Your IP :
This file tests the generic aspects of ArrayMethod. At the time of writing
this is private API, but when added, public API may be added here.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import types
from typing import Any
import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import _get_castingimpl as get_castingimpl
class TestResolveDescriptors:
# Test mainly error paths of the resolve_descriptors function,
# note that the `casting_unittests` tests exercise this non-error paths.
# Casting implementations are the main/only current user:
method = get_castingimpl(type(np.dtype("d")), type(np.dtype("f")))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [
(True,), # Not a tuple.
((None,)), # Too few elements
((None, None, None),), # Too many
((None, None),), # Input dtype is None, which is invalid.
((np.dtype("d"), True),), # Output dtype is not a dtype
((np.dtype("f"), None),), # Input dtype does not match method
def test_invalid_arguments(self, args):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
class TestSimpleStridedCall:
# Test mainly error paths of the resolve_descriptors function,
# note that the `casting_unittests` tests exercise this non-error paths.
# Casting implementations are the main/only current user:
method = get_castingimpl(type(np.dtype("d")), type(np.dtype("f")))
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["args", "error"], [
((True,), TypeError), # Not a tuple
(((None,),), TypeError), # Too few elements
((None, None), TypeError), # Inputs are not arrays.
(((None, None, None),), TypeError), # Too many
(((np.arange(3), np.arange(3)),), TypeError), # Incorrect dtypes
(((np.ones(3, dtype=">d"), np.ones(3, dtype="<f")),),
TypeError), # Does not support byte-swapping
(((np.ones((2, 2), dtype="d"), np.ones((2, 2), dtype="f")),),
ValueError), # not 1-D
(((np.ones(3, dtype="d"), np.ones(4, dtype="f")),),
ValueError), # different length
(((np.frombuffer(b"\0x00"*3*2, dtype="d"),
np.frombuffer(b"\0x00"*3, dtype="f")),),
ValueError), # output not writeable
def test_invalid_arguments(self, args, error):
# This is private API, which may be modified freely
with pytest.raises(error):
"cls", [np.ndarray, np.recarray, np.chararray, np.matrix, np.memmap]
class TestClassGetItem:
def test_class_getitem(self, cls: type[np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Test `ndarray.__class_getitem__`."""
alias = cls[Any, Any]
assert isinstance(alias, types.GenericAlias)
assert alias.__origin__ is cls
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_len", range(4))
def test_subscript_tup(self, cls: type[np.ndarray], arg_len: int) -> None:
arg_tup = (Any,) * arg_len
if arg_len in (1, 2):
assert cls[arg_tup]
match = f"Too {'few' if arg_len == 0 else 'many'} arguments"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match):