Your IP :
"""Parsed source code checkers for docstring violations."""
import ast
import string
import tokenize as tk
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain, takewhile
from re import compile as re
from textwrap import dedent
from . import violations
from .config import IllegalConfiguration
from .parser import (
from .utils import (
__all__ = ('check',)
def check_for(kind, terminal=False):
def decorator(f):
f._check_for = kind
f._terminal = terminal
return f
return decorator
class ConventionChecker:
"""Checker for PEP 257, NumPy and Google conventions.
D10x: Missing docstrings
D20x: Whitespace issues
D30x: Docstring formatting
D40x: Docstring content issues
'Short Summary',
'Extended Summary',
'Other Parameters',
'See Also',
'Keyword Args',
'Keyword Arguments',
'See Also',
# Examples that will be matched -
# " random: Test" where random will be captured as the param
# " random : test" where random will be captured as the param
# " random_t (Test) : test " where random_t will be captured as the param
# Matches anything that fulfills all the following conditions:
# Begins with 0 or more whitespace characters
# Followed by 1 or more unicode chars, numbers or underscores
# The above is captured as the first group as this is the paramater name.
# Followed by 0 or more whitespace characters
# Matches patterns contained within round brackets.
# The `.*?`matches any sequence of characters in a non-greedy
# way (denoted by the `*?`)
# Followed by 0 or more whitespace chars
# Followed by a colon
# Might have a new line and leading whitespace
# Followed by 1 or more characters - which is the docstring for the parameter
def check_source(
self.property_decorators = (
{} if property_decorators is None else property_decorators
self.ignore_self_only_init = ignore_self_only_init
module = parse(StringIO(source), filename)
for definition in module:
for this_check in self.checks:
terminate = False
if isinstance(definition, this_check._check_for):
skipping_all = definition.skipped_error_codes == 'all'
decorator_skip = ignore_decorators is not None and any(
len(ignore_decorators.findall( > 0
for dec in definition.decorators
if (
ignore_inline_noqa or not skipping_all
) and not decorator_skip:
error = this_check(
self, definition, definition.docstring
error = None
errors = error if hasattr(error, '__iter__') else [error]
for error in errors:
if error is not None and (
or error.code not in definition.skipped_error_codes
partition = this_check.__doc__.partition('.\n')
message, _, explanation = partition
explanation=explanation, definition=definition
yield error
if this_check._terminal:
terminate = True
if terminate:
def checks(self):
all = [
for this_check in vars(type(self)).values()
if hasattr(this_check, '_check_for')
return sorted(all, key=lambda this_check: not this_check._terminal)
@check_for(Definition, terminal=True)
def check_docstring_missing(self, definition, docstring):
"""D10{0,1,2,3}: Public definitions should have docstrings.
All modules should normally have docstrings. [...] all functions and
classes exported by a module should also have docstrings. Public
methods (including the __init__ constructor) should also have
Note: Public (exported) definitions are either those with names listed
in __all__ variable (if present), or those that do not start
with a single underscore.
def method_violation():
if definition.is_magic:
return violations.D105()
if definition.is_init:
if (
and len(definition.param_names) == 1
return None
return violations.D107()
if not definition.is_overload:
return violations.D102()
return None
if not docstring and definition.is_public:
codes = {
Module: violations.D100,
Class: violations.D101,
NestedClass: violations.D106,
Method: method_violation,
NestedFunction: violations.D103,
Function: (
lambda: violations.D103()
if not definition.is_overload
else None
Package: violations.D104,
return codes[type(definition)]()
@check_for(Definition, terminal=True)
def check_docstring_empty(self, definition, docstring):
"""D419: Docstring is empty.
If the user provided a docstring but it was empty, it is like they never provided one.
NOTE: This used to report as D10X errors.
if docstring and is_blank(ast.literal_eval(docstring)):
return violations.D419()
def check_one_liners(self, definition, docstring):
"""D200: One-liner docstrings should fit on one line with quotes.
The closing quotes are on the same line as the opening quotes.
