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This is a test case for pyfakefs issue #45.
This problem is resolved by using PyTest version 2.8.6 or above.
To run these doctests, install pytest and run:
$ pytest --doctest-modules
Add `-s` option to enable print statements.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
def make_file_factory(func_name, fake, result):
"""Return a simple function with parametrized doctest."""
def make_file(name, content=""):
with open(name, "w") as f:
make_file.__doc__ = """
>>> import os
>>> {command}
>>> name, content = 'foo', 'bar'
>>> {func_name}(name, content)
>>> open(name).read() == content
>>> os.remove(name) # Cleanup
command="getfixture('fs')" if fake else "pass",
return make_file
passes = make_file_factory("passes", fake=False, result=True)
passes_too = make_file_factory("passes_too", fake=True, result=True)
passes_too.__doc__ = passes_too.__doc__.replace(">>> os.remove(name)", ">>> pass")
fails = make_file_factory("fails", fake=False, result=False)
# Pytest versions below 2.8.6 raise an internal error when running
# these doctests:
crashes = make_file_factory("crashes", fake=True, result=False)
crashes_too = make_file_factory(") SyntaxError", fake=True, result=False)