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e	d��ZdS)zSQL composition utility module
extensionsc�<�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d	S)
    Abstract base class for objects that can be used to compose an SQL string.

    `!Composable` objects can be passed directly to `~cursor.execute()`,
    `~cursor.executemany()`, `~cursor.copy_expert()` in place of the query

    `!Composable` objects can be joined using the ``+`` operator: the result
    will be a `Composed` instance containing the objects joined. The operator
    ``*`` is also supported with an integer argument: the result is a
    `!Composed` instance containing the left argument repeated as many times as
    c��||_dS�N��_wrapped)�self�wrappeds  �_/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/psycopg2/�__init__zComposable.__init__1s
�c�0�|jj�d|j�d�S)N�(�))�	__class__�__name__r	�r
s r�__repr__zComposable.__repr__4s ���.�)�>�>�D�M�>�>�>�>rc��t�)aj
        Return the string value of the object.

        :param context: the context to evaluate the string into.
        :type context: `connection` or `cursor`

        The method is automatically invoked by `~cursor.execute()`,
        `~cursor.executemany()`, `~cursor.copy_expert()` if a `!Composable` is
        passed instead of the query string.
�contexts  r�	as_stringzComposable.as_string7s
�others  r�__add__zComposable.__add__Ds`���e�X�&�&�	,��T�F�#�#�e�+�+��e�Z�(�(�	"��T�F�#�#�h��w�&7�&7�7�7�!�!rc�(�t|g|z��Sr)r)r
�ns  r�__mul__zComposable.__mul__Ls������
�#�#�#rc�^�t|��t|��uo|j|jkSr)�typer	rs  r�__eq__zComposable.__eq__Os'���D�z�z�T�%�[�[�(�L�T�]�e�n�-L�Lrc�.�|�|��Sr)r'rs  r�__ne__zComposable.__ne__Rs���;�;�u�%�%�%�%rN)r�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r
rrr!r$r'r)�rrrr#s��������� � � �?�?�?�"�"�"�"�"�"�$�$�$�M�M�M�&�&�&�&�&rrc�P��eZdZdZ�fd�Zed���Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
    A `Composable` object made of a sequence of `!Composable`.

    The object is usually created using `!Composable` operators and methods.
    However it is possible to create a `!Composed` directly specifying a
    sequence of `!Composable` as arguments.


        >>> comp = sql.Composed(
        ...     [sql.SQL("insert into "), sql.Identifier("table")])
        >>> print(comp.as_string(conn))
        insert into "table"

    `!Composed` objects are iterable (so they can be used in `SQL.join` for
    c����g}|D]?}t|t��std|�d����|�|���@t	���|��dS)Nz*Composed elements must be Composable, got z instead)rr�	TypeError�append�superr
�seqr�irs    �rr
zComposed.__init__hs�������	�	�A��a��,�,�
P��N��N�N�N�P�P�P��N�N�1�����
������!�!�!�!�!rc�*�t|j��S)z+The list of the content of the `!Composed`.)�listr	rs rr3zComposed.seqrs���D�M�"�"�"rc��g}|jD]*}|�|�|�����+d�|��S)N�)r	r1r�join)r
r�rvr4s    rrzComposed.as_stringwsI��
����	,�	,�A��I�I�a�k�k�'�*�*�+�+�+�+��w�w�r�{�{�rc�*�t|j��Sr)�iterr	rs r�__iter__zComposed.__iter__}s���D�M�"�"�"rc���t|t��rt|j|jz��St|t��rt|j|gz��StSr)rrr	rrrs  rr!zComposed.__add__�sZ���e�X�&�&�	<��D�M�E�N�:�;�;�;��e�Z�(�(�	"��D�M�U�G�3�4�4�4�!�!rc��t|t��rt|��}n$t|t��std���|�|��S)a|
        Return a new `!Composed` interposing the *joiner* with the `!Composed` items.

        The *joiner* must be a `SQL` or a string which will be interpreted as
        an `SQL`.


            >>> fields = sql.Identifier('foo') + sql.Identifier('bar')  # a Composed
            >>> print(fields.join(', ').as_string(conn))
            "foo", "bar"

        z3Composed.join() argument must be a string or an SQL)r�str�SQLr0r9)r
�joiners  rr9z
Composed.join�sc���f�c�"�"�	G���[�[�F�F��F�C�(�(�	G��E�G�G�
G��{�{�4� � � r)rr*r+r,r
__classcell__�rs@rrrVs����������""�"�"�"�"��#�#��X�#����#�#�#�"�"�"�!�!�!�!�!�!�!rrc�J��eZdZdZ�fd�Zed���Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	�xZ
    A `Composable` representing a snippet of SQL statement.