This looks better for one-liners.
if docstring:
lines = ast.literal_eval(docstring).split('\n')
if len(lines) > 1:
non_empty_lines = sum(1 for l in lines if not is_blank(l))
if non_empty_lines == 1:
return violations.D200(len(lines))
def check_no_blank_before(self, function, docstring): # def
"""D20{1,2}: No blank lines allowed around function/method docstring.
There's no blank line either before or after the docstring unless directly
followed by an inner function or class.
if docstring:
before, _, after = function.source.partition(docstring)
blanks_before = list(map(is_blank, before.split('\n')[:-1]))
blanks_after = list(map(is_blank, after.split('\n')[1:]))
blanks_before_count = sum(takewhile(bool, reversed(blanks_before)))
blanks_after_count = sum(takewhile(bool, blanks_after))
if blanks_before_count != 0:
yield violations.D201(blanks_before_count)
if not all(blanks_after) and blanks_after_count != 0:
# Report a D202 violation if the docstring is followed by a blank line
# and the blank line is not itself followed by an inner function or
# class.
if not (
blanks_after_count == 1
and re(r"\s+(?:(?:class|def|async def)\s|@)").match(after)
yield violations.D202(blanks_after_count)
def check_blank_before_after_class(self, class_, docstring):
"""D20{3,4}: Class docstring should have 1 blank line around them.
Insert a blank line before and after all docstrings (one-line or
multi-line) that document a class -- generally speaking, the class's
methods are separated from each other by a single blank line, and the
docstring needs to be offset from the first method by a blank line;
for symmetry, put a blank line between the class header and the
# NOTE: this gives false-positive in this case
# class Foo:
# """Docstring."""
# # comment here
# def foo(): pass
if docstring:
before, _, after = class_.source.partition(docstring)
blanks_before = list(map(is_blank, before.split('\n')[:-1]))
blanks_after = list(map(is_blank, after.split('\n')[1:]))
blanks_before_count = sum(takewhile(bool, reversed(blanks_before)))
blanks_after_count = sum(takewhile(bool, blanks_after))
if blanks_before_count != 0:
yield violations.D211(blanks_before_count)
if blanks_before_count != 1:
yield violations.D203(blanks_before_count)
if not all(blanks_after) and blanks_after_count != 1:
yield violations.D204(blanks_after_count)
def check_blank_after_summary(self, definition, docstring):
"""D205: Put one blank line between summary line and description.
Multi-line docstrings consist of a summary line just like a one-line
docstring, followed by a blank line, followed by a more elaborate
description. The summary line may be used by automatic indexing tools;
it is important that it fits on one line and is separated from the
rest of the docstring by a blank line.
if docstring:
lines = ast.literal_eval(docstring).strip().split('\n')
if len(lines) > 1:
post_summary_blanks = list(map(is_blank, lines[1:]))
blanks_count = sum(takewhile(bool, post_summary_blanks))
if blanks_count != 1:
return violations.D205(blanks_count)
def _get_docstring_indent(definition, docstring):
"""Return the indentation of the docstring's opening quotes."""
before_docstring, _, _ = definition.source.partition(docstring)
_, _, indent = before_docstring.rpartition('\n')
return indent
def check_indent(self, definition, docstring):
"""D20{6,7,8}: The entire docstring should be indented same as code.
The entire docstring is indented the same as the quotes at its
first line.
if docstring:
indent = self._get_docstring_indent(definition, docstring)
lines = docstring.split('\n')
if len(lines) > 1:
# First line and line continuations need no indent.
lines = [
for i, line in enumerate(lines)
if i and not lines[i - 1].endswith('\\')
indents = [leading_space(l) for l in lines if not is_blank(l)]
if set(' \t') == set(''.join(indents) + indent):
yield violations.D206()
if (len(indents) > 1 and min(indents[:-1]) > indent) or (
len(indents) > 0 and indents[-1] > indent
yield violations.D208()
if len(indents) > 0 and min(indents) < indent:
yield violations.D207()
def check_newline_after_last_paragraph(self, definition, docstring):
"""D209: Put multi-line docstring closing quotes on separate line.
