Your IP :
Test the scalar constructors, which also do type-coercion
import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (
assert_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_warns,
class TestFromString:
def test_floating(self):
# Ticket #640, floats from string
fsingle = np.single('1.234')
fdouble = np.double('1.234')
flongdouble = np.longdouble('1.234')
assert_almost_equal(fsingle, 1.234)
assert_almost_equal(fdouble, 1.234)
assert_almost_equal(flongdouble, 1.234)
def test_floating_overflow(self):
""" Strings containing an unrepresentable float overflow """
fhalf = np.half('1e10000')
assert_equal(fhalf, np.inf)
fsingle = np.single('1e10000')
assert_equal(fsingle, np.inf)
fdouble = np.double('1e10000')
assert_equal(fdouble, np.inf)
flongdouble = assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, np.longdouble, '1e10000')
assert_equal(flongdouble, np.inf)
fhalf = np.half('-1e10000')
assert_equal(fhalf, -np.inf)
fsingle = np.single('-1e10000')
assert_equal(fsingle, -np.inf)
fdouble = np.double('-1e10000')
assert_equal(fdouble, -np.inf)
flongdouble = assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, np.longdouble, '-1e10000')
assert_equal(flongdouble, -np.inf)
class TestExtraArgs:
def test_superclass(self):
# try both positional and keyword arguments
s = np.str_(b'\\x61', encoding='unicode-escape')
assert s == 'a'
s = np.str_(b'\\x61', 'unicode-escape')
assert s == 'a'
# previously this would return '\\xx'
with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
np.str_(b'\\xx', encoding='unicode-escape')
with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
np.str_(b'\\xx', 'unicode-escape')
# superclass fails, but numpy succeeds
assert np.bytes_(-2) == b'-2'
def test_datetime(self):
dt = np.datetime64('2000-01', ('M', 2))
assert np.datetime_data(dt) == ('M', 2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
np.datetime64('2000', garbage=True)
def test_bool(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
np.bool_(False, garbage=True)
def test_void(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
np.void(b'test', garbage=True)
class TestFromInt:
def test_intp(self):
# Ticket #99
assert_equal(1024, np.intp(1024))
def test_uint64_from_negative(self):
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert_equal(np.uint64(-2), np.uint64(18446744073709551614))
int_types = [np.byte, np.short, np.intc, np.int_, np.longlong]
uint_types = [np.ubyte, np.ushort, np.uintc, np.uint, np.ulonglong]
float_types = [np.half, np.single, np.double, np.longdouble]
cfloat_types = [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]
class TestArrayFromScalar:
""" gh-15467 """
def _do_test(self, t1, t2):
x = t1(2)
arr = np.array(x, dtype=t2)
# type should be preserved exactly
if t2 is None:
assert arr.dtype.type is t1
assert arr.dtype.type is t2
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t1', int_types + uint_types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t2', int_types + uint_types + [None])
def test_integers(self, t1, t2):
return self._do_test(t1, t2)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t1', float_types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t2', float_types + [None])
def test_reals(self, t1, t2):
return self._do_test(t1, t2)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t1', cfloat_types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t2', cfloat_types + [None])
def test_complex(self, t1, t2):
return self._do_test(t1, t2)
[5, np.int8(5), np.array(5, dtype=np.uint16)])
def test_void_via_length(length):
res = np.void(length)
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.item() == b"\0" * 5
assert res.dtype == "V5"
[b"spam", np.array(567.)])
def test_void_from_byteslike(bytes_):
res = np.void(bytes_)
expected = bytes(bytes_)
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.item() == expected
# Passing dtype can extend it (this is how filling works)
res = np.void(bytes_, dtype="V100")
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.item()[:len(expected)] == expected
assert res.item()[len(expected):] == b"\0" * (res.nbytes - len(expected))
# As well as shorten:
res = np.void(bytes_, dtype="V4")
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.item() == expected[:4]
def test_void_arraylike_trumps_byteslike():
# The memoryview is converted as an array-like of shape (18,)
# rather than a single bytes-like of that length.
m = memoryview(b"just one mintleaf?")
res = np.void(m)
assert type(res) is np.ndarray
assert res.dtype == "V1"
assert res.shape == (18,)
def test_void_dtype_arg():
# Basic test for the dtype argument (positional and keyword)
res = np.void((1, 2), dtype="i,i")
assert res.item() == (1, 2)
res = np.void((2, 3), "i,i")
assert res.item() == (2, 3)
[5, np.int8(5), np.array(5, dtype=np.uint16)])
def test_void_from_integer_with_dtype(data):
# The "length" meaning is ignored, rather data is used:
res = np.void(data, dtype="i,i")
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.dtype == "i,i"
assert res["f0"] == 5 and res["f1"] == 5
def test_void_from_structure():
dtype = np.dtype([('s', [('f', 'f8'), ('u', 'U1')]), ('i', 'i2')])
data = np.array(((1., 'a'), 2), dtype=dtype)
res = np.void(data[()], dtype=dtype)
assert type(res) is np.void
assert res.dtype == dtype
assert res == data[()]
def test_void_bad_dtype():
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match="void: descr must be a `void.*int64"):
np.void(4, dtype="i8")
# Subarray dtype (with shape `(4,)` is rejected):
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match=r"void: descr must be a `void.*\(4,\)"):
np.void(4, dtype="4i")