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"""Functions that creates the basic options for the Run and PyLinter classes."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pylint import constants, interfaces
from pylint.config.callback_actions import (
from pylint.typing import Options
from pylint.lint import PyLinter, Run
def _make_linter_options(linter: PyLinter) -> Options:
"""Return the options used in a PyLinter class."""
return (
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<file>[,<file>...]",
"dest": "black_list",
"kwargs": {"old_names": ["black_list"]},
"default": constants.DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST,
"help": "Files or directories to be skipped. "
"They should be base names, not paths.",
"type": "regexp_csv",
"metavar": "<pattern>[,<pattern>...]",
"dest": "black_list_re",
"default": (re.compile(r"^\.#"),),
"help": "Files or directories matching the regular expression patterns are"
" skipped. The regex matches against base names, not paths. The default value "
"ignores Emacs file locks",
"type": "regexp_paths_csv",
"metavar": "<pattern>[,<pattern>...]",
"default": [],
"help": "Add files or directories matching the regular expressions patterns to the "
"ignore-list. The regex matches against paths and can be in "
"Posix or Windows format. Because '\\\\' represents the directory delimiter "
"on Windows systems, it can't be used as an escape character.",
"default": True,
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"help": "Pickle collected data for later comparisons.",
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<modules>",
"default": (),
"help": "List of plugins (as comma separated values of "
"python module names) to load, usually to register "
"additional checkers.",
"default": "text",
"action": _OutputFormatAction,
"callback": lambda x: x,
"metavar": "<format>",
"short": "f",
"group": "Reports",
"help": "Set the output format. Available formats are text,"
" parseable, colorized, json and msvs (visual studio)."
" You can also give a reporter class, e.g. mypackage.mymodule."
"kwargs": {"linter": linter},
"default": False,
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"short": "r",
"group": "Reports",
"help": "Tells whether to display a full report or only the "
"type": "string",
"metavar": "<python_expression>",
"group": "Reports",
"default": "max(0, 0 if fatal else 10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + "
"convention) / statement) * 10))",
"help": "Python expression which should return a score less "
"than or equal to 10. You have access to the variables 'fatal', "
"'error', 'warning', 'refactor', 'convention', and 'info' which "
"contain the number of messages in each category, as well as "
"'statement' which is the total number of statements "
"analyzed. This score is used by the global "
"evaluation report (RP0004).",
"default": True,
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"short": "s",
"group": "Reports",
"help": "Activate the evaluation score.",
"default": 10,
"type": "float",
"metavar": "<score>",
"help": "Specify a score threshold under which the program will exit with error.",
"default": "",
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<msg ids>",
"help": "Return non-zero exit code if any of these messages/categories are detected,"
" even if score is above --fail-under value. Syntax same as enable."
" Messages specified are enabled, while categories only check already-enabled messages.",
"type": "confidence",
"metavar": "<levels>",
"default": interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NAMES,
"group": "Messages control",
"help": "Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels."
f" Leave empty to show all. Valid levels: {', '.join(interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NAMES)}.",
"action": _EnableAction,
"callback": lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: x1,
"default": (),
"metavar": "<msg ids>",
"short": "e",
"group": "Messages control",
"help": "Enable the message, report, category or checker with the "
"given id(s). You can either give multiple identifier "
"separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple time "
"(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
"where it should appear only once). "
'See also the "--disable" option for examples.',
"kwargs": {"linter": linter},
"action": _DisableAction,
"callback": lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: x1,
"metavar": "<msg ids>",
"default": (),
"short": "d",
"group": "Messages control",
"help": "Disable the message, report, category or checker "
"with the given id(s). You can either give multiple identifiers "
"separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple times "
"(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
"where it should appear only once). "
'You can also use "--disable=all" to disable everything first '
"and then re-enable specific checks. For example, if you want "
"to run only the similarities checker, you can use "
'"--disable=all --enable=similarities". '
"If you want to run only the classes checker, but have no "
"Warning level messages displayed, use "
'"--disable=all --enable=classes --disable=W".',
"kwargs": {"linter": linter},
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"metavar": "<template>",
"group": "Reports",
"help": (
"Template used to display messages. "
"This is a python new-style format string "
"used to format the message information. "
"See doc for all details."
"type": "int",
"metavar": "<n-processes>",
"short": "j",
"default": 1,
"help": "Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. Specifying 0 will "
"auto-detect the number of processors available to use, and will cap "
"the count on Windows to avoid hangs.",
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"default": False,
"hide": True,
"help": (
"Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions"
" are imported into the active Python interpreter and"
" may run arbitrary code."