Unless the entire docstring fits on a line, place the closing
quotes on a line by themselves.
if docstring:
lines = [
for l in ast.literal_eval(docstring).split('\n')
if not is_blank(l)
if len(lines) > 1:
if docstring.split("\n")[-1].strip() not in ['"""', "'''"]:
return violations.D209()
def check_surrounding_whitespaces(self, definition, docstring):
"""D210: No whitespaces allowed surrounding docstring text."""
if docstring:
lines = ast.literal_eval(docstring).split('\n')
if (
lines[0].startswith(' ')
or len(lines) == 1
and lines[0].endswith(' ')
return violations.D210()
def check_multi_line_summary_start(self, definition, docstring):
"""D21{2,3}: Multi-line docstring summary style check.
A multi-line docstring summary should start either at the first,
or separately at the second line of a docstring.
if docstring:
start_triple = [
lines = ast.literal_eval(docstring).split('\n')
if len(lines) > 1:
first = docstring.split("\n")[0].strip().lower()
if first in start_triple:
return violations.D212()
return violations.D213()
def check_triple_double_quotes(self, definition, docstring):
r'''D300: Use """triple double quotes""".
For consistency, always use """triple double quotes""" around
docstrings. Use r"""raw triple double quotes""" if you use any
backslashes in your docstrings. For Unicode docstrings, use
u"""Unicode triple-quoted strings""".
Note: Exception to this is made if the docstring contains
""" quotes in its body.
if docstring:
if '"""' in ast.literal_eval(docstring):
# Allow ''' quotes if docstring contains """, because
# otherwise """ quotes could not be expressed inside
# docstring. Not in PEP 257.
regex = re(r"[uU]?[rR]?'''[^'].*")
regex = re(r'[uU]?[rR]?"""[^"].*')
if not regex.match(docstring):
illegal_matcher = re(r"""[uU]?[rR]?("+|'+).*""")
illegal_quotes = illegal_matcher.match(docstring).group(1)
return violations.D300(illegal_quotes)
def check_backslashes(self, definition, docstring):
r'''D301: Use r""" if any backslashes in a docstring.
Use r"""raw triple double quotes""" if you use any backslashes
(\) in your docstrings.
Exceptions are backslashes for line-continuation and unicode escape
sequences \N... and \u... These are considered intended unescaped
content in docstrings.
# Just check that docstring is raw, check_triple_double_quotes
# ensures the correct quotes.
if (
and re(r'\\[^\nuN]').search(docstring)
and not docstring.startswith(('r', 'ur'))
return violations.D301()
def _check_ends_with(docstring, chars, violation):
"""First line ends with one of `chars`.
First line of the docstring should end with one of the characters in `chars`.
`chars` supports either a `str` or an `Iterable[str]`. If the condition is
evaluated to be false, it raises `violation`.
if docstring:
summary_line = ast.literal_eval(docstring).strip().split('\n')[0]
if not summary_line.endswith(chars):
return violation(summary_line[-1])
def check_ends_with_period(self, definition, docstring):
"""D400: First line should end with a period.
The [first line of a] docstring is a phrase ending in a period.
return self._check_ends_with(docstring, '.', violations.D400)
def check_ends_with_punctuation(self, definition, docstring):
"""D415: should end with proper punctuation.
The [first line of a] docstring is a phrase ending in a period,
question mark, or exclamation point
return self._check_ends_with(
docstring, ('.', '!', '?'), violations.D415
def check_imperative_mood(self, function, docstring): # def context
"""D401: First line should be in imperative mood: 'Do', not 'Does'.
[Docstring] prescribes the function or method's effect as a command:
("Do this", "Return that"), not as a description; e.g. don't write
"Returns the pathname ...".
if (
and not function.is_test
and not function.is_property(self.property_decorators)
stripped = ast.literal_eval(docstring).strip()
if stripped:
first_word = strip_non_alphanumeric(stripped.split()[0])
check_word = first_word.lower()
if check_word in IMPERATIVE_BLACKLIST:
return violations.D401b(first_word)
correct_forms = IMPERATIVE_VERBS.get(stem(check_word))
if correct_forms and check_word not in correct_forms:
best = max(
key=lambda f: common_prefix_length(check_word, f),
return violations.D401(best.capitalize(), first_word)
def check_no_signature(self, function, docstring): # def context
"""D402: First line should not be function's or method's "signature".
