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z'Module containing bug report helper(s).� N� )�__version__)� pyopensslc �� � t j � � } | dk rt j � � }n�| dk r�d� t j j t j j t j j � � }t j j dk r&d�
|t j j g� � }n6| dk rt j � � }n| dk rt j � � }nd}| |d �S )
a� Return a dict with the Python implementation and version.
Provide both the name and the version of the Python implementation
currently running. For example, on CPython 3.10.3 it will return
{'name': 'CPython', 'version': '3.10.3'}.
This function works best on CPython and PyPy: in particular, it probably
doesn't work for Jython or IronPython. Future investigation should be done
to work out the correct shape of the code for those platforms.
�CPython�PyPyz{}.{}.{}�final� �Jython�
IronPython�Unknown)�name�version)�platform�python_implementation�python_version�format�sys�pypy_version_info�major�minor�micro�releaselevel�join)�implementation�implementation_versions �^/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/�_implementationr "