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:copyright: (c) 2010-2013 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import inspect
from raven.base import Client
class SentryMiddleware(object):
"""Sentry/Raven middleware for ZeroRPC.
>>> import zerorpc
>>> from raven.contrib.zerorpc import SentryMiddleware
>>> sentry = SentryMiddleware(dsn='udp://..../')
>>> zerorpc.Context.get_instance().register_middleware(sentry)
Exceptions detected server-side in ZeroRPC will be submitted to Sentry (and
propagated to the client as well).
def __init__(self, hide_zerorpc_frames=True, client=None, **kwargs):
Create a middleware object that can be injected in a ZeroRPC server.
- hide_zerorpc_frames: modify the exception stacktrace to remove the
internal zerorpc frames (True by default to make
the stacktrace as readable as possible);
- client: use an existing raven.Client object, otherwise one will be
instantiated from the keyword arguments.
self._sentry_client = client or Client(**kwargs)
self._hide_zerorpc_frames = hide_zerorpc_frames
def server_inspect_exception(self, req_event, rep_event, task_ctx, exc_info):
Called when an exception has been raised in the code run by ZeroRPC
# Hide the zerorpc internal frames for readability, for a REQ/REP or
# REQ/STREAM server the frames to hide are:
# - core.ServerBase._async_task
# - core.Pattern*.process_call
# - core.DecoratorBase.__call__
# For a PUSH/PULL or PUB/SUB server the frame to hide is:
# - core.Puller._receiver
if self._hide_zerorpc_frames:
traceback = exc_info[2]
while traceback:
zerorpc_frame = traceback.tb_frame
zerorpc_frame.f_locals['__traceback_hide__'] = True
frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo(zerorpc_frame)
# Is there a better way than this (or looking up the filenames
# or hardcoding the number of frames to skip) to know when we
# are out of zerorpc?
if frame_info.function == '__call__' \
or frame_info.function == '_receiver':
traceback = traceback.tb_next