The one-line docstring should NOT be a "signature" reiterating the
function/method parameters (which can be obtained by introspection).
if docstring:
first_line = ast.literal_eval(docstring).strip().split('\n')[0]
if + '(' in first_line.replace(' ', ''):
return violations.D402()
def check_capitalized(self, function, docstring):
"""D403: First word of the first line should be properly capitalized.
The [first line of a] docstring is a phrase ending in a period.
if docstring:
first_word = ast.literal_eval(docstring).split()[0]
if first_word == first_word.upper():
for char in first_word:
if char not in string.ascii_letters and char != "'":
if first_word != first_word.capitalize():
return violations.D403(first_word.capitalize(), first_word)
def check_if_needed(self, function, docstring):
"""D418: Function decorated with @overload shouldn't contain a docstring.
Functions that are decorated with @overload are definitions,
and are for the benefit of the type checker only,
since they will be overwritten by the non-@overload-decorated definition.
if docstring and function.is_overload:
return violations.D418()
def check_starts_with_this(self, function, docstring):
"""D404: First word of the docstring should not be `This`.
Docstrings should use short, simple language. They should not begin
with "This class is [..]" or "This module contains [..]".
if not docstring:
stripped = ast.literal_eval(docstring).strip()
if not stripped:
first_word = strip_non_alphanumeric(stripped.split()[0])
if first_word.lower() == 'this':
return violations.D404()
def _is_docstring_section(context):
"""Check if the suspected context is really a section header.
Lets have a look at the following example docstring:
Some part of the docstring that specifies what the function
returns. <----- Not a real section name. It has a suffix and the
previous line is not empty and does not end with
a punctuation sign.
This is another line in the docstring. It describes stuff,
but we forgot to add a blank line between it and the section name.
Parameters <-- A real section name. The previous line ends with
---------- a period, therefore it is in a new
grammatical context.
param : int
examples : list <------- Not a section - previous line doesn't end
A list of examples. with punctuation.
notes : list <---------- Not a section - there's text after the
A list of notes. colon.
Notes: <--- Suspected as a context because there's a suffix to the
----- section, but it's a colon so it's probably a mistake.
To make sure this is really a section we check these conditions:
* There's no suffix to the section name or it's just a colon AND
* The previous line is empty OR it ends with punctuation.
If one of the conditions is true, we will consider the line as
a section name.
section_name_suffix = (
section_suffix_is_only_colon = section_name_suffix == ':'
punctuation = [',', ';', '.', '-', '\\', '/', ']', '}', ')']
prev_line_ends_with_punctuation = any(
context.previous_line.strip().endswith(x) for x in punctuation
this_line_looks_like_a_section_name = (
is_blank(section_name_suffix) or section_suffix_is_only_colon
prev_line_looks_like_end_of_paragraph = (
prev_line_ends_with_punctuation or is_blank(context.previous_line)
return (
and prev_line_looks_like_end_of_paragraph
def _check_blanks_and_section_underline(
cls, section_name, context, indentation
"""D4{07,08,09,12,14}, D215: Section underline checks.
Check for correct formatting for docstring sections. Checks that:
* The line that follows the section name contains
dashes (D40{7,8}).
* The amount of dashes is equal to the length of the section
name (D409).
* The section's content does not begin in the line that follows
the section header (D412).
* The section has no content (D414).
