.split("-")[1])
sentry_items[baggage_key] = unquote(val)
mutable = False
third_party_items += ("," if third_party_items else "") + item
return Baggage(sentry_items, third_party_items, mutable)
def from_options(cls, scope):
# type: (sentry_sdk.scope.Scope) -> Optional[Baggage]
sentry_items = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
third_party_items = ""
mutable = False
client = sentry_sdk.Hub.current.client
if client is None or scope._propagation_context is None:
return Baggage(sentry_items)
options = client.options
propagation_context = scope._propagation_context
if propagation_context is not None and "trace_id" in propagation_context:
sentry_items["trace_id"] = propagation_context["trace_id"]
if options.get("environment"):
sentry_items["environment"] = options["environment"]
if options.get("release"):
sentry_items["release"] = options["release"]
if options.get("dsn"):
sentry_items["public_key"] = Dsn(options["dsn"]).public_key
if options.get("traces_sample_rate"):
sentry_items["sample_rate"] = options["traces_sample_rate"]
user = (scope and scope._user) or {}
if user.get("segment"):
sentry_items["user_segment"] = user["segment"]
return Baggage(sentry_items, third_party_items, mutable)
def populate_from_transaction(cls, transaction):
# type: (sentry_sdk.tracing.Transaction) -> Baggage
Populate fresh baggage entry with sentry_items and make it immutable
if this is the head SDK which originates traces.
hub = transaction.hub or sentry_sdk.Hub.current
client = hub.client
sentry_items = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
if not client:
return Baggage(sentry_items)
options = client.options or {}
user = (hub.scope and hub.scope._user) or {}
sentry_items["trace_id"] = transaction.trace_id
if options.get("environment"):
sentry_items["environment"] = options["environment"]
if options.get("release"):
sentry_items["release"] = options["release"]
if options.get("dsn"):
sentry_items["public_key"] = Dsn(options["dsn"]).public_key
if (
and transaction.source not in LOW_QUALITY_TRANSACTION_SOURCES
sentry_items["transaction"] =
if user.get("segment"):
sentry_items["user_segment"] = user["segment"]
if transaction.sample_rate is not None:
sentry_items["sample_rate"] = str(transaction.sample_rate)
if transaction.sampled is not None:
sentry_items["sampled"] = "true" if transaction.sampled else "false"
# there's an existing baggage but it was mutable,
# which is why we are creating this new baggage.
# However, if by chance the user put some sentry items in there, give them precedence.
if transaction._baggage and transaction._baggage.sentry_items:
return Baggage(sentry_items, mutable=False)
def freeze(self):
# type: () -> None
self.mutable = False
def dynamic_sampling_context(self):
# type: () -> Dict[str, str]
header = {}
for key, item in iteritems(self.sentry_items):
header[key] = item
return header
def serialize(self, include_third_party=False):
# type: (bool) -> str
items = []
for key, val in iteritems(self.sentry_items):
with capture_internal_exceptions():
item = Baggage.SENTRY_PREFIX + quote(key) + "=" + quote(str(val))
if include_third_party:
return ",".join(items)
def should_propagate_trace(hub, url):
# type: (sentry_sdk.Hub, str) -> bool
Returns True if url matches trace_propagation_targets configured in the given hub. Otherwise, returns False.
client = hub.client # type: Any
trace_propagation_targets = client.options["trace_propagation_targets"]
if client.transport and client.transport.parsed_dsn:
dsn_url = client.transport.parsed_dsn.netloc
dsn_url = None
is_request_to_sentry = dsn_url and dsn_url in url
if is_request_to_sentry:
return False
return match_regex_list(url, trace_propagation_targets, substring_matching=True)
def normalize_incoming_data(incoming_data):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]
Normalizes incoming data so the keys are all lowercase with dashes instead of underscores and stripped from known prefixes.
data = {}
for key, value in incoming_data.items():
if key.startswith("HTTP_"):
key = key[5:]
key = key.replace("_", "-").lower()
data[key] = value
return data
# Circular imports
from sentry_sdk.tracing import LOW_QUALITY_TRANSACTION_SOURCES