    `!SQL` exposes `join()` and `format()` methods useful to create a template
    where to merge variable parts of a query (for instance field or table

    The *string* doesn't undergo any form of escaping, so it is not suitable to
    represent variable identifiers or values: you should only use it to pass
    constant strings representing templates or snippets of SQL statements; use
    other objects such as `Identifier` or `Literal` to represent variable


        >>> query = sql.SQL("select {0} from {1}").format(
        ...    sql.SQL(', ').join([sql.Identifier('foo'), sql.Identifier('bar')]),
        ...    sql.Identifier('table'))
        >>> print(query.as_string(conn))
        select "foo", "bar" from "table"
    c���t|t��std���t���|��dS)NzSQL values must be strings)rr@r0r2r
�stringrs  �rr
zSQL.__init__�sB����&�#�&�&�	:��8�9�9�9�
������ � � � � rc��|jS)z(The string wrapped by the `!SQL` object.rrs rrHz
SQL.string�����}�rc��|jSrrrs  rrz
        Merge `Composable` objects into a template.

        :param `Composable` args: parameters to replace to numbered
            (``{0}``, ``{1}``) or auto-numbered (``{}``) placeholders
        :param `Composable` kwargs: parameters to replace to named (``{name}``)
        :return: the union of the `!SQL` string with placeholders replaced
        :rtype: `Composed`

        The method is similar to the Python `str.format()` method: the string
        template supports auto-numbered (``{}``), numbered (``{0}``,
        ``{1}``...), and named placeholders (``{name}``), with positional
        arguments replacing the numbered placeholders and keywords replacing
        the named ones. However placeholder modifiers (``{0!r}``, ``{0:<10}``)
        are not supported. Only `!Composable` objects can be passed to the


            >>> print(sql.SQL("select * from {} where {} = %s")
            ...     .format(sql.Identifier('people'), sql.Identifier('id'))
            ...     .as_string(conn))
            select * from "people" where "id" = %s

            >>> print(sql.SQL("select * from {tbl} where {pkey} = %s")
            ...     .format(tbl=sql.Identifier('people'), pkey=sql.Identifier('id'))
            ...     .as_string(conn))
            select * from "people" where "id" = %s

        rz(no format specification supported by SQLz%no format conversion supported by SQLNz6cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manualz6cannot switch from manual field numbering to automatic�)	�
_formatter�parser	�
ValueErrorr1rA�isdigit�intr)	r
�args�kwargsr:�autonum�pre�name�spec�convs	         r�formatz
SQL.format�sP��@����%/�%5�%5�d�m�%D�%D�	(�	(�!�C��t�T��
M� �!K�L�L�L��
J� �!H�I�I�I��
$��	�	�#�c�(�(�#�#�#��|���|�|�~�~�
(��R�$�P�R�R�R��	�	�$�s�4�y�y�/�*�*�*�����
(��?�$�P�R�R�R��	�	�$�w�-�(�(�(��1�����	�	�&��,�'�'�'�'���|�|�rc��g}t|��}	|�t|����|D],}|�|��|�|���-n#t$rYnwxYwt	|��S)a
        Join a sequence of `Composable`.

        :param seq: the elements to join.
        :type seq: iterable of `!Composable`

        Use the `!SQL` object's *string* to separate the elements in *seq*.
        Note that `Composed` objects are iterable too, so they can be used as
        argument for this method.


            >>> snip = sql.SQL(', ').join(
            ...     sql.Identifier(n) for n in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
            >>> print(snip.as_string(conn))
            "foo", "bar", "baz"
r3r:�itr4s     rr9zSQL.joins���$��
�#�Y�Y��	��I�I�d�2�h�h�����
���	�	�$�����	�	�!�����
���	�	�	��D�	������|�|�s�"A%�%
rCrHrrZr9rDrEs@rrArA�s����������*!�!�!�!�!�
����X�����>�>�>�@������rrAc�Z��eZdZdZ�fd�Zed���Zed���Zd�Zd�Z	�xZ
    A `Composable` representing an SQL identifier or a dot-separated sequence.

    Identifiers usually represent names of database objects, such as tables or
    fields. PostgreSQL identifiers follow `different rules`__ than SQL string
    literals for escaping (e.g. they use double quotes instead of single).

    .. __:         SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS


        >>> t1 = sql.Identifier("foo")
        >>> t2 = sql.Identifier("ba'r")
        >>> t3 = sql.Identifier('ba"z')
        >>> print(sql.SQL(', ').join([t1, t2, t3]).as_string(conn))
        "foo", "ba'r", "ba""z"

    Multiple strings can be passed to the object to represent a qualified name,
    i.e. a dot-separated sequence of identifiers.