* The indentation of the dashed line is equal to the docstring's
indentation (D215).
blank_lines_after_header = 0
for line in context.following_lines:
if not is_blank(line):
blank_lines_after_header += 1
# There are only blank lines after the header.
yield violations.D407(section_name)
yield violations.D414(section_name)
non_empty_line = context.following_lines[blank_lines_after_header]
dash_line_found = ''.join(set(non_empty_line.strip())) == '-'
if not dash_line_found:
yield violations.D407(section_name)
if blank_lines_after_header > 0:
yield violations.D412(section_name)
if blank_lines_after_header > 0:
yield violations.D408(section_name)
if non_empty_line.strip() != "-" * len(section_name):
yield violations.D409(
if leading_space(non_empty_line) > indentation:
yield violations.D215(section_name)
line_after_dashes_index = blank_lines_after_header + 1
# If the line index after the dashes is in range (perhaps we have
# a header + underline followed by another section header).
if line_after_dashes_index < len(context.following_lines):
line_after_dashes = context.following_lines[
if is_blank(line_after_dashes):
rest_of_lines = context.following_lines[
if not is_blank(''.join(rest_of_lines)):
yield violations.D412(section_name)
yield violations.D414(section_name)
yield violations.D414(section_name)
def _check_common_section(
cls, docstring, definition, context, valid_section_names
"""D4{05,10,11,13}, D214: Section name checks.
Check for valid section names. Checks that:
* The section name is properly capitalized (D405).
* The section is not over-indented (D214).
* There's a blank line after the section (D410, D413).
* There's a blank line before the section (D411).
Also yields all the errors from `_check_blanks_and_section_underline`.
indentation = cls._get_docstring_indent(definition, docstring)
capitalized_section = context.section_name.title()
if (
context.section_name not in valid_section_names
and capitalized_section in valid_section_names
yield violations.D405(capitalized_section, context.section_name)
if leading_space(context.line) > indentation:
yield violations.D214(capitalized_section)
if not context.following_lines or not is_blank(
if context.is_last_section:
yield violations.D413(capitalized_section)
yield violations.D410(capitalized_section)
if not is_blank(context.previous_line):
yield violations.D411(capitalized_section)
yield from cls._check_blanks_and_section_underline(
capitalized_section, context, indentation
def _check_numpy_section(cls, docstring, definition, context):
"""D406: NumPy-style section name checks.
Check for valid section names. Checks that:
* The section name has no superfluous suffix to it (D406).
Additionally, also yield all violations from `_check_common_section`
which are style-agnostic section checks.
indentation = cls._get_docstring_indent(definition, docstring)
capitalized_section = context.section_name.title()
yield from cls._check_common_section(
docstring, definition, context, cls.NUMPY_SECTION_NAMES
suffix = context.line.strip().lstrip(context.section_name)
if suffix:
yield violations.D406(capitalized_section, context.line.strip())
if capitalized_section == "Parameters":
yield from cls._check_parameters_section(
docstring, definition, context
def _check_parameters_section(docstring, definition, context):
"""D417: `Parameters` section check for numpy style.
Check for a valid `Parameters` section. Checks that:
* The section documents all function arguments (D417)
except `self` or `cls` if it is a method.
docstring_args = set()
section_level_indent = leading_space(context.line)
# Join line continuations, then resplit by line.
content = (
'\n'.join(context.following_lines).replace('\\\n', '').split('\n')
for current_line, next_line in zip(content, content[1:]):
# All parameter definitions in the Numpy parameters
# section must be at the same indent level as the section
# name.
# Also, we ensure that the following line is indented,
# and has some string, to ensure that the parameter actually
# has a description.
# This means, this is a parameter doc with some description
if (
(leading_space(current_line) == section_level_indent)
and (
> len(leading_space(current_line))
and next_line.strip()
# In case the parameter has type definitions, it
# will have a colon
if ":" in current_line:
parameters, parameter_type = current_line.split(":", 1)
# Else, we simply have the list of parameters defined
# on the current line.
parameters = current_line.strip()
# Numpy allows grouping of multiple parameters of same
# type in the same line. They are comma separated.
parameter_list = parameters.split(",")
for parameter in parameter_list:
yield from ConventionChecker._check_missing_args(
docstring_args, definition
def _check_args_section(docstring, definition, context):
"""D417: `Args` section checks.
Check for a valid `Args` or `Argument` section. Checks that:
* The section documents all function arguments (D417)
except `self` or `cls` if it is a method.
