Your IP :
:copyright: (c) 2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import partial
from tornado import ioloop
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPError
from tornado.web import HTTPError as WebHTTPError
from raven.base import Client
class AsyncSentryClient(Client):
A mixin class that could be used along with request handlers to
asynchronously send errors to sentry. The client also captures the
information from the request handlers
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.validate_cert = kwargs.pop('validate_cert', True)
super(AsyncSentryClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def capture(self, *args, **kwargs):
Takes the same arguments as the super function in :py:class:`Client`
and extracts the keyword argument callback which will be called on
asynchronous sending of the request
:return: a 32-length string identifying this event
if not self.is_enabled():
data = self.build_msg(*args, **kwargs)
future = self.send(callback=kwargs.get('callback', None), **data)
return (data['event_id'], future)
def send(self, auth_header=None, callback=None, **data):
Serializes the message and passes the payload onto ``send_encoded``.
message = self.encode(data)
return self.send_encoded(message, auth_header=auth_header, callback=callback)
def send_remote(self, url, data, headers=None, callback=None):
if headers is None:
headers = {}
if not self.state.should_try():
data = self.decode(data)
future = self._send_remote(
url=url, data=data, headers=headers, callback=callback
ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_future(future, partial(self._handle_result, url, data))
return future
def _handle_result(self, url, data, future):
except HTTPError as e:
data = self.decode(data)
self._failed_send(e, url, data)
except Exception as e:
data = self.decode(data)
self._failed_send(e, url, data)
def _send_remote(self, url, data, headers=None, callback=None):
Initialise a Tornado AsyncClient and send the request to the sentry
server. If the callback is a callable, it will be called with the
if headers is None:
headers = {}
return AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(
url, callback, method="POST", body=data, headers=headers,
class SentryMixin(object):
A mixin class that extracts information from the Request in a Request
Handler to capture and send to sentry. This mixin class is designed to be
used along with `tornado.web.RequestHandler`
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 6
class MyRequestHandler(SentryMixin, tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
except Exception as e:
While the above example would result in sequential execution, an example
for asynchronous use would be
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 6
class MyRequestHandler(SentryMixin, tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
# Do something and record a message in sentry
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(
self.captureMessage, "Did something really important"
self.write("Your request to do something important is done")
The mixin assumes that the application will have an attribute called
`sentry_client`, which should be an instance of
:py:class:`AsyncSentryClient`. This can be changed by implementing your
own get_sentry_client method on your request handler.
def get_sentry_client(self):
Returns the sentry client configured in the application. If you need
to change the behaviour to do something else to get the client, then
subclass this method
return self.application.sentry_client
def get_sentry_data_from_request(self):
Extracts the data required for 'sentry.interfaces.Http' from the
current request being handled by the request handler
:param return: A dictionary.
return {
'request': {
'url': self.request.full_url(),
'method': self.request.method,
'data': self.request.body,
'query_string': self.request.query,
'cookies': self.request.headers.get('Cookie', None),
'headers': dict(self.request.headers),
def get_sentry_user_info(self):
Data for sentry.interfaces.User
Default implementation only sends `is_authenticated` by checking if
`tornado.web.RequestHandler.get_current_user` tests postitively for on
Truth calue testing
user = self.get_current_user()
except Exception:
return {}
return {
'user': {
'is_authenticated': True if user else False
def get_sentry_extra_info(self):
Subclass and implement this method if you need to send any extra
return {
'extra': {
def get_default_context(self):
data = {}
# Update request data
# update user data
# Update extra data
return data
def _capture(self, call_name, data=None, **kwargs):
if data is None:
data = self.get_default_context()
default_context = self.get_default_context()
if isinstance(data, dict):
default_context['extra']['extra_data'] = data
data = default_context
client = self.get_sentry_client()
return getattr(client, call_name)(data=data, **kwargs)
def captureException(self, exc_info=None, **kwargs):
return self._capture('captureException', exc_info=exc_info, **kwargs)
def captureMessage(self, message, **kwargs):
return self._capture('captureMessage', message=message, **kwargs)
def log_exception(self, typ, value, tb):
"""Override implementation to report all exceptions to sentry.
log_exception() is added in Tornado v3.1.
rv = super(SentryMixin, self).log_exception(typ, value, tb)
# Do not capture tornado.web.HTTPErrors outside the 500 range.
if isinstance(value, WebHTTPError) and (value.status_code < 500 or value.status_code > 599):
return rv
self.captureException(exc_info=(typ, value, tb))
return rv
def send_error(self, status_code=500, **kwargs):
"""Override implementation to report all exceptions to sentry, even
after self.flush() or self.finish() is called, for pre-v3.1 Tornado.
if hasattr(super(SentryMixin, self), 'log_exception'):
return super(SentryMixin, self).send_error(status_code, **kwargs)
rv = super(SentryMixin, self).send_error(status_code, **kwargs)
if 500 <= status_code <= 599:
return rv