Your IP :
import pytest
import sysconfig
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_raises, IS_WASM
# The floating point emulation on ARM EABI systems lacking a hardware FPU is
# known to be buggy. This is an attempt to identify these hosts. It may not
# catch all possible cases, but it catches the known cases of gh-413 and
# gh-15562.
hosttype = sysconfig.get_config_var('HOST_GNU_TYPE')
arm_softfloat = False if hosttype is None else hosttype.endswith('gnueabi')
class TestErrstate:
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="fp errors don't work in wasm")
reason='platform/cpu issue with FPU (gh-413,-15562)')
def test_invalid(self):
with np.errstate(all='raise', under='ignore'):
a = -np.arange(3)
# This should work
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
# While this should fail!
with assert_raises(FloatingPointError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="fp errors don't work in wasm")
reason='platform/cpu issue with FPU (gh-15562)')
def test_divide(self):
with np.errstate(all='raise', under='ignore'):
a = -np.arange(3)
# This should work
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
a // 0
# While this should fail!
with assert_raises(FloatingPointError):
a // 0
# As should this, see gh-15562
with assert_raises(FloatingPointError):
a // a
def test_errcall(self):
def foo(*args):
olderrcall = np.geterrcall()
with np.errstate(call=foo):
assert_(np.geterrcall() is foo, 'call is not foo')
with np.errstate(call=None):
assert_(np.geterrcall() is None, 'call is not None')
assert_(np.geterrcall() is olderrcall, 'call is not olderrcall')
def test_errstate_decorator(self):
def foo():
a = -np.arange(3)
a // 0