Documentation for each arg should start at the same indentation
level. For example, in this case x and y are distinguishable::
x: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
y: Ut enim ad minim veniam
In the case below, we only recognize x as a documented parameter
because the rest of the content is indented as if it belongs
to the description for x::
x: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
y: Ut enim ad minim veniam
docstring_args = set()
# normalize leading whitespace
if context.following_lines:
# any lines with shorter indent than the first one should be disregarded
first_line = context.following_lines[0]
leading_whitespaces = first_line[: -len(first_line.lstrip())]
args_content = dedent(
for line in context.following_lines
if line.startswith(leading_whitespaces) or line == ""
args_sections = []
for line in args_content.splitlines(keepends=True):
if not line[:1].isspace():
# This line is the start of documentation for the next
# parameter because it doesn't start with any whitespace.
# This is a continuation of documentation for the last
# parameter because it does start with whitespace.
args_sections[-1] += line
for section in args_sections:
match = ConventionChecker.GOOGLE_ARGS_REGEX.match(section)
if match:
yield from ConventionChecker._check_missing_args(
docstring_args, definition
def _check_missing_args(docstring_args, definition):
"""D417: Yield error for missing arguments in docstring.
Given a list of arguments found in the docstring and the
callable definition, it checks if all the arguments of the
callable are present in the docstring, else it yields a
D417 with a list of missing arguments.
if isinstance(definition, Function):
function_args = get_function_args(definition.source)
# If the method isn't static, then we skip the first
# positional argument as it is `cls` or `self`
if definition.kind == 'method' and not definition.is_static:
function_args = function_args[1:]
# Filtering out any arguments prefixed with `_` marking them
# as private.
function_args = [
for arg_name in function_args
if not is_def_arg_private(arg_name)
missing_args = set(function_args) - docstring_args
if missing_args:
yield violations.D417(
", ".join(sorted(missing_args)),
def _check_google_section(cls, docstring, definition, context):
"""D416: Google-style section name checks.
Check for valid section names. Checks that:
* The section does not contain any blank line between its name
and content (D412).
* The section is not empty (D414).
* The section name has colon as a suffix (D416).
Additionally, also yield all violations from `_check_common_section`
which are style-agnostic section checks.
capitalized_section = context.section_name.title()
yield from cls._check_common_section(
docstring, definition, context, cls.GOOGLE_SECTION_NAMES
suffix = context.line.strip().lstrip(context.section_name)
if suffix != ":":
yield violations.D416(
capitalized_section + ":", context.line.strip()
if capitalized_section in ("Args", "Arguments"):
yield from cls._check_args_section(docstring, definition, context)
def _get_section_contexts(lines, valid_section_names):
"""Generate `SectionContext` objects for valid sections.
Given a list of `valid_section_names`, generate an
`Iterable[SectionContext]` which provides:
* Section Name
* String value of the previous line
* The section line
* Following lines till the next section
* Line index of the beginning of the section in the docstring
* Boolean indicating whether the section is the last section.
for each valid section.
lower_section_names = [s.lower() for s in valid_section_names]
def _suspected_as_section(_line):
result = get_leading_words(_line.lower())
return result in lower_section_names
# Finding our suspects.
suspected_section_indices = [
i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if _suspected_as_section(line)
SectionContext = namedtuple(
# First - create a list of possible contexts. Note that the
# `following_lines` member is until the end of the docstring.
contexts = (
lines[i - 1],
lines[i + 1 :],
for i in suspected_section_indices
# Now that we have manageable objects - rule out false positives.
contexts = (
c for c in contexts if ConventionChecker._is_docstring_section(c)
# Now we shall trim the `following lines` field to only reach the
# next section name.
for a, b in pairwise(contexts, None):
end = -1 if b is None else b.original_index
yield SectionContext(
lines[a.original_index + 1 : end],
b is None,
def _check_numpy_sections(self, lines, definition, docstring):
"""NumPy-style docstring sections checks.
Check the general format of a sectioned docstring:
'''This is my one-liner.
Short Summary
This is my summary.
Section names appear in `NUMPY_SECTION_NAMES`.
