Your IP :
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import platform
from sentry_sdk.consts import OP, SPANDATA
from sentry_sdk.hub import Hub
from sentry_sdk.integrations import Integration
from sentry_sdk.scope import add_global_event_processor
from sentry_sdk.tracing_utils import EnvironHeaders, should_propagate_trace
from sentry_sdk.utils import (
from sentry_sdk._types import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import List
from sentry_sdk._types import Event, Hint
from httplib import HTTPConnection # type: ignore
except ImportError:
from http.client import HTTPConnection
"name": platform.python_implementation(),
"version": "%s.%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[:3]),
"build": sys.version,
class StdlibIntegration(Integration):
identifier = "stdlib"
def setup_once():
# type: () -> None
def add_python_runtime_context(event, hint):
# type: (Event, Hint) -> Optional[Event]
if Hub.current.get_integration(StdlibIntegration) is not None:
contexts = event.setdefault("contexts", {})
if isinstance(contexts, dict) and "runtime" not in contexts:
contexts["runtime"] = _RUNTIME_CONTEXT
return event
def _install_httplib():
# type: () -> None
real_putrequest = HTTPConnection.putrequest
real_getresponse = HTTPConnection.getresponse
def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (HTTPConnection, str, str, *Any, **Any) -> Any
hub = Hub.current
if hub.get_integration(StdlibIntegration) is None:
return real_putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs)
host =
port = self.port
default_port = self.default_port
real_url = url
if real_url is None or not real_url.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
real_url = "%s://%s%s%s" % (
default_port == 443 and "https" or "http",
port != default_port and ":%s" % port or "",
parsed_url = None
with capture_internal_exceptions():
parsed_url = parse_url(real_url, sanitize=False)
span = hub.start_span(
description="%s %s"
% (method, parsed_url.url if parsed_url else SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE),
span.set_data(SPANDATA.HTTP_METHOD, method)
if parsed_url is not None:
span.set_data("url", parsed_url.url)
span.set_data(SPANDATA.HTTP_QUERY, parsed_url.query)
span.set_data(SPANDATA.HTTP_FRAGMENT, parsed_url.fragment)
rv = real_putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs)
if should_propagate_trace(hub, real_url):
for key, value in hub.iter_trace_propagation_headers(span):
"[Tracing] Adding `{key}` header {value} to outgoing request to {real_url}.".format(
key=key, value=value, real_url=real_url
self.putheader(key, value)
self._sentrysdk_span = span
return rv
def getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (HTTPConnection, *Any, **Any) -> Any
span = getattr(self, "_sentrysdk_span", None)
if span is None:
return real_getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs)
rv = real_getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs)
span.set_data("reason", rv.reason)
return rv
HTTPConnection.putrequest = putrequest
HTTPConnection.getresponse = getresponse
def _init_argument(args, kwargs, name, position, setdefault_callback=None):
# type: (List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], str, int, Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]]) -> Any
given (*args, **kwargs) of a function call, retrieve (and optionally set a
default for) an argument by either name or position.
This is useful for wrapping functions with complex type signatures and
extracting a few arguments without needing to redefine that function's
entire type signature.
if name in kwargs:
rv = kwargs[name]
if setdefault_callback is not None:
rv = setdefault_callback(rv)
if rv is not None:
kwargs[name] = rv
elif position < len(args):
rv = args[position]
if setdefault_callback is not None:
rv = setdefault_callback(rv)
if rv is not None:
args[position] = rv
rv = setdefault_callback and setdefault_callback(None)
if rv is not None:
kwargs[name] = rv
return rv
def _install_subprocess():
# type: () -> None
old_popen_init = subprocess.Popen.__init__
def sentry_patched_popen_init(self, *a, **kw):
# type: (subprocess.Popen[Any], *Any, **Any) -> None
hub = Hub.current
if hub.get_integration(StdlibIntegration) is None:
return old_popen_init(self, *a, **kw)
# Convert from tuple to list to be able to set values.
a = list(a)
args = _init_argument(a, kw, "args", 0) or []
cwd = _init_argument(a, kw, "cwd", 9)
# if args is not a list or tuple (and e.g. some iterator instead),
# let's not use it at all. There are too many things that can go wrong
# when trying to collect an iterator into a list and setting that list
# into `a` again.
# Also invocations where `args` is not a sequence are not actually
# legal. They just happen to work under CPython.
description = None
if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)) and len(args) < 100:
with capture_internal_exceptions():
description = " ".join(map(str, args))
if description is None:
description = safe_repr(args)
env = None
with hub.start_span(op=OP.SUBPROCESS, description=description) as span:
for k, v in hub.iter_trace_propagation_headers(span):
if env is None:
env = _init_argument(
a, kw, "env", 10, lambda x: dict(x or os.environ)
env["SUBPROCESS_" + k.upper().replace("-", "_")] = v
if cwd:
span.set_data("subprocess.cwd", cwd)
rv = old_popen_init(self, *a, **kw)
return rv
subprocess.Popen.__init__ = sentry_patched_popen_init # type: ignore
old_popen_wait = subprocess.Popen.wait
def sentry_patched_popen_wait(self, *a, **kw):
# type: (subprocess.Popen[Any], *Any, **Any) -> Any
hub = Hub.current
if hub.get_integration(StdlibIntegration) is None:
return old_popen_wait(self, *a, **kw)
with hub.start_span(op=OP.SUBPROCESS_WAIT) as span:
return old_popen_wait(self, *a, **kw)
subprocess.Popen.wait = sentry_patched_popen_wait # type: ignore
old_popen_communicate = subprocess.Popen.communicate
def sentry_patched_popen_communicate(self, *a, **kw):
# type: (subprocess.Popen[Any], *Any, **Any) -> Any
hub = Hub.current
if hub.get_integration(StdlibIntegration) is None:
return old_popen_communicate(self, *a, **kw)
with hub.start_span(op=OP.SUBPROCESS_COMMUNICATE) as span:
return old_popen_communicate(self, *a, **kw)
subprocess.Popen.communicate = sentry_patched_popen_communicate # type: ignore
def get_subprocess_traceparent_headers():
# type: () -> EnvironHeaders
return EnvironHeaders(os.environ, prefix="SUBPROCESS_")