Your IP :
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import TypeVar, Any, overload, SupportsIndex, Protocol
from numpy import (
from numpy._typing import (
from numpy.core.shape_base import vstack
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=generic)
# The signatures of `__array_wrap__` and `__array_prepare__` are the same;
# give them unique names for the sake of clarity
class _ArrayWrap(Protocol):
def __call__(
array: NDArray[Any],
context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
class _ArrayPrepare(Protocol):
def __call__(
array: NDArray[Any],
context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
class _SupportsArrayWrap(Protocol):
def __array_wrap__(self) -> _ArrayWrap: ...
class _SupportsArrayPrepare(Protocol):
def __array_prepare__(self) -> _ArrayPrepare: ...
__all__: list[str]
row_stack = vstack
def take_along_axis(
arr: _SCT | NDArray[_SCT],
indices: NDArray[integer[Any]],
axis: None | int,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def put_along_axis(
arr: NDArray[_SCT],
indices: NDArray[integer[Any]],
values: ArrayLike,
axis: None | int,
) -> None: ...
# TODO: Use PEP 612 `ParamSpec` once mypy supports `Concatenate`
# xref python/mypy#8645
def apply_along_axis(
func1d: Callable[..., _ArrayLike[_SCT]],
axis: SupportsIndex,
arr: ArrayLike,
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def apply_along_axis(
func1d: Callable[..., ArrayLike],
axis: SupportsIndex,
arr: ArrayLike,
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def apply_over_axes(
func: Callable[[NDArray[Any], int], NDArray[_SCT]],
a: ArrayLike,
axes: int | Sequence[int],
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def expand_dims(
a: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
axis: _ShapeLike,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def expand_dims(
a: ArrayLike,
axis: _ShapeLike,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def column_stack(tup: Sequence[_ArrayLike[_SCT]]) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def column_stack(tup: Sequence[ArrayLike]) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def dstack(tup: Sequence[_ArrayLike[_SCT]]) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def dstack(tup: Sequence[ArrayLike]) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def array_split(
ary: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> list[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
def array_split(
ary: ArrayLike,
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...
def split(
ary: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> list[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
def split(
ary: ArrayLike,
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...
def hsplit(
ary: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
def hsplit(
ary: ArrayLike,
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...
def vsplit(
ary: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
def vsplit(
ary: ArrayLike,
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...
def dsplit(
ary: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
def dsplit(
ary: ArrayLike,
indices_or_sections: _ShapeLike,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...
def get_array_prepare(*args: _SupportsArrayPrepare) -> _ArrayPrepare: ...
def get_array_prepare(*args: object) -> None | _ArrayPrepare: ...
def get_array_wrap(*args: _SupportsArrayWrap) -> _ArrayWrap: ...
def get_array_wrap(*args: object) -> None | _ArrayWrap: ...
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeBool_co, b: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]: ... # type: ignore[misc]
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, b: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ... # type: ignore[misc]
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeInt_co, b: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ... # type: ignore[misc]
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, b: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ... # type: ignore[misc]
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, b: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def kron(a: _ArrayLikeObject_co, b: Any) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
def kron(a: Any, b: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
def tile(
A: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
reps: int | Sequence[int],
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def tile(
A: ArrayLike,
reps: int | Sequence[int],
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...