        >>> query = sql.SQL("select {} from {}").format(
        ...     sql.Identifier("table", "field"),
        ...     sql.Identifier("schema", "table"))
        >>> print(query.as_string(conn))
        select "table"."field" from "schema"."table"

    c���|std���|D]&}t|t��std����'t���|��dS)NzIdentifier cannot be emptyz$SQL identifier parts must be strings)r0rr@r2r
�strings�srs   �rr
zIdentifier.__init__Ass����	:��8�9�9�9��	H�	H�A��a��%�%�
H�� F�G�G�G�
H�	������!�!�!�!�!rc��|jS)z5A tuple with the strings wrapped by the `Identifier`.rrs rrbzIdentifier.stringsKrJrc�j�t|j��dkr
|jdStd���)z0The string wrapped by the `Identifier`.
        rMrz2the Identifier wraps more than one than one string)�lenr	�AttributeErrorrs rrHzIdentifier.stringPs>���t�}����"�"��=��#�#� �D�F�F�
Frc�|�|jj�dd�tt|j�����d�S)Nrz, r)rrr9�map�reprr	rs rrzIdentifier.__repr__Zs6���.�)�R�R�D�I�I�c�$��
�6N�6N�,O�,O�R�R�R�Rrc�P��d��fd�|jD����S)N�.c3�B�K�|]}tj|���V��dSr)�ext�quote_ident)�.0rcrs  �r�	<genexpr>z'Identifier.as_string.<locals>.<genexpr>^s/�����K�K�����7�3�3�K�K�K�K�K�Kr)r9r	rs `rrzIdentifier.as_string]s,����x�x�K�K�K�K�T�]�K�K�K�K�K�Kr)rr*r+r,r
rCrbrHrrrDrEs@rr`r`"s����������<"�"�"�"�"�����X���F�F��X�F�S�S�S�L�L�L�L�L�L�Lrr`c�.�eZdZdZed���Zd�ZdS)�Literala�
    A `Composable` representing an SQL value to include in a query.

    Usually you will want to include placeholders in the query and pass values
    as `~cursor.execute()` arguments. If however you really really need to
    include a literal value in the query you can use this object.

    The string returned by `!as_string()` follows the normal :ref:`adaptation
    rules <python-types-adaptation>` for Python objects.


        >>> s1 = sql.Literal("foo")
        >>> s2 = sql.Literal("ba'r")
        >>> s3 = sql.Literal(42)
        >>> print(sql.SQL(', ').join([s1, s2, s3]).as_string(conn))
        'foo', 'ba''r', 42

    c��|jS)z%The object wrapped by the `!Literal`.rrs rrzLiteral.wrappedurJrc���t|tj��r|}n1t|tj��r|j}nt	d���tj|j��}t|d��r|�|��|�	��}t|t��r*|�tj|j
��}|S)Nz(context must be a connection or a cursor�prepare)rrn�
connection�cursorr0�adaptr	�hasattrrv�	getquoted�bytes�decode�	encodings�encoding)r
r�conn�ar:s     rrzLiteral.as_stringzs����g�s�~�.�.�	H��D�D�
,�	H��%�D�D��F�G�G�G��I�d�m�$�$���1�i� � �	�
�[�[�]�]���b�%� � �	9����3�=���7�8�8�B��	rN)rr*r+r,rCrrr-rrrsrsasH��������&����X������rrsc�F��eZdZdZd�fd�	Zed���Zd�Zd�Z�xZ	S)�Placeholdera�A `Composable` representing a placeholder for query parameters.

    If the name is specified, generate a named placeholder (e.g. ``%(name)s``),
    otherwise generate a positional placeholder (e.g. ``%s``).

    The object is useful to generate SQL queries with a variable number of


        >>> names = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

        >>> q1 = sql.SQL("insert into table ({}) values ({})").format(
        ...     sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, names)),
        ...     sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Placeholder() * len(names)))
        >>> print(q1.as_string(conn))
        insert into table ("foo", "bar", "baz") values (%s, %s, %s)

        >>> q2 = sql.SQL("insert into table ({}) values ({})").format(
        ...     sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, names)),
        ...     sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Placeholder, names)))
        >>> print(q2.as_string(conn))
        insert into table ("foo", "bar", "baz") values (%(foo)s, %(bar)s, %(baz)s)

    Nc����t|t��rd|vrtd|�����n|�td|�����t	���|��dS)Nrzinvalid name: z%expected string or None as name, got )rr@rPr0r2r
rWrs  �rr
zPlaceholder.__init__�sx����d�C� � �	N��d�{�{� �!:�$�!:�!:�;�;�;���
��L�D�L�L�M�M�M�
����������rc��|jS)zThe name of the `!Placeholder`.rrs r�rJrc�\�|j�|jj�d�S|jj�d|j�d�S)Nz()rr)r	rrrs rrzPlaceholder.__repr__�s<���=� ��n�-�1�1�1�1��n�-�B�B��
�B�B�B�Brc�*�|j�d|j�d�SdS)Nz%(z)sz%srrs  rrzPlaceholder.as_string�s"���=�$�)��
�)�)�)�)��4rr)
rCrWrrrDrEs@rr�r��s����������4����������X��C�C�C�������rr��NULL�DEFAULT)r,rH�psycopg2rrn�	FormatterrNrrrAr`rsr�r�r�r-rr�<module>r�sv����4�

