Your IP :
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import IS_WASM
# This import is copied from random.tests.test_extending
import cython
from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as cython_version
except ImportError:
cython = None
from numpy._utils import _pep440
# Cython 0.29.30 is required for Python 3.11 and there are
# other fixes in the 0.29 series that are needed even for earlier
# Python versions.
# Note: keep in sync with the one in pyproject.toml
required_version = "0.29.30"
if _pep440.parse(cython_version) < _pep440.Version(required_version):
# too old or wrong cython, skip the test
cython = None
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(cython is None, reason="requires cython")
def install_temp(request, tmp_path):
# Based in part on test_cython from random.tests.test_extending
pytest.skip("No subprocess")
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
ext_dir = os.path.join(here, "examples", "cython")
cytest = str(tmp_path / "cytest")
shutil.copytree(ext_dir, cytest)
# build the examples and "install" them into a temporary directory
install_log = str(tmp_path / "tmp_install_log.txt")
"--prefix", str(tmp_path / "installdir"),
# In order to import the built module, we need its path to sys.path
# so parse that out of the record
with open(install_log) as fid:
for line in fid:
if "checks" in line:
raise RuntimeError(f'could not parse "{install_log}"')
def test_is_timedelta64_object(install_temp):
import checks
assert checks.is_td64(np.timedelta64(1234))
assert checks.is_td64(np.timedelta64(1234, "ns"))
assert checks.is_td64(np.timedelta64("NaT", "ns"))
assert not checks.is_td64(1)
assert not checks.is_td64(None)
assert not checks.is_td64("foo")
assert not checks.is_td64(np.datetime64("now", "s"))
def test_is_datetime64_object(install_temp):
import checks
assert checks.is_dt64(np.datetime64(1234, "ns"))
assert checks.is_dt64(np.datetime64("NaT", "ns"))
assert not checks.is_dt64(1)
assert not checks.is_dt64(None)
assert not checks.is_dt64("foo")
assert not checks.is_dt64(np.timedelta64(1234))
def test_get_datetime64_value(install_temp):
import checks
dt64 = np.datetime64("2016-01-01", "ns")
result = checks.get_dt64_value(dt64)
expected = dt64.view("i8")
assert result == expected
def test_get_timedelta64_value(install_temp):
import checks
td64 = np.timedelta64(12345, "h")
result = checks.get_td64_value(td64)
expected = td64.view("i8")
assert result == expected
def test_get_datetime64_unit(install_temp):
import checks
dt64 = np.datetime64("2016-01-01", "ns")
result = checks.get_dt64_unit(dt64)
expected = 10
assert result == expected
td64 = np.timedelta64(12345, "h")
result = checks.get_dt64_unit(td64)
expected = 5
assert result == expected
def test_abstract_scalars(install_temp):
import checks
assert checks.is_integer(1)
assert checks.is_integer(np.int8(1))
assert checks.is_integer(np.uint64(1))