Yields all violation from `_check_numpy_section` for each valid
Numpy-style section.
found_any_numpy_section = False
for ctx in self._get_section_contexts(lines, self.NUMPY_SECTION_NAMES):
found_any_numpy_section = True
yield from self._check_numpy_section(docstring, definition, ctx)
return found_any_numpy_section
def _check_google_sections(self, lines, definition, docstring):
"""Google-style docstring section checks.
Check the general format of a sectioned docstring:
'''This is my one-liner.
This is my summary.
Section names appear in `GOOGLE_SECTION_NAMES`.
Yields all violation from `_check_google_section` for each valid
Google-style section.
for ctx in self._get_section_contexts(
yield from self._check_google_section(docstring, definition, ctx)
def check_docstring_sections(self, definition, docstring):
"""Check for docstring sections."""
if not docstring:
lines = docstring.split("\n")
if len(lines) < 2:
found_numpy = yield from self._check_numpy_sections(
lines, definition, docstring
if not found_numpy:
yield from self._check_google_sections(
lines, definition, docstring
parse = Parser()
def check(
"""Generate docstring errors that exist in `filenames` iterable.
By default, the PEP-257 convention is checked. To specifically define the
set of error codes to check for, supply either `select` or `ignore` (but
not both). In either case, the parameter should be a collection of error
code strings, e.g., {'D100', 'D404'}.
When supplying `select`, only specified error codes will be reported.
When supplying `ignore`, all error codes which were not specified will be
Note that ignored error code refer to the entire set of possible
error codes, which is larger than just the PEP-257 convention. To your
convenience, you may use `pydocstyle.violations.conventions.pep257` as
a base set to add or remove errors from.
`ignore_inline_noqa` controls if `# noqa` comments are respected or not.
`ignore_self_only_init` controls if D107 is reported on __init__ only containing `self`.
>>> check([''])
<generator object check at 0x...>
>>> check([''], select=['D100'])
<generator object check at 0x...>
>>> check([''], ignore=conventions.pep257 - {'D100'})
<generator object check at 0x...>
if select is not None and ignore is not None:
raise IllegalConfiguration(
'Cannot pass both select and ignore. '
'They are mutually exclusive.'
elif select is not None:
checked_codes = select
elif ignore is not None:
checked_codes = list(
set(violations.ErrorRegistry.get_error_codes()) - set(ignore)
checked_codes = violations.conventions.pep257
for filename in filenames:'Checking file %s.', filename)
with as file:
source =
for error in ConventionChecker().check_source(
code = getattr(error, 'code', None)
if code in checked_codes:
yield error
except (OSError, AllError, ParseError) as error:
log.warning('Error in file %s: %s', filename, error)
yield error
except tk.TokenError:
yield SyntaxError('invalid syntax in file %s' % filename)
def is_ascii(string):
"""Return a boolean indicating if `string` only has ascii characters."""
return all(ord(char) < 128 for char in string)
def leading_space(string):
"""Return any leading space from `string`."""
return re(r'\s*').match(string).group()
def get_leading_words(line):
"""Return any leading set of words from `line`.
For example, if `line` is " Hello world!!!", returns "Hello world".
result = re(r"[\w ]+").match(line.strip())
if result is not None:
def is_def_arg_private(arg_name):
"""Return a boolean indicating if the argument name is private."""
return arg_name.startswith("_")
def get_function_args(function_source):
"""Return the function arguments given the source-code string."""
# We are stripping the whitespace from the left of the
# function source.
# This is so that if the docstring has incorrectly
# indented lines, which are at a lower indent than the
# function source, we still dedent the source correctly
# and the AST parser doesn't throw an error.
function_arg_node = ast.parse(function_source.lstrip()).body[0].args
except SyntaxError:
# If we still get a syntax error, we don't want the
# the checker to crash. Instead we just return a blank list.
return []
arg_nodes = function_arg_node.args
kwonly_arg_nodes = function_arg_node.kwonlyargs
return [arg_node.arg for arg_node in chain(arg_nodes, kwonly_arg_nodes)]