"type": "int",
"metavar": "<number-of-results>",
"default": 100,
"help": (
"Control the amount of potential inferred values when inferring "
"a single object. This can help the performance when dealing with "
"large functions or complex, nested conditions."
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<pkg[,pkg]>",
"default": [],
"help": (
"A comma-separated list of package or module names"
" from where C extensions may be loaded. Extensions are"
" loading into the active Python interpreter and may run"
" arbitrary code."
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<pkg[,pkg]>",
"default": [],
"help": (
"A comma-separated list of package or module names"
" from where C extensions may be loaded. Extensions are"
" loading into the active Python interpreter and may run"
" arbitrary code. (This is an alternative name to"
" extension-pkg-allow-list for backward compatibility.)"
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"default": True,
"help": (
"When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common "
"misconfiguration and emit user-friendly hints instead "
"of false-positive error messages."
"action": "store_true",
"default": False,
"metavar": "<flag>",
"help": (
"Always return a 0 (non-error) status code, even if "
"lint errors are found. This is primarily useful in "
"continuous integration scripts."
"action": "store_true",
"default": False,
"metavar": "<flag>",
"help": (
"Interpret the stdin as a python script, whose filename "
"needs to be passed as the module_or_package argument."
"type": "glob_paths_csv",
"metavar": "<path>[,<path>...]",
"default": (),
"help": "Add paths to the list of the source roots. Supports globbing patterns. "
"The source root is an absolute path or a path relative to the current working "
"directory used to determine a package namespace for modules located under the "
"source root.",
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<yn>",
"default": False,
"help": "Discover python modules and packages in the file system subtree.",
"default": sys.version_info[:2],
"type": "py_version",
"metavar": "<py_version>",
"help": (
"Minimum Python version to use for version dependent checks. "
"Will default to the version used to run pylint."
"default": (),
"type": "csv",
"metavar": "<module names>",
"help": "List of module names for which member attributes "
"should not be checked (useful for modules/projects "
"where namespaces are manipulated during runtime and "
"thus existing member attributes cannot be "
"deduced by static analysis). It supports qualified "
"module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.",
"default": False,
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"help": "Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to "
"support both Python 2 and 3 compatible code, which "
"means that the block might have code that exists "
"only in one or another interpreter, leading to false "
"positives when analysed.",
"default": False,
"type": "yn",
"metavar": "<y or n>",
"help": "Clear in-memory caches upon conclusion of linting. "
"Useful if running pylint in a server-like mode.",
def _make_run_options(self: Run) -> Options:
"""Return the options used in a Run class."""
return (
"action": _DoNothingAction,
"kwargs": {},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Specify a configuration file to load.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _DoNothingAction,
"kwargs": {},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Specify an output file.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _DoNothingAction,
"kwargs": {},
"help": "Python code to execute, usually for sys.path "
"manipulation such as pygtk.require().",
"action": _MessageHelpAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Display a help message for the given message id and "
"exit. The value may be a comma separated list of message ids.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ListMessagesAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Display a list of all pylint's messages divided by whether "
"they are emittable with the given interpreter.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ListMessagesEnabledAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Display a list of what messages are enabled, "
"disabled and non-emittable with the given configuration.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ListCheckGroupsAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "List pylint's message groups.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ListConfidenceLevelsAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Generate pylint's confidence levels.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ListExtensionsAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "List available extensions.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _FullDocumentationAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Generate pylint's full documentation.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _GenerateRCFileAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Generate a sample configuration file according to "
"the current configuration. You can put other options "
"before this one to get them in the generated "
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _GenerateConfigFileAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"group": "Commands",
"help": "Generate a sample configuration file according to "
"the current configuration. You can put other options "
"before this one to get them in the generated "
"configuration. The config is in the .toml format.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _ErrorsOnlyModeAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"short": "E",
"help": "In error mode, messages with a category besides "
"ERROR or FATAL are suppressed, and no reports are done by default. "
"Error mode is compatible with disabling specific errors. ",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"action": _DoNothingAction,
"kwargs": {},
"short": "v",
"help": "In verbose mode, extra non-checker-related info "
"will be displayed.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"metavar": "",
"action": _DoNothingAction,
"kwargs": {},
"help": "Load and enable all available extensions. "
"Use --list-extensions to see a list all available extensions.",
"hide_from_config_file": True,
"metavar": "",
"action": _LongHelpAction,
"kwargs": {"Run": self},
"help": "Show more verbose help.",
"group": "Commands",
"hide_from_config_file": True,